Over time, the brightness of the gods in the space telescope has gradually increased, and all national observers are already affirmed, this asteroids have real existence!

Not only that, according to the observation data released by Du Xingyu, its diameter, track, flying speed is all incorrect, this moment, no one will question Du Xingyu.

But then, they feel endless panic and desperate!

Some people may think that if the world is about to die, what should I do ... but when this day is really coming, everyone does not know what it is!

Thoroughly liberate yourself? I haven't come to that day, there is still two decades! Now go out to release the nature, and the ten eight nine will be closed.

"Human, still hope?" Island National Observatory, seventy-year-old Taiwanese head fell to the ground, looking up at the starry sky, the star river, as if the emerald devil is mad.

South Korea Institute of Astronomy, a group of researchers were in place.

"We don't have any ways to face such disasters. Can only request international assistance!" They know clearly, there is no way to respond to space disasters, it is not to do it!

Indian Observatory, astronomers report on the news: "The gods really exist, and the wet women want to destroy the people!"


The high levels of countries are studying this and a smart group, and an emergency team is established.

But whether it is a smart person, how strong the team is, how strong the country is, and I feel a feeling of powerful frustration.

In the emergency office of the rice country, the think tank is in the suggestion, a group said: "We can make tens of thousands of super hydrogen bombs, blowing the asteroid directly!"

Another opposition: "We don't satisfy such powerful super hydrogen bombs, in addition, so many super hydrogen bombs are sent to the earth space detonated, which also exceeds our ability. Such a large asteroid, even if you blow it off It will also become a giant meteorite rain on the earth. "

"Even 10 tons of meteorite in mass, the energy that hits the Earth's outbreak will be equivalent to the equivalent of 10,000 tons of TNT bomb explosions. Believe me, you will not want to see the meteorite rain under the earth."

Another group suggests: "We can make a large spacecraft, to find asteroids in advance, bombing it, change its track, cutting its volume!"

"We didn't support spacecraft of space, and did not continue to launch space bombing equipment and energy equipment! This program is temporarily stored, and it can be discussed further."

"We can make a solar laser array that gasifies all the ice on the asteroid, reduces its volume!" Said a group.

"This has a certain possibility, but according to our observation, the gods should be a rock asteroid, only a small amount of ice, this program is too weak!" A astronomer opposed, "and we are at least The laser array of tens of kilometers long is built in space, and it can do it in a few years! "

How can one program be vetoed, how can I stop the stars? No one knows the answer!

"Ask Huaxia! Looking for Du Xingyu!" Many people think of Du Xingyu, all countries sent people to call Huaxia Academy, Space Administration, and inquiry.

At the same time, there is already an astronomer in Europe, Russia and Miki standing out, and they announced the world: "Du Xingyu's forecast is correct, we have observed the class of gods. This diameter is about 30 kilometers. The asteroid flew in the inside of the sun at 205,000 kilometers per hour, and it will intersect the earth orbit after twenty years, and 90% may hit the earth! "

These words make the world boil again. As long as it is a civilized country, it is ignited by this message.

"The language of Huaxia Scientists is confirmed!"

"Asteroid will hit the earth after twenty years!"

"The end of the human beings, twenty years!"

Whether it is day or night, every country is conveying such a message and has some uneasy factors.

It has been prepared in various countries and try to control.

The foreign situation is more complicated, there is a mission, promoting the gods of the gods, eternal life; there is a parade in the street, I don't know if God is still resisting the asteroid.

The stock markets of all countries plummeted, people rushed into the supermarket to snap up the water, food and food, and there were some security incidents, but they quickly calved.

There are also a large number of people in Europe and the United States directly claim that this is a fake news, they refuse to believe. They still have people to hold the "end of the world" theme pair, enjoy the carnival!

And in China, everyone wants to be calm.

At this time, the Huaxia Academy held a press conference to announce this in the world, as well as their solution.

Du Xingyu is one of the first spokesperson. Before he, the National Academy of Sciences has just announced the news of observing the stars.

"Can we respond to the disaster of the asteroid hit the earth?" Reporter asked.

"Objectively, single with our power, it is impossible to respond, but we will be in close together." The old academician of the Academy said.

"Does the small planet destroy the earth?" The reporter issued again.

It is already 12 o'clock in the evening, but the audience who is concerned about this news is more than 100 million!

"Accurate description, the asteroid can't destroy the earth, it can only break the surface of the earth, which is the environment where human civilization is located." The old academician said, "But don't worry too much, we have set up an emergency team, Traveling all power to deal with this matter, we still have 20 years to prepare! "

"Next, please tell us about our plan to everyone."

The turn to Du Xingyu speared the statement, hundreds of shots were aligned with him, and Du Xingyu appeared again in front of the audience.

"Finally, I saw Duo!" On the Internet, the audience saw that Du Xingyu was stable.

"Be sure to have a way! I only fifteen years old, I don't want to hang it in the age of 30!"

"Drinking a few days!"

"I beg!"

"Du Academician, the hope of all mankind!"

"I didn't think about it in the past few days. I want to know if we still have to save? If I am not saved, I tm directly resigner, go out wandering!"

Before the lens, Du Xingyu began to speak, he slowly said: "In the face of the disaster of the gods, we have developed a program that resist disasters. Now to the people of the whole country, all over the world, all mankind!"

"This program will be divided into five parts."

"The first part, building a number of highly 36,000 kilometers of space elevators on the equator of the earth, to achieve the material and the transportation of the earth and outer space."

"What? 36,000 kilometers long elevator, send people and materials to space?" I heard the first part of Du Xingyu said that the whole network was shocked!

"This is too mad?"

"Is this long elevator, can you really run?"

"I don't know why, I am very terrible, I actually feel a little excited?"

"too crazy!"

"Is this going to escape to outer space?"

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