The Statsguy's Mag

2 A Billion Stars Can'st Amount to You

Website: qidian china

Views: 11.45million

Rating: 8.8(83)

Chapters: 1077

Status: completed

Word count: 1.12million

Author: Ye Fei Ye

author level: platinum

No of works: 9

Disscussion: 3785

Year started: 2017

Translated works : Bringing Nation's Husband Home, Living with a Tempermental Adonis, The Adonis Next Door.

Genres: Drama, Romance

Tags: Beautiful Female Lead, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Misunderstandings,Modern Day

Popularity.:Fairly popular in china but author is very popular there.

Last edited: 22/Nov/2018


Website: Qidian international

Views: 14million

Rating: 4.3(574)

Chapters: 1060

Rank: 47

Status: ongoing

Schedule: 21ch/week but it's translating at 30ch/week

Translator : Paper plane

Popularity : Well popular here in this site. As it is coming to an end I'm expecting it's rank to go up.


Synopsis :Time stopped at eighteen for Ji Yi, and now all she wants to do is pick up from where she left off. Her career depends on it, and on top of that, she has to survive a fake marriage turned real! Some missed opportunities are irreplaceable, and some misunderstandings between them have proven near-fatal, but for He Jichen, he isn't just a pretty face—he's an opportunist. They may have lost their prime years together, but He Jichen is more than willing to spend his remaining years with her. If only she would just trust him… Will Ji Yi be able to find true love in this life? Can she outmaneuver all the snakes plotting her downfall? Only time will tell...



IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE PATIENCE FOR THIS NOVEL AND RATE THIS LOW IMMEDIATELY, THEN YOUR STUPID. I've always hated Ye Fei Ye's novels BUT I REALLY HAVE TO DEFEND THIS ONE. If you're an impatient person then don't bother, you'll never like it. But if you wait till you see both sides, then you'll have to shut your damned mouth because the ML is pitiful AF.

Spoiler :

The Male lead loves the female lead and has always treated her well.

Our female lead, fell for our ML's brother because she thought it was the brother who was helping her not the ML.

A big ass misunderstanding. The ending is sad but I love it. I love them both and the male lead, I love him more. Don't go around cursing him when you know nothing!

TRUST ME, with a little bit of patience, you'll be able to understand that the problem here is not as cancerous as Adonis Next Door where you'll be puking blood from anger or in Bringing The Nation's Husband Home where the character are STUPID and you'll find yourself almost brain dead in minutes. No, this is a LOVE STORY about two innocent people and a series of misunderstandings.

I also love that here we're really other second female bitch or something like that. The Male lead is innocently loyal almost martyr like.

Give this a chance, You'll love it!

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