At Shengkun Hotel in Yangcheng, dozens of classmates from a junior year of Shuangya University are gathering in a private room of the hotel.

In the crowd, there is only one handsome young man, with a face value of at least eight points and a height of more than 1.87 meters. He has a standard class flower face value and figure.

The young man is called Ye Yi, and he is chatting with his good friend Liu Gui at the moment.

Yangcheng is the capital city of Tianhai Province.

Ye Yi is a native of Yangcheng. He has been a good student since he was a child, so he was admitted to Shuangya University with excellent grades.

Shuangya University is one of the top ten well-known universities in China and the number one university in Tianhai Province.

Liu Gui is not only Ye Yi's good buddy, but also his roommate.

Among the four roommates, Liu Gui is also the rich second generation with the best family conditions.

As a person from the provincial capital, Ye Yi's family also has a little money, but compared with Liu Gui's family, it is nothing.

Liu Gui's family assets are billions, and his father is the chairman of a large group.

Liu Gui is not only the richest among his roommates, but also a rich boy who is counted in the whole school.

However, although Liu Gui is rich.

But as a good friend, he never looked down on Ye Yi and the others. Instead, he took good care of his roommates.

So Ye Yi and Liu Gui have a very good relationship.

Although Ye Yi was chatting with Liu Gui at this time, he was thinking about Mina in his heart.

Mina is Ye Yi's girlfriend.

Mina is not from Yangcheng, and her family conditions are not good, but Ye Yi did not dislike her.

They have been together since the first year of high school, and Ye Yi treats Mina very well.

Later, the two of them were admitted to Shuangya University together and were in the same class. They were also well-known as a fairy couple in the class and have been together for six years.

The whole class is envious.

What's more enviable is that Mina looks pretty good. With an eight-point appearance, she is also one of the class beauties.

Liu Gui was chatting with Ye Yi and found that his good buddy seemed to be thinking about his girlfriend?

So he immediately asked

"Your girlfriend hasn't come yet?"

Hearing Liu Gui's words, Ye Yi forced a smile.

"There might be a traffic jam."

Although he said so, Ye Yi always felt that something was wrong.

At this time, Mina finally came late.

But she came in holding a man's hand.

Ye Yi also knew this man named Zhang Kun, a senior at Shuangya University, one year older than them.

The reason why he knew him was that Zhang Kun was notorious.

Zhang Kun was also a well-known rich second generation in the whole school. His family assets were comparable to Liu Gui, and he was also one of the famous noblemen of Shuangya University.

But although he was rich, Zhang Kun was a famous playboy.

He played with countless girls and had a bad reputation in school. He even made several girls fall.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yi was struck by lightning.

How could he not understand that he was cheated?

Pain instantly filled Ye Yi's heart.

After six years of dating, Ye Yi asked himself if he was right. Mina is good.

Ye Yi never despised Mina even though her conditions were relatively poor, and he often gave her money and various items. As long as Mina wanted something, Ye Yi would buy it for her even at three in the morning. Ye

Yi was so good to Mina, but who would have thought that their six-year relationship would be betrayed.

And he found the richest boy with the worst reputation in the school.

Just because Zhang Kun is rich?

Ye Yi's face turned pale.

The classmates in the class also noticed it, and most of the boys looked at Ye Yi with ridicule.

In the past, Ye Yi and Mina were a perfect couple, and they were jealous a lot. After all, Mina was one of the beauties in the class and was picked by Ye Yi.

Seeing this scene, of course they all looked at Ye Yi with ridicule.

The female classmates in the class looked at Ye Yi with pity. They didn't expect that he would be cuckolded by Zhang Kun, who was famous in the school.

Ye Yi couldn't control himself anymore, and looked at Mina and asked

"Why did you betray me? Just because Zhang Kun is rich?"

When Mina heard Ye Yi's words, she was not ashamed, but looked at Ye Yi with pride and contempt.

"Hehe, Ye Yi, you are not worthy of me"

"Do you know how many brand-name bags Zhang Kun gave me in just three days of being with me? They are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and you can't afford them at all."

"He also took me to various celebrity places and luxury hotels. Can you give it to me?"

Mina completely ignored Ye Yi's previous kindness to her.

It seemed that cheating was natural and she could only blame Ye Yi for not being good enough.

"Ye Yi, you are not worthy of Mina at all and cannot give her a happy life."

"So this young master snatched Mina away."

Zhang Kun also spoke at this time, full of disdain.

As a well-known playboy in the whole school, Zhang Kun certainly doesn't like Mina, he just plays with her. He will kick her out when he gets tired of her.

But in this case, of course he has to step on Ye Yi to feel relieved.

Otherwise, how can he highlight his awesomeness as a young master?

Ye Yi was extremely sad when he heard these words. He didn't expect that six years of love could not compete with hundreds of thousands of branded bags.

Mina betrayed him for such a small thing. She also stabbed him in front of the whole class.

When he was with Mina before, his family background was much better than Mina's, but he never complained, and instead helped Mina a lot.

When Ye Yi was extremely sad, he didn't expect that a voice suddenly sounded in his mind!

"Ding Dong, it is detected that the host needs this system"

"The invincible system in the universe can defeat all the rubbish and fake male god systems. The system king saint system is loading and loading is complete!"

"Congratulations to the host for receiving the Poison Supercar worth 80 million yuan from the system. All procedures have been transferred to the host's name. The Poison is parked at the entrance of the hotel."

"System prompt: All assets and cash sources provided by this system are absolutely legal and can withstand legal verification. Please feel free to use them."

Ye Yi was shocked, and his grief disappeared, replaced by surprise!

As a person who often reads YY novels, Ye Yi knows what a system is, and where all the awesome things come from.

Ye Yi is sure that he has become a lucky man!

He touched his pocket and found a luxury car key. Ye Yi was even more sure that all this was true!

After confirming it, how could Ye Yi still feel sad?

He already has the most awesome saint system. How many women like Mina does he want?

Why does he need Mina when he already has a system?

Wouldn't it be better to just go with the internet celebrity actress?

Ye Yi instantly let go of Mina, whom he had been missing for six years, and didn't care at all!

In addition, even if Ye Yi had been betrayed by Mina without the system, he would only feel disgusted. With the system, he would naturally look down on Mina even more.

"Ding Dong, the task is released, slap Zhang Kun in the face. Completing the task will provide rewards based on the degree of completion."

"Once any mission fails, the host will lose the system, because the system does not accept trash, and the Saint System can only be owned by the strong!"

When Ye Yi was thinking, the system voice suddenly sounded.

The latest mission was released, allowing Ye Yi to slap Zhang Kun in the face.

Ye Yi was instantly overjoyed, how could he not be overjoyed? Zhang Kun was giving him a reward!

After the great joy, Ye Yi was of course curious, curious about what the reward from the system would be?

But Ye Yi is not stupid, he can give away 80 million poisons at will, how can the gift he gives be simple?

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