Long Fei immediately spoke in the group.

He personally stood up for Ye Yi.

But as these words came out, the group was even more excited.

This... this is the eldest son of the Long family, Long Shao. If Long Shao stamps his feet, the whole city of Yangcheng will be shaken.

He is truly a powerful man with great influence.

But now Long Shao actually stood up for Owner No. 1 in person, saying that he is the brother of Owner No. 1.

Long Shao personally stood up for him.

And he was so respectful.

What is the identity of the owner of Villa No. 1?

They were shocked. They couldn't believe it.

But it is certain that his identity is definitely far higher than Long Fei's, and he must be more terrifying than Long Fei!

Otherwise, why would Long Fei respect him so much?

Thinking of this, all the owners took a breath and couldn't imagine it.

Of course, the girls' eyes were shining, and they wanted to fly to Villa No. 1 to see the mysterious owner.

Unfortunately, the owners of ordinary villas like them cannot go up the mountain without the permission of the owner of Villa No. 1.

The mountain is the private territory of Owner No. 1.

Don't say that ordinary owners are shocked.

Even the young masters and daughters of the other three wealthy families were shocked.

At the same time, they all confirmed that the owner of Villa No. 1 was absolutely terrifying.

I'm afraid he was at least a noble family!

After confirming this, they were even more shocked.

At the same time, they all made up their minds that they could only make friends with Owner No. 1 and not offend him.

Ye Yi was also in the owner group at this moment.

He was pulled in by Young Master Long.

So of course he saw these messages. He was immediately ashamed.

Ye Yi was still thinking about keeping a low profile.

But Young Master Long was so high-profile.

How could he keep a low profile?

Although he was ashamed, Ye Yi also saw that Young Master Long was trying to show his good will to him.

So he didn't say anything.

Soon it was evening.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Liu Gui sent a message in the class group.

Universities have their own class groups, which is convenient for announcing any news.

Liu Gui immediately sent a screenshot, which was a screenshot of Ye Yi transferring three million to him.

Liu Gui came here specifically to slap Mina on behalf of his good buddy.

Of course, Liu Gui looked down on that kind of gold digger, how could he let it go?

So for the sake of authenticity, he specially screenshotted Ye Yi's name, clearly showing that Ye Yi transferred three million to him.

After sending the picture, Liu Gui also specially tagged Mina

"@Mina, haha, some people are so funny, just to cling to the so-called tall, rich and handsome thigh, they followed a scumbag like Zhang Kun, but they didn't know how much they missed out on the tall, rich and handsome"

"See? This is the small amount of money Ye Yi transferred to me. Three million. I only spent 150,000 on the hotel bill, and Ye Yi gave me twenty times the amount of three million."

"Some women are really stupid, they should get out of here as soon as possible, so as not to bring trouble to my buddies"

"Being able to transfer 3 million at will, let alone Zhang Kun, is nothing compared to Ye Yi."

Liu Gui specifically tagged Mina.

He also showed off the 3 million that Ye Yi transferred to him.

He also called some people idiots.

Everyone in the group could see who he was talking to.

Seeing Liu Gui's screenshot, the whole class was shocked.

This... They all knew that Ye Yi was rich, but they didn't expect that he could just transfer 3 million to Liu Gui at will.

Being able to casually transfer 3 million to Liu Gui.

How much money does this have?

At least he is much richer than Liu Gui and Zhang Kun, they can be sure of this.

After all, Liu Gui has admitted defeat, saying that he is not as good as Ye Yi, so how can he not be sure.

After being shocked, the whole class was boiling.

Liu Gui's bubble was fine, and there was such explosive news, of course they were boiling.

"Is this true? A direct transfer of 3 million is a real big shot"

"Ye Yi casually transferred three million, how much money would that cost?"

"I'm afraid it would take at least 10 billion to be that luxurious. Haven't you seen that a car costs 80 million?"

"Mina lost a lot"

"Mina was just kicked by Ye Yi, and the sisters have a chance"

"The screenshot is real, and it does have Ye Yi's name on it."

"How could Liu Guifa's post be fake?"

"6666@Ye Yi, is the boss still missing any accessories?"

"I want to hug your thighs too"

"The big guy has gone into hiding."

The classmates were all excited and shocked.

Of course, after the shock, the classmates were completely sure that Ye Yi was definitely a big guy who was even more terrifying than Liu Gui and Zhang Kun.

After being sure, they all tagged Ye Yi.

They all begged to hug his thigh.

The female classmates in the class were even more so. Their eyes were shining, and they wished they could become Ye Yi's girlfriend immediately.

However, they also knew that Ye Yi's current status, even without Mina, would not look down on them.

So they were all disappointed.

Liu Gui ignored the words of the group members, and continued to post

"Our class does not allow people to worship money, so I, Liu Gui, hereby declare that all the classmates will jointly ban Mina from now on. Anyone who talks to Mina again will be against me, Liu Gui."

After Liu Gui finished showing off, he immediately said in the group.

This is also one of his goals, which is to ban Mina.

Most college classmates do not tear each other apart. Although Liu Gui said so, few responded.

But they just did not respond, so as not to embarrass Mina. In fact, they had already agreed to isolate Mina.

After all, they don't like people who worship money, let alone people like Mina.

At this time in the dormitory, Mina was also looking at the chat screenshots.

Her face was pale.

Ye Yi gave Liu Gui three million casually. Even Liu Gui admitted that he could not compare with Ye Yi. How much money did Ye Yi have?

At least 10 billion!

Thinking of this moment, she regretted even more and almost fainted with regret.

She actually abandoned Ye Yi, a super rich second generation, for Zhang Kun.

Not only was Zhang Kun's money completely incomparable to Ye Yi, but he was also far less good to her than Ye Yi.

And more importantly, Zhang Kun was a person with a twisted personality.

He likes to torture women to get pleasure.

She has only been with Zhang Kun for a few days, but she has been tortured more than a dozen times.

Now her body is covered with wounds.

But she has already lost Ye Yi, and she has no courage to leave Zhang Kun. If she leaves, she will become a joke.

She can only grit her teeth and follow Zhang Kun.

But Zhang Kun is really too twisted.

Tonight, she was slapped in the face by Ye Yi, and he tortured her. He almost tortured her to death. She was also violently tortured by Zhang Kun.

In comparison, Zhang Kun is really a scum. He was beaten by Ye Yi in all aspects.

The more she thought about it, the more she regretted it, and the more she couldn't understand why she kicked Ye Yi and chose a scum like Zhang Kun.

She regretted more than just this.

Now she has been banned by Liu Gui.

Mina knew that she would become a complete joke in the class from now on, and no one would talk to her.

Thinking of this, she naturally regretted it even more.

At this time, a girl next to Mina looked at Mina and immediately spoke

"Mina, why did you abandon Ye Yi and choose Zhang Kun? Zhang Kun is a scum and is not as good as Ye Yi. Why don't you leave Zhang Kun and choose Ye Yi? We all saw how good Ye Yi was to you before."

The girl who spoke was Zhou Meng, who was also in the class and Mina's roommate.

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