He also wanted to know why Uncle Su wanted to see him.

Su Xiangzhong was not surprised when he heard it.

But he was quite worried.

Although Ye Yi was a warrior, he was still no match for the aristocratic families at the inner level.

Now, he had offended two aristocratic families.

The aristocratic families couldn't do anything to him.

But compared with the aristocratic families, Ye Yi was obviously a little worse.

So how could he not be worried?

But worry is worry.

He came here just to solve this matter.

So of course he spoke up immediately.

"Ye Yi, although you are a warrior now, have you ever considered that you are of ordinary origin, but have offended a noble family, and your background, connections and power are no match for the noble family."

"If the noble family wants to swallow up your assets, you can't resist at all."

Su Xiangzhong looked at Ye Yi and said.

He got to the point immediately.

After all, he came here for this, so he had to talk about business!

Ye Yi was shocked, but he had to admit that Uncle Su was right.

He had also thought about this issue.

So Ye Yi nodded frankly!

It means that he does not have enough connections and power!

In layman's terms, he does not have his own power.

Su Xiangzhong smiled.

"The reason I came here this time is to solve the problem of you having no background. Have you heard of the Dragon Group?"

"Actually, I thought about recommending you to the Dragon Team before, but you were not strong enough before, and today I can't see through your realm, which means you are strong enough!"

Su Xiangzhong smiled.

What he said was indeed true. He had thought about recommending Ye Yi to the Dragon Team before.

But the Dragon Team is a place where the elites of the entire China gather.

The previous Ye Yi was far from enough.

But now he can't see through Ye Yi's realm!

It means that Ye Yi has become stronger again.

Even stronger than him.

That's enough

"Dragon Group? I haven't heard of it, Uncle Su, what is that?"

Ye Yi was speechless when he heard Su Xiangzhong's words.

He spoke immediately.

What the hell is Dragon Group?

Ye Yi really hadn't heard of the so-called Dragon Group.

So he spoke directly and frankly.

Su Xiangzhong was a little speechless when he heard Ye Yi's words.

As a Chinese warrior, you haven't even heard of the Dragon Group?

But when he thought that although Ye Yi was a master, he seemed to be a rookie in the ancient martial arts world.

He was not surprised. He had to patiently explain to Ye Yi.

"The Dragon Group is the most powerful martial arts organization in China. There are two superpowers in the world, one is China and the other is the Kingdom of God."

"The two superpowers are fighting openly and covertly, but they are wary of each other, so it is naturally impossible for them to fight on a large scale."

"But when it comes to dividing interests and solving problems, there must be a way to solve them."

"Therefore, there is a tacit understanding between the Kingdom of God and China to use warriors to solve problems, and each other's warriors compete with each other."

"Whoever wins gets the benefits. That is why Chinese warriors are the Dragon Group."

"The Dragon Group is under great pressure"

"The meaning is not just as simple as a competition between the warriors of the Kingdom of God"

"Although the Dragon Group is not an open organization of China, it has always had many connections with China."

"At the same time, it also represents a very powerful force in China!"

Su Xiangzhong patiently explained to Ye Yi.

And what he said was the truth.

It was indeed the truth.

Indeed, the Dragon Group was so powerful that it took on the pressure from the warriors of the Kingdom of God.

The significance it brought was also quite significant!

When Ye Yi heard this, he was extremely shocked.

He felt that the door to a new world had been opened.

There was actually such a thing as the Dragon Group in the world?

Taking on the responsibility of the world?

Ye Yi felt that his blood was boiling.

How could he not be boiling with blood?

As a Chinese man, everyone has a unique feeling for defending the country.

So of course Ye Yi was boiling with blood..

He was completely attracted by the Dragon Team.

He wanted to join the Dragon Team.

Of course, it was not only that that attracted Ye Yi, but also the powerful force of the Dragon Team.

Once he joined, would he still have to think about the benefits?

At that time, any family background would be a joke!

After joining the Dragon Team.

Can the family background still threaten Ye Yi?

It would be a good thing for Ye Yi not to have a family background.

So Ye Yi yearned for the Dragon Team even more.

But yearning is yearning, Ye Yi is naturally speechless.

There are actually warriors in the Kingdom of God?

So of course he asked.

Originally, Ye Yi thought that only China had ancient martial arts masters!

"The Kingdom of God actually has ancient martial arts masters?"

Su Xiangzhong was speechless!

How could the Kingdom of God not have ancient martial arts masters?

Ancient martial arts masters are not unique to China.

Not only in the Kingdom of God, but every country in the world has ancient martial arts masters.

And the Kingdom of God is the most powerful country in the world.

The number of ancient martial arts masters is even more terrifying.

The realm is even more terrifying. It is even much stronger than China. Even the Chinese Dragon Group can only barely guard against the opponent.

But Chinese warriors are actually far inferior to the Kingdom of God.

They are still at a disadvantage.

Whether they are masters or super masters, they have been crushed.

In fact, what the Dragon Group has been doing all these years is to guard against the Gods. The Dragon Group was attacked by warriors from the Kingdom of God.

But the Dragon Group had a hard time.

They could only fight back.

Of course, Ye Yi would not know this until later.

Su Xiangzhong told Ye Yi all about the situation of warriors in the world!

Ye Yi then realized that there were warriors all over the world!

And the warriors of the Kingdom of God were the most terrifying.

Even the Dragon Group was inferior in all aspects. They have been suppressed badly by the warriors of the Kingdom of God in recent years.

As a Chinese warrior.

Ye Yi was completely furious when he heard it.

How could he not be angry?

He wanted to join the Dragon Group to save the people of the world.

Defeat those invading warriors from the Kingdom of God.

After Su Xiangzhong finished explaining, he introduced the Dragon Group to Ye Yi.

"The Dragon Group not only manages foreign affairs, but also domestic warriors."

"Have you noticed that there are many warriors in China, but no warrior dares to appear in front of ordinary people, let alone bully ordinary people."

Su Xiangzhong smiled.

Ye Yi did find out, and this is what he was puzzled about.

There are obviously many warriors, but ordinary people just can't find them.

If Ye Yi hadn't entered the ancient martial arts realm, he wouldn't have known that there were so many warriors!

"That's because the Dragon Group has issued an order that any warrior who oppresses ordinary people will be eradicated."

"Therefore, the Dragon Group shocked all the warriors, and no one dared to bully ordinary people."

"Of course, the Dragon Group doesn't care about the fights between the noble families and the fights between the warriors, because that is the Jianghu, which is full of blood and gore."

"But absolutely no warrior dares to bully ordinary people."

Su Xiangzhong smiled.

Ye Yi understood.

It turned out that the Dragon Group was intimidating!

They didn't care about the fights between the warriors of the noble families.

But you can't bully ordinary people!

No wonder the Long family fought to the death.

But absolutely no warrior dared to appear in front of ordinary people.

Ye Yi completely understood.

The Dragon Group not only manages all warriors externally, but also internally.

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