But the one who can take out 5 billion to buy a villa must be extraordinary.

So of course he has to report to Lei Shao.

Lei Kai was slightly surprised.

But he was only slightly surprised.

It only shows that this Ye Yi has some background.

But it still doesn't reach the point where the super family pays attention.

Because even if it costs tens of billions to buy a villa, it is also possible for the super family.

But Lei Kai is a smart man.

Knowing that it is useless, Guan Zhong will definitely not harass him.

Guan Zhong must have discovered something?

Sure enough, Guan Zhong continued to speak

"A villa worth 5 billion is nothing, but I found out that Ye Yi, who is only 22 years old, owns the Ye Investment Consortium with assets of 400 billion."

"He also spent 120 billion to buy one-fifth of the shares of Anno Group, which means that at the age of 22, he had assets of more than 500 billion."

Guan Zhong continued to report.

What kind of power is the Lei family?

If you really want to investigate a person, there is absolutely no way to hide.

So of course he can find out.

Then present the information.

Now Lei Kai is completely shocked!

The Lei family is a super family with assets of more than one trillion.

But even if Lei Kai is the young master of the Lei family, he does not have much private property.

Because his property is all from the Lei family.

There is absolutely no private property!

But this Ye Yi, at the age of 22, has more than 500 billion in private property.

Almost equivalent to half of the Lei family.

And it is his private property.

What about the family behind this Ye Yi?

Lei Kai was completely interested this time.

Slightly interested.

This means that this Ye Yi is likely to be the eldest son of a super family.

So how can he not be interested?

He is completely sure that this Ye Yi has a very good background.

Of course, he only confirmed it for a while.

Lei Kai was only interested for a while, and soon he didn't think much about it.

The reason is simple, a super family cannot be measured by money.

If this Ye Yi is just rich and has not shown other strengths, then he is not qualified to pay too much attention to him.

What is a super family?

Super The class is in all aspects, and the connections are unparalleled. This is just one aspect. There is money. It is not worth his attention. Is it angry if he was killed ?

"Brother Jia, what are you going to do now? Cao Meng now owns 58% of the shares."

"Let alone fighting her, I'm afraid that our influence in the group will be wiped out by her."

At this moment, Bingchun spoke up.

He immediately asked Jiading what to do.

And what Bingchun said was the truth. Cao Meng now holds 58% of the shares. What can they use to fight Cao Meng?

In the future, their power will be cleaned up by Cao Meng.

Not to mention fighting Cao Meng. They would be happy if they could protect themselves.

Thinking of this, Bingchun felt a little regretful.

He was the fourth largest shareholder.

Why did he think so much and followed Jiading to mess around?

If he didn't mess around, he wouldn't have offended the chairman to death now.

Of course, there is no regret medicine in the world.

From the moment he and Jiading met, there was no regret medicine.

It would have been better if Bingchun didn't say it.

When he said it, the murderous intent in Jiading's eyes became stronger.

He originally wanted to seize the position of chairman.

In the end, he didn't become the chairman, and he was about to be cleaned up by Cao Meng?

That was his hard work for decades.

How could it be possible?

Jiading certainly didn't want to.

There was murderous intent in his eyes, and finally he made up his mind!

He made up his mind to a terrible idea.

An idea that there was no turning back!

"Not necessarily. As long as Cao Meng dies and the Cao family is without a backbone, won’t the group still fall into our hands?"

"Or if Cao Meng suddenly transfers all the shares of the group to me, then the group will be mine, right?"

Jia Ding's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

He spoke immediately after making up his mind.

But he was completely determined.

As expected of an old fox, his tactics were extremely vicious. This was evident at this moment.

Hearing this, Bingchun was no fool.

He had already thought of something.

Could it be that Jia Ding was going to use the internal masters?

But the

Cao family was not a pushover. The masters of the Jia family were not even enough to match one of their fingers.

The Cao family was a super family that had fallen.

Are the masters of the Jia family enough to satisfy their hunger?

After understanding this, Bingchun naturally spoke up.

He immediately expressed his doubts.

"Do you want to use ancient martial arts masters to kill Cao Meng?"

"This is not impossible, but the Cao family has a large number of masters, and there are several middle-level masters in the inner family."

"There is even a half-step middle-level peak, what can we use to fight them?"

Bingchun asked immediately.

This is indeed the truth.

The Cao family has several masters in charge.

What can you use to fight them?

So of course he asked.

Hearing Bingchun's words, Jiading sneered.

He did intend to use ancient martial arts masters to directly kill Cao Meng.

Or force Cao Meng to hand over his shares.

In this way, the group would be his.

As for the Cao family having masters, he certainly knew it.

The Jia family's few people were not enough to fill their teeth.

He still had self-knowledge.

The Jia family only had one inner middle-level.

They have a half-step inner middle-level peak, and several inner middle-level. What can the Jia family use to fight them?

He still had self-knowledge on this point.

It's a pity that he can't beat the Cao family, but there are masters outside.

He has been prepared for it.

At this moment, hearing Bingchun's words.

Jiading replied grimly.

"My Jia family is indeed no match for the Cao family, but have you heard of Feng Hai, the master who is feared by the three provinces? That is a master who is feared by the three provinces, and even in the Magic City, he has a huge reputation."

Jia Ding immediately smiled sinisterly.

Feng Hai is the master that Jia Ding contacted.

He is also the source of his confidence.

Feng Hai is not from a noble family, but just a casual cultivator, but his realm is superb, and he has cultivated to the peak of the middle stage of the inner family.

And he is about to step into the high level of the half-step inner family!

It can be seen how terrifying he is.

He is also a super master.

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