Ma Ling'er was the first to tag him!

Ma Ling'er was immediately attracted

"Little boy, are you from Tianhai Province too? Come and show me, smirk."

Ma Ling'er sent a message immediately.

She was shocked.

How could she not be shocked?

The new super genius was right next to her?

From the same province as her?

So she immediately tagged Ye Yi.

With a smirk.

Of course, that was just a joke.

"Take a look? How do you take a look?"

"Ma Ling'er is flirting with the good boy again…"

"We are all used to it. Who in the group has not been teased?"

"You can drive on this broken road!"

The group immediately exploded.

They started joking.

Ye Yi was speechless.

Is this still the Dragon Group that warriors fear?

How come it is just like a group of elementary school students?

Ye Yi even suspected that Du Ming made a mistake.

But he was speechless.

He had just joined the group and he must give face to the seniors.

Ye Yi immediately tagged Ma Ling'er.

"Sister Ma, I am working in Shanghai now and will return to Guangzhou in a few days. I am from Guangzhou."

Ye Yi replied to Ma Ling'er immediately.

Ma Ling'er was even happier when she heard that Ye Yi was indeed from Guangzhou.

She kept teasing Ye Yi.

Ye Yi really couldn't fight her.

He was defeated.

This Ma Ling'er was too bold.

Ye Yi was no match for her.

Du Ming in Shanghai: @Ye Yi from Tianhai Province Most of the time, we, the guest officials, don't need to perform tasks.

We will only tag you in the group when we need tasks.

In addition, if you have problems that you can't solve, you can also post them directly in the group, and the Dragon Team will do their best.

Du Ming tagged Ye Yi in the group and explained the tasks.

What he said was indeed the truth.

Guest officials rarely have tasks.

They only take action when they need tasks and when there are things that the Dragon Team can't handle.

They are like foreign aid.

But they are foreign aids with a very high status.

After all, those who can be guest officials are all very powerful masters.

Ye Yi immediately replied with an ok.

Ye Yi was happier with fewer tasks.

How should I put it, if there were too many tasks, Ye Yi would be dead.

How could he have so much time to follow the Dragon Group around? After Ye Yi figured out the Dragon Group's affairs, he stopped chatting with those people in the group.

He went to play Landlord happily.

Landlord is Ye Yi's favorite.

But I have to say that joining the Dragon Group is still beneficial.

At least you don't have to worry anymore.

In the past, Ye Yi had to be wary of the aristocratic families and the master Feng Hai.

Now, no matter what their origins are, they can't hurt Ye Yi.

Even if they provoke Ye Yi, Ye Yi will eradicate them completely.

This is the benefit of joining the Dragon Group.

With a strong backer, you also have a strong confidence!

No one can bully Ye Yi anymore.

Of course, Ye Yi will not bully others.

At night, it was the time agreed by Ye Yi and Lei Shao..

Ye Yi took the invitation and set off.

Go to Jinyuewan Club.

But Ye Yi did not bring Meng Yi.

It was not suitable to take Meng Yi to such a place.

Jinyuewan Club was not far away, and it only took ten minutes to get there.

Jinyuewan Club was not ranked in Shanghai, and it was not considered a top club.

But no one dared to make trouble here.

Because everyone knew that this was the private property of Lei Kai, the young master.

Dare to make trouble here, isn't that courting death? As for why Lei Kai's club was unknown? It was because Lei Kai was low-key.

He just liked to come to the club to relax sometimes, so he opened such a place.

But the Lei family had too much money to spend.

So Lei Kai didn't need to rely on this to make money.

Generally speaking.

This is also a small but exquisite club.

Soon Ye Yi arrived outside the Jinyuewan Club.

There was Guan Zhong's phone number on the invitation.

Ye Yi called.

Guan Zhong came to pick up Ye Yi in person.

Soon Ye Yi followed Guan Zhong to the club.

The third floor of the club.

The third floor is also where the young master Lei Kai is active.

Half of the floor is reserved by Lei Kai for himself.

It is usually not used to receive guests.

Even when he is not there, it is empty.

Soon Ye Yi saw the young master Lei in the private room.

Calm, mature and capable.

Of course, he is also a decent person!

This is the feeling that Lei Kai gives Ye Yi.

Ye Yi still likes him very much.

Lei Kai also saw Ye Yi.

Ye Yi is not only strong, but also confident!

This confidence is not found in other young masters of aristocratic families!

Even facing him, the young master of the Lei family.

Ye Yi is still so confident.

It means that he is really confident.

He has a background that is not inferior to his.

Lei Kai is even more determined to make friends with Ye Yi, and he must make friends with this young man.

"Hello, Mr. Lei, my name is Ye Yi."

Ye Yi greeted him immediately when they met for the first time.

He also shook hands with Mr. Lei.

Lei Kai also introduced himself generously.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, my name is Lei Kai."

Lei Kai smiled.

The two of them sat down.

Although the Lei family is the real leader of super families, the more powerful the family is, the more low-key it is.

Showing off is only done by the rich.

The Lei family needs to show off?

So the meeting between Lei Kai and Ye Yi was also the simplest.

The two of them drank cheap red wine that cost tens of thousands of yuan a bottle, just like ordinary people drinking Pepsi.

But the more this happened, the more Ye Yi liked Lei Kai.

No matter what he did, Ye Yi liked him very much.

"I wonder why Master Lei asked me to come here?"I can't just keep drinking.

Ye Yi got straight to the point.

But I didn't expect Ye Yi to be so frank. Lei Kai was even more frank than Ye Yi.

"To be honest, I came here to form an alliance with Brother Ye."

Lei Kai spoke frankly.

Making friends with Ye Yi was just an excuse.

The real purpose was to form an alliance with Ye Yi.

Yes, it was an alliance!

In fact, the Lei family was just looking at the glory, and it was in tatters over the years.

The other three super families below were also coveting it.

They were ready to take over at any time when the boss was no longer able to do so.

So how could he not be under pressure?

On the other hand, Ye Yi was so powerful and an external force, and would not pose a threat to him. They could form an alliance.

In this way, he could also use Ye Yi's power to fight against the other three super families.

So he made up his mind. He must form an alliance with Ye Yi.

Isn't this the opening?

When Ye Yi heard this, he almost spit out the wine.

I didn't expect Lei Kai to be so frank.

He came up with an alliance.

Big brother, we are not even friends yet.

Shouldn't we start as friends?

But it must be said that Ye Yi admired Lei Kai more.

Ye Yi liked the way he did things.

He liked it very much.

Ye Yi was such a smart person, so he could naturally see that Lei Kai was sincere in forming an alliance and was not some treacherous villain.

""I wonder why Master Lei Kai wants to form an alliance with me?"

Ye Yi asked frankly.

He was interested in the alliance.

But he had to ask why.

Lei Kai smiled.

He immediately looked at Ye Yi and spoke.

"It's very simple. Over the years, my Lei family has only enjoyed the glory and is the leader of the Magic City families, but the three super families behind are waiting to replace the Lei family at any time."

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