Where is Xiang Feng at this time?

His eyes looking at Chu Yu are full of ferocity and vulgarity.

How could Xiang Feng be willing to help Chu Yu?

This is just an excuse he made up.

In his opinion, as long as Chu Yu is caught, the Chu family will be his.

At that time, the old man will have to hand over the Chu family obediently?

As long as the Chu family is swallowed, he will be a first-class family!

This is also his goal.

Xiang Feng is the same as other jackals.

It's just that he wants to get both money and beauty!

Seeing Chu Yu in front of him, his eyes are full of flames.

How can there be no flames?

Hehe, Chu Yu is really too beautiful.

So his eyes are full of flames.

He can't wait to let Chu Yu pose in three hundred ways now!

In his opinion, Chu Yu has come here.

Can he still escape?

Isn't it his?

Thinking of this, he is even more proud.

It's as if he has seen the scene of Chu Yu being his.

Behind Xiang Feng stood three masters.

They were all at the peak of the inner middle level.

Behind Chu Yu also stood an old butler.

The old butler was also a master at the peak of the middle level.

But he is the only master of the Chu family.

He is also old and disabled.

It can be seen that the Chu family is indeed in decline.

"Master Xiang Feng, I wonder if you are really willing to help our Chu family?"

Chu Yu doesn't like places like the club.

He could only patiently ask.

Hearing this,

Xiang Feng smiled grimly.

How could I help your Chu family?

I came here to annex you.

But he still planned to disguise himself first.

Take down Chu Yu first!

Then show his true face!

"Of course it is true, but I hope Miss Chu Yu will marry me. You know I have always admired you."

"As long as we get married, the enemies of the Chu family will be my enemies."

Xiang Feng's words were full of naked hints.

Chu Yu's pretty face turned pale when she heard this.

Why didn't she understand? Because of her beautiful appearance, Chu Yu had no shortage of suitors since she was a child.

Some of them had better family backgrounds than Xiang Feng.

But she never agreed, and never had a relationship!

Even if she wanted to have a relationship, she would not choose Xiang Feng.

Xiang Feng's reputation was too bad.

So of course she couldn't agree.

If she had to use this method to get Xiang Feng's help, she would rather not.

And Xiang Feng might not help her.

She shook her head immediately.

"Sorry, Master Xiang Feng, we are not suitable, I won't agree."

She refused directly and decisively.

Hearing this,

Xiang Feng's old face instantly became ferocious.

He didn't even want to pretend! He directly tore off the hypocritical mask.

In his opinion, once you come to the club, you can't escape.

What's the point of pretending?

Xiang Feng spoke directly with a ferocious face.

"Haha, you really think you are some rich girl. I tell you, if you come here, you will obey tonight, whether you obey or not."

"You can't escape, I'm going to have a good taste of you tonight."

Xiang Feng didn't even pretend.

He tore his face off directly.

Hearing this, Chu Yu was not stupid.

No matter how naive she was, she could hear it.

She fell into the trap designed by Xiang Feng.

Of course, her pretty face turned pale.

Who would have thought that Xiang Feng was so vicious?

But the old housekeeper behind Chu Yu came to his senses immediately.

He pulled the young lady and flashed to the door in an instant!

He is worthy of being a master at the peak of the middle level.

Dozens of bodyguards couldn't stop him.

He was at the door immediately.

But it was still useless!

Xiang Feng had a hard time making the layout, how could the three masters behind him let the two escape?

He immediately rushed towards the old housekeeper.

The old housekeeper knew that he was no match for the opponent.

But he still wanted to buy time for the young lady to escape!

So he killed the three people directly.

""Go! Their target is you, go away, young lady!"

The old housekeeper immediately shouted at Chu Yu.

How could Chu Yu bear to leave the old housekeeper behind?

But she also knew that if she didn't leave, the old housekeeper's sacrifice would be in vain.

She could only hold back her tears and open the door to go out.

The old housekeeper fought hard.

But he was already very old.

He was beaten by three people alone.

He was immediately knocked back. He was seriously injured.

Xiang Feng was furious.

He didn't expect that he could not escape even if he had wings. It was ruined by an old housekeeper.

"Go and bring Chu Yu back to me."

Xiang Feng's face was full of ferocity.

At the same time, he made up his mind viciously!

Tonight, he would not only taste Chu Yu well, but also torture Chu Yu well.

Let her know what the consequences of not being obedient are.

The moment he thought of this, his face became even more ferocious.

Ferocious to the extreme!

The three masters hurriedly chased after him.

Chu Yu ran in the hall in a panic. He immediately bumped into a young man!

Chu Yu looked up and was stunned.

This young man is so handsome!

This young man is Ye Yi.

Ye Yi is not stupid. As soon as he saw this scene, he knew that the girl had encountered trouble. He was immediately furious.

In the past, Ye Yi didn't bother to care.

But now he is a member of the Dragon Group.

The Dragon Group is dedicated to saving the world.

How could he just watch this scene and do nothing?

When Ye Yi was thinking about it, he didn't expect the system to suddenly ring.

"Ding Dong, a new system task has been released. Rescue this woman and you will be rewarded with 200 billion in cash!"

The long-lost voice of the system sounded.

Ye Yi was overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

Here it comes, the reward is finally here!

But Ye Yi was soon disappointed.

How could he not be disappointed?

I thought the reward was the ancient martial arts realm, but it turned out to be cash!

Ye Yi really hates money.

What's the use of it!

But no matter how much you hate it, it's better than nothing. After all, it's 200 billion, right?

Ye Yi had made up his mind to save this woman.

Now that he has a mission, he wants to meddle in other people's business!

Soon three masters caught up and wanted to forcibly take Chu Yu away.

Ye Yi was furious.

He punched directly.

The master was seriously injured and flew backwards.

He lost his combat power.

Seeing this scene,

Chu Yu was shocked.

How could he not be shocked?

To be able to defeat the peak of the intermediate level, Ye Yi must be at least in the high level.

Such a young high level?

This young man is definitely a super master.

But soon, Chu Yu's pretty face turned pale.

Super masters are useless.

He can't save her.

Even if he is a super master, what's the use?

He still can't fight against the aristocratic family.

What's more, the powerful Xiang family...

If you provoke the Xiang family, you will still die.

The Xiang family has too many ways to deal with the masters.

They can just find an excuse.

Put the masters in the boss.

Although the masters are strong, they have no power and no background, and they can't fight against the aristocratic family.

What's more, it's the Xiang family.

Thinking of this, she became more desperate.

Not only is she dead, but this person is also implicated.

At this time, Xiang Feng came out of the room. He was surprised to see that a master was seriously injured on his side.

Then he learned that he was injured by this young man.

Soon Xiang Feng's face was hideous.

This young man must die miserably!

Although Ye Yi is very powerful.

But what's the use of being powerful?

If the ancient martial arts masters don't have the background of the aristocratic family, they are just trash!

Why is the aristocratic family aristocratic family?

It's because of the background against the sky.

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