So Ye Yi was naturally very satisfied.

Although this restaurant is a little small, the atmosphere is very good.

So Ye Yi and Chu Yu naturally had a pleasant meal.

And while eating.

Ye Yi and Chu Yu chatted while eating.

He also understood the crisis facing the Chu family.

To put it bluntly, the second generation of the Chu family died young.

Leaving behind the old grandfather and the young Chu Yu.

So the Chu family was bullied.

The assets were also swallowed up.

From a first-rate family to decline.

Soon even the third-rate family can't be saved.

The last bit of assets may be swallowed up.

To put it bluntly, this is the case.

After Ye Yi heard it, of course he was very touched.

At the same time, he hated those families!

What kind of hero is it to bully orphans and widows?

As a guest of the Dragon Group, Ye Yi despised this kind of injustice the most!

Unfortunately, Ye Yi couldn't change what happened in the past.

So he could only increase the murderous intent.

But Ye Yi had no way.

He, Ye Yi, couldn't go back to the past!

The meal was soon finished.

Ye Yi drove away with Chu Yu.

Chu Yu was touched by something.

Suddenly he wanted to take a walk on the beach.

So Ye Yi went to a park by the sea.

It was late at night.

Only Ye Yi and Chu Yu were left, walking on the beach.

In this way, it was extra quiet!

Ye Yi also rarely enjoyed this quietness.

Chu Yu was already touched by something, and he drank some wine.

He became much bolder.

He told Ye Yi what happened to the Chu family in these years.

Ye Yi was completely touched.

He was not touched because of his feelings for Chu Yu.

Chu Yu was just an ordinary friend of his.

He was touched because of his identity as a guest of the Dragon Group!

The Dragon Group is responsible for handling all the injustices in the world!

It is not just about resisting foreign enemies. It also handles all internal injustices.

So Ye Yi was completely touched.

After being touched.

Ye Yi naturally made up his mind instantly, and made up his mind completely.

As long as he is there, he will not let the Chu family be annexed.

He will protect the Chu family!

After Ye Yi made up his mind.

Of course, I spoke immediately.

"Don't worry, Chu Yu. As long as I, Ye Yi, am still alive, I, Ye Yi, will definitely protect the Chu family."

"No matter who it is, don't try to hurt your Chu family. No one can"

"I, Ye Yi, will be like a huge rock in the future, protecting the Chu family from wind and rain."

"I, Ye Yi, promise that it will be useful forever!"

Ye Yi looked at Chu Yu and made solemn vows.

This was not just Ye Yi's promise.

It was also a promise from the Dragon Group.

It was also a promise from a man!

Chu Yu was listening at this moment and was completely stunned.

How could she not be stunned?

She had always liked Ye Yi, and at this moment,

Ye Yi's image in her heart became even taller.

She completely fell in love with Ye Yi.

That's right, she was completely in love with Ye Yi.

She really fell completely in love with Ye Yi. She completely fell in love with Ye Yi.

Who can not love a hero?

Not only a hero who fell from the sky.

Not only Saved her, and saved the entire Chu family!

At this moment, she was emboldened by alcohol.

She couldn't hold back any longer. She just hugged Ye Yi and kissed him!

Ye Yi was stunned.

He was a super master. He was kissed again?

How could Ye Yi not be speechless?

But he didn't struggle.

Instead, he was stunned.

He didn't know how to face Chu Yu.

It was obvious that after this kiss.

Ye Yi and Chu Yu were no longer ordinary friends!

But Ye Yi didn't like Chu Yu.

So Ye Yi was stunned.

Chu Yu's pretty face turned red, and she didn't know why she suddenly... Why is he so bold?

Maybe it's because of the alcohol?

She quickly let go of Ye Yi.

She was never so bold before.

She blushed.

She wanted to dig a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

But although she was shy.

Chu Yu did not regret it.

Because she knew that she really loved Ye Yi.

This might be the only time she had the chance to make a bold move. She might not have the chance again in the future.

Both of them were very embarrassed.

So no one spoke, and no one knew what to say.

The two had to stroll here.

It was good to stroll on the beach.

And soon it was late at night.

After enjoying a long period of quiet time.

Ye Yi and Chu Yu went home separately.

Chu Yu was naturally sent home by Ye Yi.

After sending Chu Yu home, Ye Yi drove back to his villa.

It was already after midnight when he got home.

Ye Yi got up early the next morning. In the afternoon.

When Ye Yi was relaxing in the villa.

He received a call from Wei Xin.

Wei Xin never called Ye Yi. Once she called, Ye Yi would definitely know that something big had happened.

"Ye Yi, I've already arrived in the Magic City!"

"Not only did I arrive, I also brought the backbone members of the group with me."

Wei Xin's happy voice came from the phone.

How could she not be happy? She was about to meet Ye Yi.

So of course she was very surprised.

Ye Yi was listening. He was stunned for a moment. He actually arrived in Shanghai so soon?

So Ye Yi was naturally confused.

They just discussed moving to Shanghai yesterday, and today he brought his backbones.

How fast!

After sighing, Ye Yi immediately said that he would pick up Wei Xin in person.

It just so happened that Meng Yi also wanted to go with him to see it.

Ye Yi took Meng Yi to pick up Wei Xin.

They arrived at the airport soon and met Wei Xin!

Wei Xin was originally a strong woman, and now she has a super group worth 900 billion.

Wei Xin's temperament is even stronger.

A completely strong woman temperament.

Sharp and strong to the extreme.

And during this period of time, Wei Xin's ability has become stronger.

Everything is in order for Ye Yi.

The group is very successful under her management.

Wei Xin has also become a real domineering female president.

With truly powerful means.

She is beautiful.

With a more beautiful temperament.

Even Meng Yi was completely stunned. Ye Yi originally only had more than 800 billion in assets.

But since the group was handed over to Wei Xin, Ye Yi asked Wei Xin to spend money boldly.

Because Ye Yi wants to cultivate his own power.

Money alone is useless, you have to have assets to have a say.

Only with assets can you be a giant.

So Wei Xin acquired a lot of assets.

Now Ye's Investment Group has risen to 900 billion.

This is also because Wei Xin's means and vision are too strong.

She is too strong a woman.

Only in such a short time can she do it.

Meng Yi knows that Ye's Investment Consortium belongs to Ye Yi.

She also knows that this is now a super large group with more than 800 billion.

And Wei Xin is the general manager of the group.

She even vaguely sensed that the relationship between Wei Xin and Ye Yi was unusual.

It would be a lie to say that she is not jealous.

But what qualifications do she have to be jealous?

She is not even Ye Yi's girlfriend.

What qualifications do she have to be jealous of Ye Yi?

But looking at Wei Xin at this moment.

Even as perfect as Meng Yi, she is completely inferior.

Wei Xin, who holds a 900 billion group. She is truly strong to the extreme.

A real strong woman.

Although she looks good.

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