Immediately give advice to granddaughter.

But when Chu Yu heard it, her pretty face immediately blushed.

She blushed to the extreme.

How could she not be shy?

What nonsense is grandpa talking about ?

"I won't pay attention to you, Grandpa!"

Chu Yu pouted, and ran away quickly.

It was good that she ran away...

The whole Magic City was completely shocked at this moment.

How could it not be shocked?

Two second-rate families, the Zhang family and the Chen family, were wiped out overnight.

The two major families were uprooted.

Not only the Zhang family and the Chen family, but even the first-rate family, the Li family, quickly ceded a large amount of assets to the Chu family.

And they also took out 50 billion in cash to apologize to the Chu family!

Such a big commotion.

How could the Magic City not know?

All the families in the Magic City were shocked overnight!

How could they not be shocked?

What made the two second-rate families uprooted overnight.

Even the first-rate families had to cut off their arms to protect themselves.

These are the three major families. It must be the super family that took action!

In addition to being shocked, all the families immediately investigated.

As the news came one after another. They all targeted the Chu family for investigation.

The truth soon came out.

All the noble families then knew that it was a man named Ye Yi who helped the Chu family to make a comeback!

He turned the Chu family back into a first-rate family overnight. It was even stronger than before.

Even the Zhang family and the Chen family were wiped out overnight, and it was this man named Ye Yi who did it.

The noble families of the entire Magic City were shocked!

How could they not be shocked?

Where did this Ye Yi come from?

Even the super families couldn't do it, uprooting two second-rate families overnight.

They couldn't even scare the first-rate families to death overnight!

But this Ye Yi actually did it!

The noble families of the entire Magic City were shocked and couldn't guess Ye Yi's identity.

But they all knew that he was definitely from a super family!

They all told the younger generations not to provoke a man named Ye Yi.

It's a lesson learned from the past. Of course we must Instruct the younger generation.

Don’t be as blind as the Chen and Zhang families!

The investigation continued soon.

More shocking news came!

It turned out that Feng Hai was killed by this young man!

The last time Feng Hai was killed, it had already caused an earthquake in the Magic City, but most of the families didn’t know who did it.

Their abilities were limited.

Now it is found out that it was Ye Yi who killed Feng Hai.

The families of the entire Magic City were shocked again!

Then the results came out again.

It turned out that it was Ye Yi who wiped out the second-rate family Xiang family overnight!

Then the results came out again.

It turned out that the boss behind the 900 billion Ye Investment Consortium was this Ye Yi!

So much information added together.

Ye Yi’s origins finally surfaced.

At the age of 22, he controls a super group worth 900 billion!

Even more terrifying than the eldest son of a super family.

Feng Hai was wiped out overnight.

The Xiang family, Zhang family, and Chen family were wiped out overnight. The family forced the Li family to cut off one of their own arms.

All these things were connected together. The entire family of the Magic City was completely shocked. At this moment, Ye Yi's name was completely resounding throughout the family of the Magic City.

All the families concluded that this Ye Yi was definitely the eldest son of a super family.

The entire Magic City was completely shocked!

At the same time, they all confirmed that the Magic City might have the fifth super family.

Of course, after the shock.

All the families in the Magic City warned the playboys below.

They must not offend a person named Ye Yi.

Otherwise, the three second-rate families will be a lesson.

Most of their families are not as strong as those second-rate families.

Didn't you see that the first-rate family, the Li family, cut off its own arms to protect itself?

Those playboys of the family were also scared by Ye Yi.

The three second-rate families were uprooted.

This is too cruel.

How can it not be cruel?

They didn't even need the warning of the elders, they were scared half to death.

Most of them didn't even dare to leave the house.

That's right, they didn't even dare to leave the door.

After all, who wouldn't be afraid of such a killing god?

So Ye Yi's name spread throughout the Magic City in a very terrifying way.

A magical scene happened.

In the middle of the night in the Magic City, you can't see sports cars running rampant on the streets.

Ye Yi just relied on a name.

He shocked all the young masters of the aristocratic families in the entire Magic City.

Lei Family.

After receiving the news, Lei Kai was also completely shocked.

As the head of a super family, Lei Kai certainly knew everything that happened to the Chu family.

Ye Yi actually.

Destroyed two second-rate families with his own strength.

The Li family was so scared that they cut off their arms and begged for mercy.

Even Lei Kai himself couldn't do this!

How could Lei Kai not be shocked?

He had only guessed that Ye Yi had the strength of a super family before, but the alliance was only for double protection.

Not sure!

Because Ye Yi had never shown his strength.

But now Lei Kai is completely sure that Ye Yi definitely has the strength of a super family, even surpassing him.

Lei Kai is completely sure.

And what's even more terrifying is that there are traces of the Dragon Group that took action tonight.

In other words, Ye Yi not only has a huge background.

He is a member of the Dragon Group?

He was even more shocked!

How could he not be shocked?

The Dragon Group is definitely a taboo in China! It is also the most terrifying force in China.

Ye Yi is actually a member of the Dragon Group?

And he seems to be a senior member of the Dragon Group!

Just the identity of a senior member of the Dragon Group is enough to be compared to a super family.

Because even the super aristocratic families dare not fight with the top leaders of the Dragon Group.

Fighting with the Dragon Group is to fight with the entire China.

Who dares to do that?

Moreover, Ye Yi has an unfathomable background.

After the shock.

Lei Kai was very excited.

How could he not be excited?

In other words, he was not crazy to form an alliance with Ye Yi. He made the right choice.

With Ye Yi's strength, he was fully qualified to form an alliance with him. He was even more capable of helping him to balance the other three super aristocratic families.

Thinking of this moment. Of course, he was even more excited! He really did not do anything wrong at the beginning.

He really did not make the wrong choice!

The Li Family in the Magic City!

As a first-class family, the Li family is naturally very unusual.

The Li family mansion is the ancestral home of the Li family.

An ancient house.

It is much more upscale than the so-called local tyrant villas!

As a first-class family, the Li family's background is not simple.

It is a family that has been passed down for more than 800 years.

No wonder it can cover the sky with one hand.

It was already late at night.

Li Tianer, the head of the Li family, angrily broke into the old man's room!

Li Tianer is Li Long's biological father.

He is also the head of the Li family.

But everyone knows that Li Tianer is only the head of the family on the surface.

The real head of the family is still the old man.

That is, Li Long's grandfather.

Li Tianer is just a nicer head of the family.

The real head of the Li family is always the old man.

The old man holds all the power.

Without the old man's order, no one in the Li family cares about Li Tianer.

At this time, Li Tianer was furious and broke into the old man's room.

How could he not be angry?

After finally swallowing up the assets of the Chu family, why did the old man give them back?

How long has the Li family planned for this? It took several years!

And it's fine to give it to the Chu family, but why should we give the Chu family another 50 billion.

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