They would be happy to marry Ye Yi immediately.

In their opinion, they are not worse looking than Zhao Lu. How can Zhao Lu have such a good boyfriend!

She is just an ordinary girl.

How can they beat Zhao Lu's appearance.

Ye Yi was instantly confused.

He was actually kissed by Zhao Lu?

Or was it a forced kiss?

In all conscience, Ye Yi was just trying to complete the system task.

Did this girl misunderstand something?

Ye Yi felt so embarrassed that a boy was kissed by force!

Zhao Lu was also too excited for a moment.

She has never had a boyfriend, and this is her first kiss.

Just lost it?

And so proactive?

Her pretty face flushed instantly, and she quickly let go of Ye Yi, feeling so embarrassed.

At the same time, her heart was tormented to the extreme.

Damn, she was too moved just now, so she hugged Ye Yi and kissed him actively.

But if so, will it leave Ye Yi with a frivolous impression?

She is not a frivolous person!

This is her first kiss.

Of course, Zhao Lu was very entangled at this time. She wanted to explain to Ye Yi, but she was very embarrassed.

Ye Yi was also embarrassed.

Fortunately, the fireworks lasted only half an hour before they ended.

The fireworks worth 30 million were all set off.

Ye Yi bought all the fireworks in the fireworks factory.

Only Ye Yi, who had a system, could be so generous.

He could spend tens of millions to set off fireworks to give the girl an unforgettable date.

After the fireworks were set off, Ye Yi left with Zhao Lu.

But what Ye Yi didn't know was that although he wanted to be low-key, setting off fireworks was too high-profile and he couldn't be low-key at all.

Moreover, it was such a sensational thing that a rich boy confessed to a girl. This fireworks attracted hundreds of thousands of people!

Soon, the paparazzi began to expose this matter.

Then the paparazzi found out that a rich boy actually spent 30 million to set off fireworks in order to pursue a girl, which instantly caused a sensation in half of Guangzhou!

Then the paparazzi actually found out that the rich boy who set off the fireworks was the owner of Villa No. 1! After the paparazzi dug this out. It instantly caused a sensation in the whole of Guangzhou. Many people were curious about who the owner of Villa No. 1 was who spent a lot of money.

Now it is reported that the owner of Villa No. 1 actually spent 30 million to set off a fireworks show.

This is more than just being rich.

It is simply not ordinary rich.

So of course it caused a sensation in the whole city of Yangcheng.

Countless people are more curious and admire the owner of Villa No. 1 more.

They are all guessing who the owner of Villa No. 1 is.

And the girls in Yangcheng Guoshuyuan are almost going crazy.

They originally thought that they and the owner of Villa No. 1 were in the same community and could be close to each other.

But they were beaten by a person named Zhao Lu.

Now the outside world is spreading that the owner of Villa No. 1 is pursuing Zhao Lu.

Of course they know.

So they are all going crazy.

They are asking if there is anyone with the surname Zhao among the owners.

Is he from this community?

They must snatch the owner of Villa No. 1!

The sensation is still going on. At this time, there are still many paparazzi digging Ye Yi.

Some even tried to expose Ye Yi's photos.

But they were quickly stopped by Long Fei.

Long Fei knew that Ye Yi didn't want to be high-profile, and this was also what Ye Yi specifically told Long's Real Estate.

He didn't want to be implicated by a group of paparazzi.

In Long Fei's opinion, Ye Yi was the eldest son of aristocratic family. Wouldn't it be a burden to him if he angered the eldest son of aristocratic family?

So Long Fei took action personally.

The paparazzi were frightened.

They didn't dare to continue digging.

And the matter was barely stopped here...

Ye Yi naturally didn't know about the outside world.

But Zhao Lu knew.

The news spread quickly.

She immediately knew that Ye Yi had spent 30 million to prepare a fireworks display for her! She was even more moved.

At the same time, she was shocked.

He spent 50 million on her for a date. How rich was Ye Yi?

How could she not be shocked?

Zhao Lu thought she knew Ye Yi well enough, but now she understood that she was too naive.

Ye Yi didn't care and took Zhao Lu to the best hotel for dinner.

The best hotel in Yangcheng is the Starry Sky Hotel.

A meal here starts at hundreds of thousands.

But it's nothing for Ye Yi.

But after what happened just now, Ye Yi and Zhao Lu were a little embarrassed. They hardly said anything.

After dinner, Ye Yi sent Zhao Lu back to Guoshuyuan.

Then he went back to his villa No. 1 on the mountain.

But when he was sent to Zhao Lu's doorstep,

Zhao Lu was stunned.

What happened? Wasn't it a date?

Normally, she would be so moved.

Shouldn't Ye Yi take the opportunity to take her to the next step?

Zhao Lu was a little reluctant and considered whether to let Ye Yi succeed tonight.

But Ye Yi actually brought her back without doing anything.

Zhao Lu was really stunned by Ye Yi's behavior.

What's wrong with Ye Yi?

Is he playing hard to get?

Or does he think she is frivolous and doesn't like her?

Zhao Lu's pretty face turned pale when she thought of this.

She finally got close to Ye Yi and thought she was going to succeed.

She thought she was going to be Ye Yi's girlfriend.

But this happened.

Of course her face turned pale.

She thought she had made Ye Yi angry and was destined to have a sleepless night...

Ye Yi didn't think so much. While driving, he was thinking that the reward should come, right?

Sure enough, the sound rang!

"Congratulations to the host for completing the dating mission and the completion level is perfect!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100% of the shares of Hongtai Group. The equity change has been completed. The host currently has 100% of the shares. In addition, the chairman of Hongtai Group has become the host. The host can directly go to Hongtai Group to manage it."

"The share certificate of Hongtai Group is already in the host's poison sports car."

The system's cold voice sounded.

But in Ye Yi's ears, it was even better than the voice of a fairy!

But it's not over yet.

The system continued to prompt

"Since the host has completed the task successfully, a gift of beauty enhancement water is given."

"Ding Dong, considering that the host has completed the task successfully, an additional Rolls-Royce worth eight million will be given to you."

"At present, the Rolls-Royce has been parked in the garage of the host villa, and all the formalities have been completed!"

The system voice continued to sound.

As Ye Yi thought, the better the completion, the more extra rewards there will be.

Now there are indeed two more rewards.

Ye Yi was speechless.

The rewards are indeed more, but there is only an extra Rolls-Royce worth 8 million.

The system is too stingy.

As for the appearance enhancement water, it is even more nonsense.

Does his appearance need to be enhanced?

But it is better than nothing.

But Ye Yi was too lazy to care about this, and quickly looked at the equity book!

This is the most important thing.

A group worth 10 billion.

Ye Yi didn't even drive halfway up the mountain, so he quickly braked and looked for it to see if there was really a share certificate.

Sure enough, he opened the small cabinet.

Ye Yi really saw a share certificate with Ye Yi's name on it.

He really already owns 100% of the shares of Hongtai Group!

And he is already the chairman.

In other words, this group worth 10 billion is now completely under the control of Ye Yi.

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