So Ye Yi did not speak in the group.

Fire Snake did not speak either.

But the whole group was disappointed, thinking that they would see the great show of the super power battle soon.

But although Ye Yi did not speak again.

The next moment.

Lei Kai did something big!

He set Ye Yi as the fourth administrator!

With Lei Kai as the group owner, that is the fifth administrator.

This group is the family group of the Magic City.

Historically, only the young masters of super families can be managers.

And at this time, Ye Yi was set as the fifth administrator.

It clearly shows Lei Kai's position.

Lei Kai recognized Ye Yi's identity.

He recognized that Ye Yi was from a super family!

From today on, Ye Yi is the fifth super power in the Magic City!

So seeing this scene.

The whole group was shocked.

Cao Meng, Chu Yu, and Wei Xin were even more shocked.

Tonight is destined to be sleepless.

What happened today is too incredible.

Even Fire Snake.

At this moment, they are all silent.

Feeling a lot of pressure.

As for the other two young masters of super families, they are also lost in thought.

It seems that the Magic City is about to usher in a big change...

After the WeChat group chat ended,

Ye Yi also fell into deep thought, under great pressure.

How could he not be under great pressure?

After all, it is the Huo family.

One of the four super families in the Magic City, ranked second.

To be honest, with Ye Yi's status as a guest official, it is obviously impossible to deal with the Huo family.

Who doesn't have a backer when they are from a super family ? They all have someone in the court.

Who would be afraid of you? So Ye Yi is under great pressure.

Of course, it is also impossible for the Huo family to harm Ye Yi in a short period of time.

The Fire Snake will not do this to die.

Ye Yi knows it.

But Ye Yi is under great pressure, and this hatred has been made.

But he has to find a way to solve this matter.

Not bad.

The hatred has been made, and he has to find a way to kill the Huo family.

Otherwise, sooner or later, the Huo family will not let him go!

Ye Yi thought of the Dragon Group.

The Dragon Group has levels: leader, chief instructor, guest official, captain, and ordinary team members!

Ye Yi is only a guest official now, on par with the governor.

But the chief instructor is at the level of deputy prime minister!

If Ye Yi reaches the position of chief instructor, he won't be afraid of super families.

Even the Fire Snake can be easily crushed!

At that time, the Fire Family will be nothing.

Ye Yi made up his mind instantly.

He must reach the position of chief instructor as soon as possible.

As long as he reaches the position of chief instructor, the super family will be nothing!

So of course Ye Yi made up his mind.

He made up his mind completely!

However, it seems that the chief instructor must be at least a master to have a chance to compete!

Ye Yi couldn't help but have a headache.

The system rewards are delayed.

I don't know when I will have the opportunity to step into the master's combat power!

Ye Yi had a headache...

Early the next morning, Ye Yi got up early in the villa.

Wei Xin had already gone to the group to be busy.

After all, they just moved to the Magic City.

The group still has a lot of things to do.

Like this big group.

There are countless things to do every day when you open your eyes, so Wei Xin of course went to the group early.

On the contrary, Ye Yi has the opportunity to be a hands-off boss.

That's so happy.

Just got up in the morning, Meng Yi was live broadcasting.

After arriving in the Magic City.

What Meng Yi does every day, besides accompanying Ye Yi, is live streaming.

Now Meng Yi is a big anchor.

He has over 10 million fans.

He is quite influential in the live streaming industry.

Ye Yi was also interested in seeing Meng Yi live streaming, so he recharged 60 million.

Then he logged into Meng Yi's live streaming room!

But Happy Fat House Water is a super boss!

Although Ye Yi hasn't been on Douyin for a while.

But the entire Douyin is still Ye Yi's legend.

It can be seen that Ye Yi's influence is indeed unparalleled!

So many fans recognized him immediately.

"What the hell, a 36,000 level boss? What's going on?"

"You don't even know Happy Fat House Water. Xiaoyi was rewarded by him to become a big anchor."

"It's a pity that Xiaoyi also fell because of him"

"The last time I gave Xiaoyi 300 million in tips, it made the headlines, didn’t you know?"

"Are you still a live broadcaster? You don't even know the happy fat house water."

"This is a real super boss who became famous in one battle!"

"He is also the chairman of Ye Investment Group. I just checked and found that the group has a market value of 900 billion."

"Yes, this happy fat guy is the chairman of the Ye Investment Consortium!"

The live broadcast room was in an uproar.

The audience's comments were like a tide.

How could they not be?

They all knew that Ye Yi was a super boss.

After all, there are still many old viewers.

Witnessed that scene!

And Ye Yi's identity as the chairman of the Ye Investment Consortium was also exposed by the paparazzi last time.

So many people know that this is a super boss!

At the age of 22, he controls more than 900 billion assets.

Ye Yi ignored the shock of the fans. He directly rewarded Meng Yi with 50 million!

50 million will be fully prompted by Douyin.

So the whole network was shocked again.

More fans poured into Meng Yi's live broadcast room.

Meng Yi's fans have skyrocketed again!

Meng Yi was completely shocked when she received the reward.

How could she not be shocked?

This is not a competition, Ye Yi suddenly gave her 50 million. He is worthy of being a 900 billion boss.

It's just that he has too much money to burn.

There is no place to spend the money.

So Meng Yi Completely shocked.

Looking at Ye Yi lying next to her,

Meng Yi was surprised and resentful.

You said the boss is good at everything.

Why doesn’t he like beautiful women?

Is it because her hint was not obvious enough?

Or is the boss not good enough?

Or is she not good-looking?

Yes, it must be the boss not good enough!

Thinking of this, she suddenly stopped being resentful, and suddenly understood Ye Yi. She also suddenly felt pity for Ye Yi.

He is not good at such a young age.

But it doesn’t matter, I will understand you!

Ye Yi was browsing Douying.

Suddenly he felt the death gaze behind him.

Then Meng Yi looked at him strangely.

What's going on?

Did Meng Yi misunderstand something?

If Ye Yi knew what Meng Yi was thinking, he would probably be very angry.

After Ye Yi browsed Meng Yi's live broadcast room, he quickly switched to another live broadcast room.

It’s a pity that those anchors are too vulgar.

There is no one Ye Yi can like.

Ye Yi ignored them.

Finally, in the end���After the channel was switched for a long time.

Ye Yi came to a live broadcast room.

This is a live broadcast room in the same city of Modou. Ye Yi saw a girl who looked pretty good!

This girl scored more than 9.5 points without makeup, which was comparable to Meng Yi.

The most important thing is that she not only looks perfect, but also very pure.

So Ye Yi still likes this girl very much.

Then Ye Yi took a look and found that this beauty was called Xiao Qian, and seemed to be a junior student at Modou University. She was in the same grade as Ye Yi!

Just a different school.

But Modou University is ranked in the top five universities in the country.

I don’t know how many levels higher it is than Ye Yi’s Shuangya University.

So she is definitely a top student.

Ye Yi liked this female anchor very much at first sight.

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