On the contrary, Ye Yi is more important.

So Cao Meng has been paying attention to Ye Yi.

Cao Meng was of course happy to show up when Ye Yi arrived.

Cao Meng is already a super beauty.

Plus the temperament of a strong woman!

And after taking power during this period of time, Annuo Group is thriving.

Cao Meng is even more powerful.

She also has the temperament of a real strong woman!

A shocking temperament.

At first glance, Cao Meng is more beautiful.

Even Ye Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Where did this fairy come from?

Although Cao Meng is a strong woman, her heart is all Ye Yi. When Ye Yi arrived, nothing else mattered.

She soon took Ye Yi on a tour in person.

Introduce this seven-star villa.

Introduce what is good about this seven-star villa.

Which ones are designed by her personally.

When Ye Yi heard it, he liked it even more.

Soon it was time for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

In the lively ceremony, the ribbon-cutting began.

Ye Yi and Cao Meng started cutting the ribbon at the same time.

Then the media took pictures.

Ye Yi is relatively low-key and did not use any identity.

He just accompanied Cao Meng to cut the ribbon.

But it is estimated that everyone who knows him will be shocked.

Soon, Ye Yi will spread the news of his coming to the Cao family to cut the ribbon throughout the Magic City.

By then, everyone will probably know that the Cao family has a relationship with him!

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Ye Yi is now a member of the Dragon Group and is not afraid of being high-profile.

Soon after the ribbon-cutting ceremony is completed.

It means that the business is officially open.

Countless customers have poured in! There are also many who come to congratulate the Cao family.

Even the aristocratic families are not a minority.

The Cao family used to decline from a super aristocratic family to a second-rate aristocratic family. No one cares about the Cao family.

They all want to stay away from it!

But now there are rumors that Cao Meng has found a big leg.

The Cao family will soon return to being a super aristocratic family.

So of course these aristocratic families came to congratulate.

There are so many people here at Cao Meng. Ye Yi has to help Cao Meng.

It makes him the same as the male owner here.

Ye Yi is also quite speechless.

But Ye Yi didn't make a high profile, just said that his surname is Ye.

He didn't mention that he is the chairman of the Ye Investment Consortium.

Soon he helped Cao Meng for nearly half a day.

Cao Meng didn't have time to spare until about six or seven in the evening.

She took Ye Yi to dinner.

Cao Meng had already thanked the guests.

So she could spend time alone with Ye Yi in the private room.

Cao Meng and Ye Yi came to the chairman's private room.

This was prepared by Cao Meng for herself.

There would be absolutely no one to disturb them here.

Usually, this room would not entertain any guests.

Only the chairman could use it.

After arriving in the room, the waiters served the dishes one after another.

Cao Meng said generously that she would treat them.

Let Ye Yi order whatever he wanted.

Of course, that was just a joke between friends. Cao Meng knew how rich Ye Yi was.

Could he need someone else to treat him?

Absolutely not!

Ye Yi didn't bother to be polite with Cao Meng and ordered a lot of delicacies.

In fact, they didn't cost much.

But being overly polite would definitely be awkward.

Ye Yi didn't need it.

Ye Yi also ordered a bottle of red wine worth one million.

To Ye Yi, a red wine worth one million was just like beer.

Ye Yi and Cao Meng finished their meal quickly.

I have to say that the decoration here is really good.

It's so good.

It's a pleasure to sit here.

It is worthy of being made by Cao Meng herself.

As for the dishes here, they are even more amazing. They are much better than those hotels Ye Yi has been to.

Ye Yi had a lot of fun today.

Dining with Ye Yi.

Cao Meng was also very happy. She even took the initiative to drink a little wine!

Usually, she doesn't drink a drop of alcohol when she is with men.

She is only at ease when she is with Ye Yi. She just hates this idiot for not doing something! She wishes she could get drunk next to Ye Yi.

As long as Ye Yi is there, she is at ease!

But this blockhead is really infuriating every time!

Why is he so straight?

The more Cao Meng thought about it, the angrier she got. I have to say that the red wine worth more than one million is still quite good.

With a beautiful woman by his side.

And such a good atmosphere.

Ye Yi likes it to the extreme in his heart. He is still very happy.

This trip is actually worth it.

So of course Ye Yi is very happy.

How can he not be happy.

But at this moment, as the two of them were having a happy meal.

The atmosphere in the room was different.

It instantly became...

Ye Yi couldn't put it into words.


It was ambiguous.

Ye Yi couldn't put it into words, it was very ambiguous!

Cao Meng usually didn't drink. But she drank this time.

Her pretty face was flushed!

Ye Yi liked Cao Meng in the first place. At first glance, he liked her even more.

Cao Meng was beautiful, and now her pretty face was even redder.

It added a touch of charm that a strong woman usually didn't have!

Ye Yi didn't know why at that moment.

He just felt as if his body was on fire. He was almost out of control!

Cao Meng was the same at this moment.

After drinking!

Plus this kind of atmosphere.

What's more, she had already made up her mind to take down Ye Yi!

To get Ye Yi!

Plus the courage of alcohol.

How could Cao Meng control herself at this moment? She became much bolder in an instant.

The courage of alcohol!

Cao Meng didn't know why.

She became much bolder than before!

What she didn't dare to say before.

Now she dares to say everything

"Tell me, why don't you like me? Don't quibble, answer me!"

Cao Meng became much bolder.

She immediately looked at Ye Yi and questioned him.

Not only did she have the domineering nature of a strong woman, but she also had the unique charm and cuteness of a little girl!

If she hadn't been drunk, you would never see that on Cao Meng.

Ye Yi was speechless. He just thought Cao Meng was drunk! Ye

Yi immediately picked up the wine glass for Cao Meng.

But the next moment, as soon as he picked up the wine glass, he was hugged by Cao Meng!

The next moment, Ye Yi was dumbfounded!

Because he, a super strong master, was actually pushed down by Cao Meng!

Pressed directly on the dining table!

Then when Ye Yi was still confused

, Cao Meng's warm and soft body directly blocked Ye Yi!

It was difficult for him to speak.

Cao Meng was panicked.

She didn't know why she was so bold. She actually dared to push Ye Yi down.

In the past, she had never even been in love or held hands.

But she hates all men in the world!

Why is she so bold?

How can she not panic?

But no matter!

Cao Meng is a strong woman.

She has made up her mind and nothing can change it.

She is going to get Ye Yi today! She must get Ye Yi!

So she kissed even more fiercely! Where is

Ye Yi at this moment. He is completely confused.

I was pushed down by a girl again?

Oh my God, what have I done wrong?

Why am I pushed down by girls again and again?

Am I still a super master?

Where is my old face?

Do you want it or not?

Ye Yi collapsed!

But in this atmosphere, Ye Yi was already emotional.

Cao Meng is so beautiful.

She took the initiative to kiss him.

Ye Yi's rationality also disappeared completely, how could he control himself?

So Ye Yi lost all his rationality!

Cao Meng is really too perfect, so perfect that she doesn't seem like a girl in the human world!

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