Xiao Qian is a college student.

How dare she say that she knows the boss of Ye Investment Group?

Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

They don't believe it!

Xiao Guobang is even more desperate.

He can see that his daughter is trying to trick him into staying alive.

"Daughter, you don't have to lie. The boss of Ye Investment Group didn't even have a chance to meet the second leader of Magic City."

"Are you qualified to be friends with him? He is a young man worth one trillion at the age of 22!"

Xiao Guobang's face turned pale.

Then he immediately looked at Xiao Qian and said.

Xiao Qian was anxious when she heard it.

She quickly showed her parents her prestige, and it turned out that he did know Ye Yi!

She also showed her parents the Douyin reward record.

Happy Fat House Water gave her a reward of 10 million.

And the news of this Happy Fat House Water confirmed that he was indeed the boss of Ye's Investment Consortium!

After a series of proofs to her parents, her parents fainted with excitement!

How could they not faint?

Xiao Guobang and his friends were completely sure that their daughter did know the boss of Ye's Investment Consortium.

Of course, they were extremely excited.

Who would have thought that an ordinary girl like their daughter would have the opportunity to befriend the boss of Ye's Investment Consortium.

This is a person with assets of trillions at the age of 22. He is the first young person in the whole of China.

After the excitement, the two were not in a hurry to die.

If their daughter really knew the boss of Ye's Investment Consortium, then the other party could indeed solve their crisis with just one sentence.

Because they were just short of 100 million or 200 million.

With 100 million or 200 million

, they could make a comeback. 100 million is as simple as having a meal for the boss of Ye's Investment Consortium!

They were still sure of this!

"Is this really true? Then can you borrow money from the other party to solve 100 million or 200 million?"

Ruyi spoke immediately.

He looked at his daughter and said.

But Xiao Qian panicked when she heard it.

She did know Ye Yi.

But the relationship between the two was very ordinary.

Where could she borrow 100 million?

The reason why she said this was that she didn't want her parents to die.

That's why she lied to her parents!

Who is Xiao Guobang? He is a university professor after all.

He immediately saw that his daughter might be lying to them.

He immediately took the medicine

"Daughter, don't try to deceive us. Call Ye Yi now."

"If you don't solve it now we will commit suicide!"

"Anyway, if you can't solve it, your mother and I will die anyway!"

Xiao Guobang picked up the medicine bottle in his hand.

He didn't give his daughter a chance to discuss it!

He asked his daughter to prove it, otherwise she would die immediately!

Xiao Qian was desperate.

She knew that she couldn't lie to her parents.

How could Xiao Qian dare to go to Ye Yi?

But there was no other way now.

If she didn't call her parents, she would die immediately!

She was not a shameless girl and would not ask for help casually.

But facing the only way to survive.

The only chance for her parents to survive.

No matter how shameless she was, she had to make this call.

So Xiao Qian immediately made a voice call to Ye Yi!

Extremely desperate!

How could she not be desperate?

Ye Yi had no special relationship with her.

Why should he help her?

In her opinion, Ye Yi would definitely refuse!

So of course it was even more desperate Hope.

Extremely desperate.

As if she saw the tragic death of her parents!

After despair, she became more determined.

If her parents died.

She would take medicine too!

She made up her mind completely!

Ye Yi was resting in the villa.

Recently, Ye Yi has become a lazy guy.

After having the system, he has lost the motivation to make progress.

Oh, it’s really a headache!

When Ye Yi was lying like Ge You.

Suddenly he received a voice call.

It was from Xiao Qian!

Ye Yi immediately realized that something was wrong.

Xiao Qian looked like a sensible girl. She wouldn’t call him.

Because Xiao Qian had never called.

Something must have happened!

Ye Yi saw it immediately.

Then he immediately answered the voice call.

"Mr. Ye!"

The phone was connected.

Xiao Qian was extremely nervous. She spoke immediately.

After she spoke, she became even more desperate!

How could she not be desperate? She was also more ashamed.

She seemed to hear Ye Yi's rejection!

So she became even more desperate

"Haha, why call me Mr. Ye? Just call me Ye Yi."

Ye Yi smiled.

He was even more certain that something was wrong with the girl.

Because the voice was not right.

"Yes, Mr. Ye, can you lend me 100 million or 200 million? Don't worry, I will sign the IOU for you right away. I was born in an educated family and I will never default on my debt."

"My father used to be the boss of a big company, but his partner ran away with the money, and now he needs 100 million or 200 million to turn around."

"But I promise you, as long as we have one or two hundred million, my father's company will be listed immediately, and it will not be a problem to increase tenfold by then."

"You won't be short of money."

Xiao Qian was too embarrassed to speak.

But she felt the look in her parents' eyes.

She had no choice but to speak.

At the same time, she was extremely nervous.

How could she not be nervous?

At the same time, she was extremely desperate!

She had never asked an outsider for help before.

The first thing she asked was to borrow 200 million!

Thinking of this made her even more desperate, as if she had seen Ye Yi's refusal!

Ye Yi was thinking.

At this time, the system voice suddenly sounded!

"Ding Dong, the system has released the latest task. Help Xiao Qian solve the problem and get a reward of 200 billion cash!"

The system sounded!

The latest task was released.

Ye Yi was overjoyed.

How could he not be overjoyed?

It has been a long time since there was a system task.

Suddenly, a system task came.

How could he not be overjoyed?

Of course, after being overjoyed, Ye Yi was very disappointed. He thought it was a reward for the martial arts realm.

But it turned out to be a cash reward.

What use is cash to Ye Yi!

But with the reward, Ye Yi must help Xiao Qian.

Two hundred million for two hundred billion, even a fool knows it's a good deal.

Even if there is no reward, Ye Yi doesn't mind helping Xiao Qian.

"It's just 200 million, isn't it? You don't have to be polite about this and you don't have to pay it back."

"Is two hundred million enough? I'll give you five hundred million directly."

Ye Yi said immediately.

He agreed and said that you don't have to pay it back.

In order to ensure that the task is absolutely completed, he will give five hundred million directly.

What if two hundred million is not enough, the task will fail!

But when Xiao Qian heard it at this moment, she was shocked.

How could Xiao Qian not be shocked? She was stunned for a moment.

She was desperate at first and thought that Ye Yi would not help her.

After all, there was really no deep friendship between her and Ye Yi.

To be honest, who would give you two hundred million for no reason? So she was prepared to be rejected.

Even if Ye Yi refused, she would not say anything.

It's human nature.

Who would have thought that Ye Yi would help her.

He agreed to lend her two hundred million without thinking about it!

And not only two hundred million!

He also lent them five hundred million directly!

And said that they don't have to pay it back.

Isn't this too rich? Five hundred million without blinking an eye, and you don't have to pay it back.

So how can you not be shocked.

Of course, it was extremely shocking!

It's not that I don't know how powerful Ye Yi is.

But I didn't expect it to be so amazing.

After the shock.

At this moment, Xiao Qian fell in love with Ye Yi completely!

She had a good impression of Ye Yi before.

Now a man fell from the sky, and she fell in love with Ye Yi completely.

Which girl can refuse the prince charming who fell from the sky? She couldn't do it either!

So she fell in love with Ye Yi completely.

Xiao Guobang was also shocked.

He couldn't believe it just now, and thought he would refuse!

Who would have thought that he would agree directly.

And he gave 500 million directly.

How could he not be shocked? This is 500 million.

He doesn't have to pay it back directly? It's not that I don't know that the boss of Ye's Investment Consortium is awesome, but I didn't expect it to be so awesome!

So he was completely shocked!

After being shocked, he was happy for his daughter.

How could he not be happy? Hugging the boss of Ye's Investment Consortium, this is an opportunity that many people don't have? He didn't expect his daughter to be a small anchor.

She actually hugged Ye Yi's thigh!

So of course he was very happy.

Ruyi was also shocked.

How could she not be shocked? He agreed directly? And he gave 500 million directly? Ruyi was naturally shocked to the extreme.

Isn't this too rich?

"Thank you, Ye Yi. I will definitely return the money to you."

""Thank you, Ye Yi!"

Xiao Qian burst into tears after being moved.

But Ye Yi didn't care.

Without much nonsense, he asked Xiao Qian's bank account number directly!

Then he directly transferred 500 million to her!

The moment she received the 500 million,

Xiao Qian was completely shocked.

Xiao Qian's family was also completely shocked! They were once again stunned by Ye Yi's generosity!

500 million was transferred just like that!

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