I actually kissed him!

I was kissed again!

At the same time, Ye Yi widened his eyes in surprise, while Chu Yu closed his eyes shyly.

It seemed that closing his eyes would make him pretend that nothing happened.

Soon, Chu Yu loosened his arms around Ye Yi and turned his head to pretend to look at the scenery.

On the surface, he pretended to be calm.

In fact, his heart had already exploded.

Oh my God! What did I just do?

I actually mustered up the courage to kiss Ye Yi?

What would he think?

Would he think I was casual?

But that was my first kiss.

Thinking of this, Chu Yu's face turned red with shame.

He couldn't believe that he was really brave just now.

The two didn't know what to say for a while.

A strange silence gradually spread.

Ye Yi was even more confused.

How could he not be confused?

He was kissed by girls every other day. How much peach blossom debt must he have owed!

So Ye Yi was naturally dumbfounded.

Noticing that Chu Yu's ears were red with shame, Ye Yi was even more dumbfounded and a little shy and embarrassed.

"Keep going, let's go."

After a long time, Chu Yu spoke first.

After all, she did that thing first, and Ye Yi didn't know what to say.

After what happened just now, the two of them were obviously much more embarrassed, and the atmosphere became more ambiguous.

Along the way, the two of them didn't even feel comfortable talking.

Time passed quickly, and around two o'clock, the two went home.

After finally returning to Seaview Villa No. 1, Ye Yi simply washed up and fell asleep on the bed.

On the other side, Chu Yu was a little insomniac. When she thought of what happened at night, she was embarrassed to cover her face with a pillow. How could she sleep!


The next morning,

Ye Yi hadn't woken up yet when he received a call from Lei Kai.

"Hello? Brother Lei, is there anything going on?"

I didn't get enough sleep at all!

Ye Yi half-closed his eyes, thinking that being rich and powerful is not that easy, and he is busy all day long.

"Brother Ye, I am going to host a private dinner tonight and would like to invite you to attend."

"Dinner? What kind of dinner?"

Lei Kai was also a busy man, so he got straight to the point without much small talk.

Ye Yi also liked his straightforward personality, but he didn't want to go to every dinner.

Otherwise, with his current ability, if someone invited him every day, would he still go every day?

So Ye Yi had to ask

"That's right, Brother Ye. I'll just say it directly. You are a foreign dragon, but as the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake, so you must have some connections in Shanghai."

"After all, if you want to make it in the world, it is far from enough to just have your own abilities. Connections can play a more important role in many cases."

Lei Kai really regarded Ye Yi as a brother, so he said whatever he thought.

He naturally knew that his brother was not ordinary.

Maybe he was a young master from a super family who came out to gain experience.

So he also wanted to do his best.

Although the Lei family is not ranked among the top few in the whole of China, it still has great influence in the Magic City.

Therefore, those who can attend Lei Kai's private dinner basically have the background of a first-class family.

Although a first-class family is not as good as a super family, a single super power is useless without the vassalage and exchanges of a first-class family.

The more they reach their status, the more powerful the relationship between the major families is. The more complicated the entanglements are.

All the major super families have their own followers, and these followers are naturally first-class families.

Each super family has its own sphere of influence. It can be said that within their sphere of influence, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as"covering the sky with one hand."

And those who can come to Lei Kai's private dinner are naturally those who follow the Lei family.

Of course, Lei Kai will not invite everyone to this dinner. Those who can come are those with good character and ability. Those dandies who just mess around all day are not qualified to come here.

Ye Yi naturally agreed after hearing this.

"No problem. When? I'll be there on time."

Are you kidding?

Of course he would come for such a good opportunity!

Ye Yi could see that Lei Kai was kind-hearted.

He really regarded himself as a good brother.

Of course, Ye Yi himself was also very clear. Although he is rich now, he has martial arts skills and the background of the Dragon Group, but he knows few people!

If others don't know you, no matter how capable you are, what's the use?

Many things can be done with just one sentence, but if no one knows you, it will be very troublesome to deal with.

What's more, Ye Yi wants to develop the Ye Investment Consortium well and root the base in the Magic City. Knowing more local people will also be beneficial to the development of the consortium.

So of course he agreed.

Lei Kai exchanged a few more pleasantries with him and hung up the phone.

As for Ye Yi, he naturally went to make up for some sleep.

When it was night, he packed up and set off with Meng Yi.

Originally, Ye Yi brought Meng Yi to the Magic City to let this girl gain experience.

Of course, he had to take her to such a scene.

Naturally, Ye Yi also reminded her in advance that she could not broadcast live tonight.

Meng Yi nodded very obediently and followed Ye Yi.

"Don't worry, Master Ye, I have some good sense!"

Living together these days, Meng Yi and him have become close, and they often joke around, unlike when they first met, when they were a little reserved.

Ye Yi also likes this way of getting along. After all, who doesn't like beautiful women as long as they are not suddenly kissed by force?

Soon, the two arrived at the Lei family.

After the call, Lei Kai sent Ye Yi the location, so they arrived very quickly.

And the Lei family is indeed a super family.

It occupies a place alone, which is like a small manor.

Although the place is large, it looks very low-key on the surface.

But if you look closely, you can observe traces of history in many details.

The charm of the family is revealed everywhere.

Soon, Ye Yi brought Meng Yi to the hall where the dinner was held.

There were not many people here, but it was very lively.

Everyone was talking.

Seeing Ye Yi come in, Lei Kai immediately brought four young men and women over

"Brother Ye!"

After saying hello, Lei Kai immediately began to introduce

"Let me introduce you to the four people around me, Su Ran, Yue Feng, Du Long and Qin Mu."

These four people are the young masters and young ladies of first-class families that Lei Kai values very much. They are honest and kind, and they are also very capable. Without

Lei Kai saying much, Ye Yi knew that these people were also well-known figures in the Demon City.

Ye Yi would not put on airs, and immediately greeted them with a smile and took the initiative to extend his hand.

"Hello, long time no see."

The four of them, although they didn't know who the person in front of them was, shook hands with him politely.

After that, Lei Kai smiled and looked at the four of them.

"Guess who he is?"

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