The next morning.

Ye Yi was awakened by the ringing of the phone again.

He sighed and picked up the phone.

He couldn't help but sigh that life is so busy now.

There is something to do every day.

When he was confusedly wondering who it was, Ye Yi suddenly widened his eyes and woke up instantly.

On the phone screen, the caller information showed Wei Xin's name!

Although Ye Yi asked Wei Xin to live in the villa, Wei Xin did not come back every day.

Sometimes when the company was busy, she would not go home.

Speaking of which, after being discharged from the hospital, Wei Xin was even busier. Ye Yi hadn't seen her for several days.

But because Ye Yi was busy himself, he didn't care too much.

It was just that Wei Xin asked her to pay attention to rest.

Now Wei Xin called suddenly, and it was early in the morning. Ye Yi couldn't help but feel a little worried. Wei Xin would not chat with him if there was nothing wrong, let alone at this time.

Is there something wrong with the consortium?

Or is Wei Xin in danger?

Ye Yi didn't dare to think too much and answered the phone immediately.

"Hello? Wei Xin, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

As soon as the call was connected, Ye Yi immediately asked about Wei Xin's condition.

""Ah? Me? I'm fine."

Wei Xin understood immediately after hearing this.

Ye Yi was concerned about her.

Thinking of this, the strong woman's heart suddenly felt warm. This was the person she liked. When encountering problems, he would care about her first, not the consortium first.

Women pay attention to details. Ye Yi's words made Wei Xin even more determined to be devoted to him and loyal.

Even these few days, she didn't feel so tired after working like a top!

Ye Yi naturally didn't know that she had thought so much at this moment.

He was relieved to hear Wei Xin say that she was fine.

Wei Xin's current position in his heart is naturally different from that of others.

She is not only the head of the company, but also his friend.

He will never allow Wei Xin to get into trouble.

If Wei Xin is fine, then it should be the consortium's business.

But with his current strength and connections, Ye Yi is not too worried about this.

"I'm glad you're okay. You called me so early. Maybe something happened to the consortium?"

Ye Yi asked.


Wei Xin's voice even sounded a little tired.

In fact, she was also rubbing her brows on the other end of the phone.

"The Ye Investment Consortium has been attacked by the Qian family these days, and has been hindered in all aspects. I think they are here to swallow up our group."

Wei Xin guessed correctly.

The Qian family is indeed here to swallow up the Ye Investment Consortium this time.

As the first-class family in the Magic City, the Qian family, a super-first-class family, is the existence of the Magic City second only to the super family.

The Qian family stamps their feet, and the whole Magic City will tremble!

So Wei Xin has no way at all.

Although her work ability is quite outstanding, she is a newcomer after all.

Although the Ye Investment Consortium is huge, it is not the opponent at all.

It is precisely because of this hugeness that the Ye Investment Consortium has long become a piece of cake in the eyes of many people.

If it weren't for the rumors about Ye Yi and the intentional or unintentional care of Lei Kai and others, I am afraid that many forces would have taken action long ago, but now that the Qian family has taken action, many projects have been directly blocked, which can be said to be a heavy loss.

Wei Xin had no choice but to call Ye Yi.

After listening to Wei Xin's general description of the whole story, Ye Yi was still like nothing happened. He even began to comfort Wei Xin

"It's okay, you don't have to worry too much about the Qian family. Just do it boldly. If you still can't figure it out, come to me and I'll do it myself."

As the saying goes, a tall tree attracts the wind.

Ye Yi naturally understands this truth.

So it was within his expectations that aristocratic families would target the Ye Investment Consortium.

Ye Yi is not worried about this.

Not only does he have the friendship with the Lei family and other aristocratic families, he also has the Dragon Group as a backer.

Why would he be afraid of this?

So Ye Yi asked Wei Xin to do it boldly.

After getting Ye Yi's guarantee, Wei Xin felt relieved and hung up the phone.

At the same time.

In an ancient house with a history of nearly a thousand years, the interior decoration is magnificent and spectacular.

This is the Qian family!

As you can imagine, with a history of a thousand years The power of the Qian family must have penetrated every corner of the city!

The accumulation of wealth from generation to generation has made the Qian family rank among the top-notch families.

Moreover, the Qian family is not only engaged in business, this big family has elites in almost all walks of life. Although it is not as good as the super family, it also has all-powerful power!

Countless small wealthy families and aristocratic families ended up broken up because they provoked the Qian family!

In the eyes of the Qian family, everything is for the benefit as the highest goal.

So the reputation of the Qian family is not very good.

But because of their shameless and despicable style, the Qian family has become stronger and stronger.

Now, in the hall of the Qian family.

Qian Liu, the eldest son of the Qian family, is sitting on a stool and showing off.

"How is Ye Investment Group doing?"

He asked while sipping his tea.

""Master, we have already stopped many of their business processes as you ordered. In a few days, the Wei Xin Ye Investment Consortium will be ours." The subordinate next to him replied

"Humph, a grasshopper after autumn, it won't be able to jump for a few days."

As the almost appointed heir of the family, Qian Liu naturally has some skills.

But unfortunately, he is not a good person. He likes to play tricks and do tricks.

This time, the Qian family attacked the Ye Investment Consortium, which was personally directed by him.

This matter is also very important to him.

Once successful, he can prove his ability to the family!

At that time, the position of heir will be stable.

So Qian Liu chose a newly listed consortium with strong capital.

Under his personal command, a���Everything went quite smoothly.

Of course, as a young master of a super first-class family, Qian Liu had naturally heard that the boss of Ye's Investment Consortium might have a background in the Dragon Group.

And he might even be a senior executive of the Dragon Group!

But in his opinion, the biggest possibility was still bluffing.

When he was young, Qian Liu had thought about joining the Dragon Group, but his own strength was not enough, so he turned to business.

That's the Dragon Group!

How can it be so easy to get in?

And it was rumored that Boss Ye was a very young college student.

How could he be a senior executive of the Dragon Group at such a young age?

This was even less credible.

So Qian Liu naturally inferred that the news was false. He didn't take it seriously at all and directly prepared to swallow up the Ye's Investment Consortium.

Although he had also heard that the Ye's Investment Consortium had the Lei family as a backer.

But his Qian family was not a vegetarian.

Even if Ye Yi had a good relationship with the young master of the Lei family, could his Qian family have nothing to do with the Lei family?

Young Master Lei couldn't possibly offend the Qian family to help him!

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