After Ye Yi drove away, he did not go anywhere else, but called Zhao Lu.

He promised to solve the problem for Zhao Lu's family last night.

So of course he had to call Zhao Lu.

Now Ye Yi is no longer short of money, and any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

Zhao Lu received Ye Yi's call soon and was overjoyed.

She was still worried that Ye Yi was just talking casually.

Seeing Ye Yi's call, she was very moved.

"Zhao Lu, where are you? I'll come right over."

When the call was connected, Ye Yi didn't waste any words.

He asked Zhao Lu directly.

Zhao Lu didn't think much about it. She was so moved that she told Ye Yi the name of the community and the floor.

Ye Yi could find it directly by going there.

Ye Yi hung up the phone and drove over.

The community where Zhao Lu's father lived was quite close to here, and it only took 20 minutes to get there.

Ye Yi arrived at the community very soon.

The security guards didn't dare to stop luxury cars from entering and leaving such ordinary communities.

So Ye Yi drove directly into the underground garage.

Then Ye Yi found the floor and went directly to the door.

After knocking on the door, someone opened it immediately.

It was Zhao Lu who opened the door.

But Zhao Lu's eyes were red at a glance, and Ye Yi immediately knew that she had cried.

This made even him feel a little distressed.

It's not that Ye Yi likes Zhao Lu.

But anyone who sees such a beauty crying will inevitably feel distressed.

"This must be Ye Yi, right?"

Zhong Nan also came at this time!

Zhao Fu also came.

They were all shocked to see how handsome Ye Yi was.

They had seen real stars, but to be honest, Ye Yi was more handsome than a star.

So they were shocked.

After being shocked for a while, Zhong Nan was happy for her daughter.

If Ye Yi was handsome and rich, he would be more than enough for her daughter.

On the contrary, her daughter was not worthy of Ye Yi.

Zhong Nan was just a woman's thinking.

But Zhao Fu saw it immediately.

Ye Yi was so rich at such a young age.

I'm afraid he was a young master from some big family, and his background must be greater than that of Young Master Long!

"Hello, uncle and aunt, my name is Ye Yi, and I am Zhao Lu's friend."

Ye Yi smiled and immediately introduced himself.

But Zhong Nan was not happy when she heard Ye Yi's words.

"Okay, okay, your pursuit of Zhao Lu has been reported in the news, so don't hide it from us. A boyfriend is just a boyfriend."

"What friends are you lying about? We are not feudal. We are happy for our daughter that Zhao Lu can find such a good boyfriend like you."

Zhong Nan thought Ye Yi was embarrassed to reveal his identity.

So he looked at Ye Yi directly.

But Ye Yi was confused.

What boyfriend? He and Zhao Lu are just ordinary friends.

Seeing Zhao Lu's apologetic look, Ye Yi understood immediately.

Perhaps the uncle and aunt misunderstood.

But Ye Yi didn't care. It was a misunderstanding. Just treat it as helping Zhao Lu.

"Uncle and aunt, let's talk about the details of helping this time."

"Can you tell me what happened in detail? I can decide how to help you."

Ye Yi stopped bothering with the small details and went straight to the point.

He immediately asked them what happened.

Ye Yi only heard what Zhao Lu said yesterday, but he didn't know what happened specifically.

How to help?

He must understand what happened.

That's why he helped.

Zhao Lu nodded. This really needed to be explained.

So Zhao Lu changed the chairman of Hongtai Group, and the general manager went back on his word and didn't want to sign the contract with them.

The general manager asked for 100 million, but they really couldn't afford it.

So now the Zhao family's cash flow is basically cut off.

The entire company is on the verge of bankruptcy.

But as long as there are a few hundred million in cash, or a contract with Hongtai Group, it can be solved satisfactorily.

As long as one of these two items is met, they can breathe a sigh of relief.

Ye Yi understood the whole story as soon as he heard it.

That's how feelings work.

But soon he was shocked.

Hongtai Group?

Isn't this the group he got?

And the new chairman of the other party happened to be named Ye Yi.

Ye Yi was instantly sure that it was really the group he got.

After confirming it, Ye Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He never thought that a catastrophe would occur because of the change of chairman.

Zhao Lu's family was almost forced to death. Of course, after laughing and crying, Ye Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

In other words, he only needed a word to save Zhao Lu's father's group, and he didn't need to spend a penny at all.

This is just a small favor. That's all.

Of course Ye Yi was willing to help.

Of course, murderous intent soon flashed through Ye Yi's mind!

He hated dirty people the most.

The general manager of Hongtai Group actually threatened 100 million.

How could Ye Yi's group allow such a termite?

As long as there is such a termite, no matter how big the group is, it will go bankrupt!

Not to mention that the general manager also offended Zhao Lu's family and almost forced them to death.

Even if Zhao Lu had not been offended. If

Ye Yi knew there was such a termite, he would kill him directly!

Yes, kill him directly.

Ye Yi still wants to make his business bigger and stronger, and he will never allow such scum to appear under his group.

He will kill anyone who knows about it. He will never let it go.

Of course, Ye Yi soon made up his mind. He had an idea.

He wanted to kill the general manager of Hongtai Group and put him in jail.

The group must not be controlled by this general manager.

Of course, Ye Yi is now the chairman of Hongtai Group and holds 100% of the shares.

Now Ye Yi is the one who has the final say in Hongtai Group. With just one word from him, the entire senior management will be replaced.

Not to mention getting rid of a general manager, which is an easy task.

After Ye Yi made up his mind, he naturally did not speak. He did not tell the other party about his identity as the chairman. Even if he told Zhao Lu's family now, they would not believe him.

So Ye Yi could only let things take their course.

He would tell the other party when Zhao Lu's family found out about it themselves.

"So what are you going to do? If you are short of money, don't worry, I can still give you tens of billions."

Ye Yi immediately asked Zhao Lu and the others what they were going to do.

He told Zhao Lu and the others not to worry.

Hearing Ye Yi's words, Zhao Fu's family didn't think he was bragging at all.

This is the owner of Villa No. 1.

It is normal to take out tens of billions.

Even if Ye Yi said that he took out 10 billion, they still thought it was normal.

But although they thought it was normal, they were inevitably shocked.

Ye Yi could take out tens of billions in cash casually, so how much real assets would he have?

Hundreds of billions or even hundreds of billions?

They gasped instantly!

"Thank you, Ye Yi!"

Zhao Lu was deeply moved

"Why are you being so polite to me? I am your boyfriend. It is my duty to help my uncle and aunt."

Ye Yi smiled instantly.

Since my uncle and aunt had misunderstood, he did not mind giving Zhao Lu face.

So he just pretended to be Zhao Lu's boyfriend.

In order to avoid disappointing my uncle and aunt.

Zhao Lu saw that Ye Yi was helping her and hiding it for her. She was immediately more moved.

However, after being moved for a while, Zhao Lu smiled and said

"No cash for now."

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