Zhao Fu immediately answered Ye Yi excitedly.

Ye Yi was relieved to hear this.

But he still told Zhao Fu that if he needed funds, he could ask him. Fang

Wu, who was standing by, saw that Zhao Fu had such a good relationship with the chairman.

He was shocked.

How could he not be shocked?

He had such a good relationship with the chairman.

He could even make the chairman ask if the funds were sufficient.

After being shocked,

Fang Wu made up his mind to curry favor with Zhao Fu.

How did the former general manager get out?

It was because he offended Zhao Fu!

Now there are rumors that Zhao Fu is the future father-in-law of the new chairman.

Of course, he made up his mind to curry favor with Zhao Fu. The meeting was soon adjourned after the matter was resolved.

Everyone left.

Ye Yi left Fang Wu alone. Ye Yi left

Fang Wu, of course, to explain something.

Although Gu Dong left.

But there are many termites promoted by Gu Dong.

Those termites are not small in harm.

Once they get together, no matter how big the group is, it will not be enough to ruin the family.

Ye Yi took over Hongtai Group in the hope of making it bigger and stronger, and he would never allow termites to ruin the family.

So Ye Yi kept Fang Wu.

He told Fang Wu to dismiss all those promoted by Gu Dong.

At the same time, dismiss all the termites in the group.

Let the personnel management of the group return to integrity and efficiency!

Ye Yi immediately told Fang Wu about his requirements.

At the same time, he asked Fang Wu not only to deal with those termites, but also to collect evidence as soon as possible, put Gu Dong in prison, and give him a longer sentence.

Only in this way can other people in the group be deterred.

They dare not mess around.

Fang Wu heard the chairman's words.

Naturally, he had no objection.

He immediately said that he would hurry up and send Gu Dong to prison within three days.

At the same time, within three days, those scum termites promoted by Gu Dong would definitely be dismissed.

Ye Yi was relieved. Fang Wu said so, so he was naturally relieved.

Soon Fang Wu also left.

Hurry up and do things. He dared not slack off on the things Ye Yi told him.

But after Fang Wu left, Ye Yi's heart was entangled with worries for a long time.

Others only saw how domineering Ye Yi was in getting rid of Gu Dong.

But only Ye Yi knew that he still had no power of his own!

This is very dangerous.

For example, if this matter was changed to Long Shao, Long Shao's words could make Gu Dong die hundreds of times.

This is the power of the wealthy.

But Ye Yi can only collect evidence to sue Gu Dong.

This is the gap.

Ye Yi is too different from the wealthy, and it is very dangerous without his own power.

At that time, Ye Yi will be like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Anyone can come and kill him.

No matter how rich he is, others can easily rob his property.

What Ye Yi thinks is definitely not alarmist.

It is a fact.

In any corner of the world, if you don't have power, you are a piece of fat meat, and anyone can take a bite.

Let alone becoming bigger and stronger.

Whoever wants to swallow you has a hundred reasons to swallow you.

It's hard to even protect yourself!

So at this moment, Ye Yi certainly felt deeply that he had no power, and it was very dangerous.

After realizing it.

At this moment, Ye Yi certainly made up his mind. He must cultivate his own power.

Only with super power can he have the ability to protect his property.

Only then can he be the master of the city!

Ye Yi made up his mind instantly and must cultivate his own power.

Ye Yi made up his mind completely.

Of course, it was just a decision, and soon Ye Yi was distressed.

Cultivating power is definitely not something that can be done overnight.

This takes a long time, and Ye Yi only has a goal now.

But it will take time to grow slowly.

Thinking of this, Ye Yi can only ignore it for the time being.

He can only use a long time to slowly cultivate his own power...

He can't care so much at the moment!

The group's affairs are done, and Fang Wu is here to handle it.

With Fang Wu as the acting general manager, Ye Yi has nothing to worry about.

So Ye Yi took Zhao Fu's family of three and drove back together.

The Long family.

As the first of the four major wealthy families in Yangcheng, the Long family is certainly not simple. The

Long family's mansion is in the center of Yangcheng.

It is a villa covering thousands of square meters.

Thousands of square meters in the center of Yangcheng.

It can be seen that the financial strength of the Long family. It is worthy of being a wealthy family with hundreds of billions of assets, the first of the four major wealthy families in Yangcheng.

Although it is a villa.

But unlike ordinary nouveau riche, the Long family's villa is quite low-key.

On the contrary, it has a very deep foundation.

There is even a kind of book fragrance.

This is also the difference between the upper class and the nouveau riche. The richer you are, the more low-key you are.

The richer you are, the more charming you are.

At this time in the Long family villa, Young Master Long was lying on a sun lounger.

He was basking in the sun leisurely.

But although he was leisurely.

But the next moment, as he picked up his phone, Young Master Long was suddenly shocked!

The message in the phone was a reply from Young Master Long's subordinates.

It was clearly shown on it.

Hongtai Group was indeed bought by a man named Ye Yi, and a photo of the new chairman was attached.

Isn't it Ye Yi that Long Fei knew!

As the eldest son of the Long family, Young Master Long naturally knew what happened in Yangcheng.

So he also heard that Hongtai Group was sold.

Although Hongtai Group is not a super large group, it is also a first-class group with a market value of 10 billion.

Naturally, it attracted Long Fei's attention.

And more importantly, the person who bought Hongtai Group was called Ye Yi?

Long Fei immediately asked someone to investigate.

And now the results have come back.

Young Master Long is completely sure that the person who bought Hongtai Group is Ye Yi, whom he knows.

Young Master Long was completely shocked.

Of course he wanted to make a sensation.

Ye Yi had already spent 3 billion to buy Villa No. 1, which was enough to shock Long Fei.

Now he has spent another 10 billion to buy Hongtai Group.

This is the entire Hongtai Group!

10 billion.

Thirteen billion in cash added up, what a terrifying concept!

To put it bluntly, the Long family claims to have assets of 100 billion, but the whole family only has tens of billions in liquid funds.

It is impossible to come up with 13 billion to buy these industries.

And even if these tens of billions in cash���

It can't be used casually.

Once used, the capital chain will be broken, and the Long family will be finished!

The entire Long family will be dragged down.

This is the reality.

The Long family can only take out tens of billions of funds, and Ye Yi casually took out 13 billion.

Easily bought the first-class group and Villa No. 1.

Long Fei was of course completely shocked.

Long Fei had suspected that Ye Yi was a young master of aristocratic family before, and now he is completely sure, absolutely sure!

And he is not an ordinary young master of aristocratic family, but definitely a young master from a super family.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to take out 13 billion in cash.

Because ordinary young masters of aristocratic families can't take out so much money.

After confirming it, Long Fei was completely shocked.

And after being completely shocked, Long Fei was more determined.

He must make friends with Ye Yi.

He must hug this young master of a super family!

Ye Yi certainly didn't know what happened in the Long family at this moment.

He quickly sent Zhao Fu's family of three back to the community.

After returning to the community.

Zhao Fu and his wife were very happy. Of course they were happy to get the contract.

And they also knew that they should give young people more opportunities to get along.

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