Ye Yi heard what Mina said.

In order to increase the slapping effect.

Ye Yi is also good at talking nonsense!

He immediately looked at Mina and said in a deep voice.

"I have been testing you for so many years, and today I want to tell you my true identity."

"But you disappoint me so much. You betrayed me for a mere bag worth hundreds of thousands of yuan."

Ye Yi said this very naturally and casually.

Not to mention that although he is usually honest, he is also a good pretender.

Hearing this, Mina collapsed even more. She felt so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe.

She couldn't even hold on to the last day. She missed Ye Yi, the diamond bachelor, and picked up a scum like Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun's old face turned green instantly.

Hearing Ye Yi's words, he felt even more slapped in the face.

The classmates heard the conversation, and those who had mocked Ye Yi before turned to mock Mina.

At this moment, everyone in the class cast sarcastic eyes on Mina.

Cheating is wrong in the first place.

In the end, cheating was slapped in the face.

Now, cheating has become a joke.���

I couldn't make it to the last day.

I missed the real tall, rich and handsome man, and picked up a scum like Zhang Kun.

Of course, everyone in the class looked at Mina with irony.

Many people even wanted to laugh out loud.

If they were not classmates, someone would definitely laugh.

Especially the girls in the class.

One by one, they looked at Mina with not only irony, but also contempt.

Ye Yi ignored these people and asked his good brother Liu Gui next to him if he wanted to get in the car.

Liu Gui also drove a BMW.

His car was similar to Zhang Kun's, both were luxury cars worth two million.

But can a luxury car worth two million be compared with a poison worth eighty million?

Compared with poison, a BMW is like a bicycle.

Liu Gui certainly wanted to experience the legendary top supercar.

So he even left his BMW behind.

At worst, he could drive it in a few days.

But supercars are not available every day!

He immediately got into the passenger seat, and then Ye Yi stepped on the accelerator.

The sports car drove away with a huge roar.

Only a group of students were left dumbfounded for a long time. Mina saw the luxury car driving away and collapsed to the ground with a bang...

When Ye Yi drove the poison and took Liu Gui on the road, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping Zhang Kun in the face, the slap level is perfect"

"Ding Dong congratulates the host on winning the 1.5 billion cash reward. The 1.5 billion cash has been transferred to the host's bank card."

"Ding Dong, considering the host's perfect face-slapping level, the system temporarily decided to increase the reward and reward the host with the No. 1 Yangcheng Guoshuyuan Villa worth 3 billion."

"System prompt: The payment for Villa No. 1 has been made. Please go to Long's Real Estate Company to transfer the ownership directly."

The system's voice rang in his mind. Ye Yi was overjoyed when he heard it.

How could he not be overjoyed?

Not only did he get 1.5 billion in cash, but he also got Villa No. 1 worth 3 billion.

Villa No. 1, even Ye Yi, an ordinary person, had heard of its luxury.

It is definitely the most amazing mansion in Yangcheng.

Adding it all together, it's a reward of 4.5 billion.

Just completing a task casually, and getting a reward of 4.5 billion?

Ye Yi felt that the system was not simple.

A reward of 4.5 billion, who in the whole of Yangcheng can casually take out 4.5 billion in cash?

But the system gave the reward casually.

Ye Yi really felt that with After the system was installed, it was like picking up money.

This is the real picking up money.

Ye Yi quickly took out his mobile phone and checked it. Sure enough, he found a text message about the bank card arrival.

As expected, 1.5 billion cash had arrived.

He was even happier.

Liu Gui didn't notice anything unusual about Ye Yi at all, and his attention was only on the car.

It has to be said that 80 million is 80 million. It is much better than his shabby BMW.

The feeling is completely different.

Liu Gui thoroughly experienced what it means to feel like flying, and what it means to enjoy flying.

The dignified Young Master Liu is actually like a country boy who has just come to the city.

He sighed here, touched there, and then looked at the interior of the car in shock.

"Ye Yi, your luxury car is too good. My car is incomparable to yours."

"What should I do if I don't like BMW anymore after riding in the poison? Can you lend it to me in the future?"

Liu Gui exclaimed in the car.

He looked at Ye Yi and joked.

In fact, he didn't dare to borrow such an expensive luxury car worth 80 million, nor did he expect to borrow it.

Even if Ye Yi dared to lend it to him, he wouldn't dare to drive it.

A slight scratch would be enough to make him suffer a lot, and he couldn't afford to pay for it.

But Ye Yi listened to Liu Gui's words and agreed readily.

What's the big deal? Isn't it just poison?

Now that he has the system, 80 million poison is no longer on Ye Yi's mind.

Not to mention that Liu Gui is very good to their roommates and has taken good care of them in the past.

Even this time, it was Liu Gui who helped Ye Yi.

Ye Yi is a grateful person. Liu Gui treats him well, and Ye Yi will only treat him ten times better.

What's more, Liu Gui is a good person, loyal and kind-hearted, and Ye Yi likes such a brother very much

"Of course, no problem. If you want to drive a car in the future, just come to me."

Ye Yi readily agreed.

Hearing this, Liu Gui was very excited.

How could he not be excited?

Good brother, a luxury car worth 80 million yuan can be lent to you just like that.

He was very moved.

But after being moved, Liu Gui was speechless. He looked at Ye Yi and complained:

"You are such a disloyal boy. In order to test Mina, you even hid it from us roommates and pretended to be an ordinary person. You deceived us all."

"But I have to say that she should be tested, otherwise who would have thought that Mina would be such a person, your test is worth it."

Liu Gui looked at Ye Yi and complained.

He blamed Ye Yi for being disloyal.

Ye Yi listened, but he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was not testing Mina at all. He was just pretending just now.

But I have to say that he really has to thank Mina.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have such an awesome system.

But after sighing for a while, Ye Yi stopped the car.

He said that he would transfer the money that Liu Gui had used to treat everyone to dinner today to Liu Gui.

Liu Gui spent this money in vain just to help Ye Yi.

Of course Ye Yi had to transfer it to Liu Gui. He was rich now, and Liu Gui treated him well, so he couldn't let Liu Gui... Liu Gui is at a disadvantage.

Although Liu Gui's family is rich, Ye Yi knows that he only has a few hundred thousand pocket money a month, and this meal cost hundreds of thousands.

I'm afraid Liu Gui will have to live a"poor life" this month.

So Ye Yi must return it to Liu Gui.

What's more, Liu Gui is so good to Ye Yi. Ye Yi is now capable, so of course he has to protect Liu Gui in return.

When Liu Gui heard that Ye Yi wanted to transfer the money to him, he immediately turned his face.

He regarded Ye Yi as a sincere good brother.

It was just a small amount of money, and Ye Yi wanted to return it to him. Isn't this not treating him as a brother?

He quickly refused but couldn't hold back.

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