It was as if they heard a big joke.

An ordinary young man.

He threatened that Gao Fu could not leave.

So of course they were all disdainful. They looked at Ye Yi as if he were an ant.

It was as if they saw an ant yelling at an elephant.

After being disdainful, they all suspected that this young man was crazy.

Otherwise, how could he be so ignorant?

And Gao Fu was also furious.

He has been domineering for many years.

Because he is Fulin's brother-in-law, many people have to give him face.

And he also enjoys the feeling of bullying men and women.

So Gao Fu has long regarded himself as the king of the world.

As a result, at this moment, an ordinary young man actually said arrogantly that he could not leave here.

Of course Gao Fu was furious. He even laughed in anger.

But his eyes were already cold when he looked at Ye Yi. At the same time, he made up his mind to kill this young man ruthlessly. Only in this way can others know what the consequences of offending Gao Fu are!

Of course, after making up his mind.

Gao Fu immediately thought about how to kill the young man in front of him.

Now is no longer the time to fight.���In the era of killing,

Goff's family was almost cleansed.

They would definitely not find a place to deal with this young man.

Their family had all learned to cultivate themselves.

If they did that, they would never get rid of the second-rate people, so Goff would certainly not do that.

Goff quickly made up his mind.

It would be better to drive this young man out.

Let this young man be embarrassed to the extreme.

Then find a connection to put this young man in jail.

Imprison him for ten or eight years.

Wouldn't everyone know what the consequences of offending him are?

Then they would never dare to offend him again.

Only in this way can this young man be severely dealt with.

Goff made up his mind.

After making up his mind, Goff spoke instantly.

With a roar, he directly called a team of people.

""Manager Wang, come quickly, there's someone sneaking in here!"

Gao Fu shouted instantly.

As soon as he shouted, a middle-aged man in a suit appeared with a team of security guards.

The middle-aged man in a suit was a calm middle-aged man, and he was the manager here.

Although he was just a manager, he had the aura of a superior. Just from his aura, you could tell that he was in a high position.

He was indeed in a high position.

He was the biggest manager of Bar No. 1, managing the entire bar, just like the butler of an ancient master, representing the boss behind him.

So many young masters were afraid of him and had to give him face.

Although he was just a dog of the bar owner, being the manager here was not a simple dog.

Even Gao Fu had to be polite to him. He had considerable power.

The rich young masters in the circle had to be polite to him.

After all, if you wanted to come here to play, you had to go through this manager.

The manager was called Chen Hu.

Chen Hu had the aura of a superior.

Although he was just a manager, as he arrived, the faces of the young masters changed.

They became polite.

It can be seen how high his status was.

"What happened?"

Chen Hu's face changed.

Someone actually got in?

As a manager, he had to keep an eye on the bar.

This was the seventh floor.

If the boss knew that he couldn't even keep an eye on the door and let someone get in, would he still want to do it?

Chen Hu's face changed. He was able to have what he has today thanks to his manager status.

Being a manager here is not just about the money on the surface, but about status!

It can be said that when he went to a small place, even the head of the small place had to come out to greet him in person.

This is the difference in status and connections.

So he didn't want to lose such a glorious position. He immediately valued it and personally brought a team of security guards over.

"Manager Chen is this person. We don't know him. He is definitely not a member here, but he managed to sneak in."

"You should check this person as soon as possible, otherwise if something is lost here, you will be held responsible!"

"Then quickly kick this person out, otherwise if your boss knows that someone has sneaked in, you will definitely be in trouble."

Gao Fu smiled.

He pointed at Ye Yi and spoke gloomily.

It was as if he had seen the scene of Ye Yi being kicked out.

In his opinion, Ye Yi must have sneaked in.

Because he had never seen Ye Yi. When the people around heard Gao Fu's words, they sneered at once.

It was as if they had seen the scene of Ye Yi being kicked out.

In their opinion, they had never seen Ye Yi, and Ye Yi was not a member of their circle.

But he just sneaked in, right? Why are you so arrogant and talking big? You didn't mess with Gao Fu, but you were kicked out directly.

How embarrassing.

Thinking of this, they sneered even more.

Hearing this,

Zhou Ling's pretty face changed.

How could she not change her pretty face?

Although Ye Yi is rich, it seems that he is indeed not qualified to come to the seventh floor.

Could it be that Ye Yi really sneaked in? ?

That's a serious crime.

Not only will he be kicked out, but he will also have to go to jail.

Because these are all very valuable things.

Any charge will cost him several years in prison.

Thinking of this, her pretty face turned pale. She never thought that Gao Fu would be so shameless, and the villain would complain first.

But Ye Yi certainly couldn't deal with it.

Her pretty face turned pale.

After hearing Gao Fu's words.

Who is Chen Hu?

Of course, it can be seen that these two young people may have a grudge, so they deliberately targeted them.

He saw it immediately.

But seeing it is one thing.

But if it involves sneaking in, he must investigate.

This is his job.

So at this moment.

After hearing Gao Fu's words.

Although he knew that Gao Fu was using him as a gun, he still had to investigate Ye Yi at this moment.

""Sir, do you have a membership card?"

Chen Hu asked politely.

But with a sense of pressure.

If Ye Yi really got in, he would definitely not be polite.

Ye Yi was speechless when he heard Chen Hu's words.

Why does he need a membership card?

He only came once, not every day.

If he really needs a membership card, it would be simple.

Just tell the young masters and it will be done.

But Ye Yi didn't want to.

So Ye Yi shook his head.

Seeing Ye Yi shaking his head, the people around him sneered. He doesn't even have a membership card.

He really got in!

Gao Fu sneered, as if he had seen the scene of Ye Yi being driven out.

Zhou Ling's pretty face was pale.

Could it be that Ye Yi really got in?

But isn't Ye Yi a super young master?

Could it be that Ye Yi's super young master identity is also fake?

But it's impossible!

The whole school knows that Ye Yi is a real super rich second generation!

No matter what happens now.

Ye Yi will definitely be miserable without a membership card.

Zhou Ling couldn't care so much.

She decided to say something for Ye Yi

"Manager Chen, it was Gao Fu who wanted to force me. This gentleman is brave and righteous. You can't listen to Gao Fu."

Ye Yi helped Ye Yi, and Zhou Ling couldn't let Ye Yi get involved.

So she immediately started to argue for Ye Yi.

But Chen Hu's face didn't change when he heard this.

There were many rich boys forcing girls in the bar, and he couldn't control it even if he wanted to.

The world is just like this.

He could only report this to the boss.

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