"Mr. Ye is really too polite. From now on, you are my, Chen Hu's, boss. I will kill anyone who dares to be rude to you!"

"Thank you so much, Mr. Ye!"

Chen Hu's words were completely sincere.

He said this because he admired Ye Yi's character. He was not intimidated by Ye Yi's power.

After all, the character shown by this young man was really admirable!

From then on, Chen Hu would not obey anyone.

But he would definitely obey Ye Yi.

Ye Yi was his biological elder brother.

Chen Hu made up his mind.

But Zhou Ling was even more shocked.

Even the god of Bar No. 1, Manager Chen Hu, had to be humble to Ye Yi.

How unfathomable was Ye Yi?

Of course she was completely shocked! She was even more shocked by Ye Yi's unfathomable depth.

I'm afraid Ye Yi is really a young master from aristocratic family.

After being shocked, she of course made up her mind completely. She was even more determined to take down Ye Yi.

Ye Yi smiled.

Instead, he looked at Zhou Ling next to him and spoke

"This is my classmate Zhou Ling, who is a resident singer here. I hope Manager Chen will help me take care of her in the future and don't let this happen again."

Ye Yi looked at Chen Hu again.

He didn't have much to do to help Zhou Ling.

It just so happened that Zhou Ling helped Ye Yi get a reward of 51 billion.

Ye Yi would do a favor and take care of Zhou Ling.

Anyway, it only took him a word.

But Chen Hu shuddered all over! She was actually Ye Shao's classmate?

This was unusual.

In addition, Ye Yi had just helped him, and he was worried about how to repay Ye Yi.

In addition, she was Ye Shao's classmate.

So he had to take care of her!

Chen Hu was a smooth-talking person. He was very good at dealing with people.

He spoke immediately

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, as long as Zhou Ling is willing, she will be our top supervisor right away."

"Don't worry, Master Ye. This kind of situation is rare tonight. After all, not everyone is as reckless as Gao Fu."

"And as long as I am still alive, I will not let anyone bully Zhou Ling in Bar No. 1, or else they will make things difficult for me."

"In addition, I will directly raise Zhou Ling's monthly salary to 200,000 yuan. Zhou Ling has outstanding abilities and is fully qualified to be a supervisor."

As a manager, Chen Hu is of course qualified to directly promote his subordinates.

A monthly salary of 200,000 yuan is nothing for Bar No. 1.

They make a fortune here every day.

A monthly salary of 200,000 yuan is too ordinary.

Of course, this is Ye Shao's classmate.

If he pleases Ye Shao's classmate, isn't it the same as holding Ye Shao's thigh?

Of course he must seize this opportunity.

As for ability, that's nonsense.

Even if he doesn't have ability, as long as he is Ye Shao's classmate, he is also a rare talent!

Even if Ye Shao points to a man and says that he wants to turn this man into the bar's bar girl, he will agree immediately.

This is the influence brought by identity.

Ye Yi smiled.

How I didn't expect Chen Hu to be so good at showing himself and doing favors.

But Ye Yi didn't say much.

A monthly salary of just 200,000 yuan was not worth his personal thanks.

But there was a chance to promote Chen Hu.

But Zhou Ling was so happy that she was dumbfounded.

Ye Yi made her the head of the No. 1 bar with just one sentence? This is a position second only to the manager and boss.

She just felt like a dream.

At the same time, she was shocked by Ye Yi's influence.

Of course, she was happy for a while.

Zhou Ling was not stupid. She didn't plan to accept this position.

Because rich people don't like their significant other to hang around bars for a long time.

Her goal now is to win Ye Yi!

It's better than being the head of the bar. The supervisor is much more powerful.

What is a supervisor?

Didn't you see that the manager has to kowtow in front of Ye Yi?

So of course she won't do it!

Instead, she has a more ambitious goal.

To take down Ye Yi directly.

After solving the problem, Ye Yi and his friends naturally went back to the private room to play.

And what happened just now.

Ye Yi was afraid of scaring Zhou Ling, so he took Zhou Ling to the private room as well.

Manager Chen Hu naturally had no objection.

He said that Zhou Ling could be absent from work at any time and her salary would be paid.

This was Ye Shao's specific request.

Of course he had no objection.

What's more, Ye Yi and his friends spent 80 million in the private room tonight, and they were the largest customers of Bar No. 1 today.

So he had even less objection.

So Ye Yi and his friends started playing in the private room.

But As Zhou Ling joined in, the atmosphere became obviously weird.

Qi Xin looked at Zhou Ling. She instantly became jealous!

She had liked Ye Yi in the first place, but she didn't know that Zhao Lu and Wei Xin were not enough, and there was another woman.

And she was so charming!

Qi Xin's appearance must be needless to say, and her figure is even more explosive!

But her appearance is only comparable to Zhou Ling.

Especially Zhou Ling, her figure is much better than Qi Xin's.

Even Qi Xin's figure is already very good.

But in front of Qi Xin, it looks too ordinary.

Qi Xin was even more jealous.

And even more uncomfortable.

Especially when she saw Zhou Ling leaning against Ye Yi and talking to Ye Yi in a coquettish way.

She was even more uncomfortable


""Fox smell!"

Qi Xin cursed in her heart.

As a little witch, she has always been the one to tease people.

This is the first time that she has been so angry.

Ye Yi didn't care about Qi Xin's thoughts.

At this moment, Ye Yi was full of worries.

Others only saw Ye Yi's glory, as if he was so powerful to slap Gao Fu in the face tonight.

But only Ye Yi knew.

He didn't use his own strength to slap Gao Fu in the face.

He just borrowed the power of the four major families.

This world is very dangerous.

The strong prey on the weak.

If you don't have your own power, then no matter how rich you are, you are just a piece of fat meat.

Others can swallow you up however they want.

This world is so cruel!

Of course, Ye Yi was worried in his heart.

Full of worries!

This is the second time he felt the danger of having no power.

Ye Yi made up his mind completely in an instant.

He still has to cultivate his own power as soon as possible.

That's right, he has to cultivate his own power as soon as possible!

Only in this way can it be absolutely safe.

You can't rely on the four major families for everything, right?

And Ye After this period of time, Yi has seen through it.

In fact, the four major families are only first-rate, but not the top forces.

There are still many forces in China that can swallow up the four major families!

So even the four major families are actually nothing.

Ye Yi felt more stressed when he thought about this.

Of course, there is pressure.

Ye Yi thought about it and ignored it for the time being.

He drank happily with his brothers.

Following Ye Yi.

Zhou Ling was completely shocked.

Because Zhou Ling discovered that although Ye Yi was on par with several young masters, the young masters were obviously flattering Ye Yi.

The young masters all took Ye Yi as the leader.

They were respectful to Ye Yi!

And these are the young masters of the four major families. They all have to be respectful to Ye Yi!

Ye Yi is definitely the eldest son of a super family.

Zhou Ling was completely shocked.

Completely shocked.

At the same time, she completely understood how unfathomable Ye Yi was. It was even more shocking than when she just saw Gao Fu slapping her face.

What a terrifying identity!

Ye Yi ignored Zhou Ling's shock.

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