So the transfer was done immediately, and the transfer procedures were completed soon. Villa No. 1 would belong to Ye Yi in the future.

The property certificate and other things were also handed over to Ye Yi.

But after the transfer, Zhao Lu looked at Ye Yi with a completely different look.

After all, how rich does one have to be to be able to take out 3 billion in cash to buy Villa No. 1?

3 billion in cash, few people in Yangcheng can take it out.

Those who can take it out will not use it to buy villas casually.

It can be said that even Young Master Long couldn't take out 3 billion to buy Villa No. 1.

But this young man took it out. This shows that this young man is definitely richer than Young Master Long, and has a background.

After understanding it.

Zhao Lu looked at Ye Yi with a different look, and Ye Yi looked handsome.

He was dressed in a low-key manner.

She instantly had a good impression of Ye Yi.

At the same time, she made up her mind to make friends with Ye Yi.

This is a man who is more powerful than Young Master Long, a real boss.

It's not even just a good impression.

Zhao Lu couldn't help but have other ideas. I wonder if such a handsome and rich boy has a girlfriend?

Women are simple, and Zhao Lu is also a vulgar person.

Seeing such a capable young man, of course, she had other ideas.

She made up her mind instantly that if she had the chance, she must take Ye Yi down!

Zhao Lu avoided her family's arrangement and came here to be a manager. She didn't want to marry a mediocre person and wanted to control her own destiny.

Now that she met Ye Yi, she naturally made up her mind not to miss the opportunity to marry a capable and handsome man.

Of course, Zhao Lu is not a vulgar girl, and she will not be as devoted as ordinary girls.

She also knows that the easier it is for a man to get, the less he will cherish it.

So even if she wants to take Ye Yi down, she will not act so vulgar.

At this time, everyone who was pointing and talking around just now saw this scene and was shocked!

It turned out that this young man really bought it?

After being shocked, they were ashamed. They just mocked Ye Yi.

And several female salesmen were shocked.

This... It turned out that this student in his early twenties bought it.

How rich does it take to buy a 3 billion villa as a student?

After being surprised, they regretted it one by one. They could have hugged Ye Yi's thigh just now.

But they mocked that they missed it.

After regretting, several female salesmen were terrified. They had just been mocking Ye Yi.

How could they not be terrified?

But now Ye Yi turned out to be a real big shot.

Ziyun felt stars in her eyes. It was actually bought by this young man.

A 3 billion villa was bought by a student? How powerful must this young man's background be?

Her pretty eyes were full of stars. She wanted to throw herself on Ye Yi.

She even fantasized in her heart that it would be great if she could become Ye Yi's girlfriend.

Then she would definitely be willing to give everything to Ye Yi.

After the transfer, Ye Yi looked at the female salesmen with a sneer.

Ye Yi has a kind personality, but besides being kind, he has a ruthless and cruel side.

This is also Ye Yi's personality.

Usually kind and helpful, but once provoked, he will retaliate tenfold!

This is Ye Yi's personality, fierce!

Only these two words can describe his personality.

Be good to me tenfold and be bad to me tenfold.

Just now, these salesmen have been sneering and provoking Ye Yi's bottom line.

Ye Yi will naturally not let them go.

So he immediately looked at Zhao Lu and spoke

"Haha, your company is really awesome to mock us customers like this."

How fierce is Ye Yi's personality?

He immediately said everything that just happened to Zhao Lu. When several female sales heard this, they were so scared that they almost collapsed.

When Zhao Lu heard this, her pretty face instantly turned cold.

What kind of identity is this to be able to buy a villa worth 3 billion?

An identity that even Long Shao had to call to ask about personally.

A well-connected background.

Moreover, he is a big customer of the company.

How can he allow a few small salesmen to slander him? Wouldn't it ruin the company's image if it were spread out? Who would dare to buy a house here?

She was instantly angry. She looked at the salesmen and said coldly

"You have been fired. Please collect your salary and leave immediately."

Hearing this, several female salesmen turned pale.

They didn't want to leave Long's Real Estate. The salary here was much higher than that of the same industry.

But what else could they say since the manager had spoken?

Several people could only get out.

At the same time, they regretted it in their hearts...

Why did they offend such a big shot?

They didn't hug the thigh but were kicked away. Of course, they regretted it in their hearts.

After firing several salesmen, Ye Yi looked at Ziyun and said

"The saleswoman just now had a good attitude, Manager Zhao, you should reward her."

Ye Yi will repay a favor.

So naturally he didn't mind helping Ziyun.

Ye Yi was a big shot, Zhao Lu was eager to perform well so as to make friends with a big shot like Ye Yi.

So he immediately said happily

"Don't worry, Ziyun will be promoted immediately. I'm going to nominate her as deputy manager."

Zhao Lu still has the ability to nominate a deputy manager.

She expressed her opinion immediately.

Hearing this, Ziyun next to her was so happy.

She looked at Ye Yi with shining eyes.

She liked Ye Yi very much, and now she wanted to be with him.

At the same time, she admired Ye Yi to the extreme.

One sentence decided her future, of course she admired him very much!

After doing these things, Zhao Lu took the initiative to add Ye Yi's V.

Zhao Lu knew that girls couldn't be so cheap.

So she used the excuse of manager, saying that there might be handover procedures.

Ye Yi didn't care, so he added Zhao Lu as a friend.

Then he was ready to leave.

But at this time, a middle-aged man hurried over.

He took the initiative to walk in front of Ye Yi, with a polite face.

This middle-aged man was naturally Long Fei, the eldest son of the Long family.

The Long family is a real wealthy family in Yangcheng, and even among the wealthy families, they are the top ones!

The market value of Long's Real Estate is hundreds of billions, but it is only a company under the Long family.

The Long family has many industries.

Assets are more than 100 billion!

It can be seen how terrifying the Long family is, a real behemoth.

If they stamp their feet, the whole city of Yangcheng will be shaken. They have a very terrifying influence in Yangcheng.

Long Fei is the young master of the Long family and the future head of the family.

Although Long Fei is the young master of the Long family, he has a simple and approachable personality, a kind heart and good character.

Therefore, he usually has a wide range of contacts in the circle and has good reviews.

The reason why Long Fei rushed here was naturally because he heard his subordinates report that Villa No. 1 had been transferred, so he hurried here.

Two days ago, he received 3 billion yuan in funds and received a mysterious call saying that a man named Ye Yi bought Villa No. 1.

Long Fei also personally investigated Ye Yi, but found nothing.

So he was extremely shocked.

Even he couldn't find out, only unfathomable could describe it. Long Fei was more certain that Ye Yi was a real big shot.

Now seeing that Ye Yi was only a student, but bought Villa No. 1 for 3 billion.

Long Fei was extremely shocked.

He was definitely a young master of a noble family.

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