Of course, it was only a little bit.

Ye Yi's strength was still not strong enough.

Ye Yi understood that he was only a little bit strong now, but not enough to protect himself completely.

Thinking of this, Ye Yi suddenly wanted to be stronger!

It seemed that the system prompted that he was only at the initial stage now?

That meant there was a stronger realm!

Of course, he was happy for a while.

Ye Yi soon became worried.

He didn't know if he was the only ancient martial arts master in the world?

Are there other ancient martial arts masters?

If he was the only one, it would be fine.

But if there were other ancient martial arts masters.

That would be a major threat!

Ye Yi was naturally thinking about it.

But after thinking about it for a while, he didn't care for the time being.

But Wei Xin was completely stunned!

What's wrong with Ye Yi?

So fast?


And such a big rock was shattered with a slap.

More importantly, the feeling Ye Yi gave her now was completely different from before!

Before, Ye Yi was just handsome.

But now he gave her an unfathomable feeling!

This is also the change after entering the realm of cultivators.

Even Ye Yi didn't notice it.

Fulin woke up quickly.

He was not that surprised.

Because he had seen this kind of ancient martial arts master before.

After all, he was also a second-rate figure in Yangcheng.

He must have seen it before.

He was also a person in a high position.

"It turns out that Brother Ye is not only a super young master, but also a master of internal martial arts!"

"I am so short-sighted that I didn't realize it. Brother Ye is really amazing, and he is a super master even among ancient martial arts masters!"

Fulin said.

Although he had seen internal martial arts masters before, he was not shocked.

But Ye Yi was actually a super master. He was even more powerful than the ones he had seen.

He was extremely shocked!

How could he not be shocked?

You know, the master he had seen was already in his sixties, and not half as powerful as Ye Yi.

But Ye Yi was in his early twenties. He was actually much more powerful than that person.

Of course he was shocked!

Extremely shocked.

How did he practice this?

It can only show that Brother Ye is truly unfathomable, even more terrifying than he thought.

"You actually know that I am a master of ancient martial arts?"

Ye Yi was shocked.

He was just wondering if there were other masters of ancient martial arts in the world.

Unexpectedly, Fulin recognized him.

Ye Yi is not stupid.

This means that there are other masters of ancient martial arts in the world.

And there are quite a few!

After confirming this, Ye Yi was of course worried.

He had to quickly find out how many masters of ancient martial arts there are in the world.

After reaching this level, Ye Yi deeply understood the threat.

Yes, it is precisely because he deeply understood the threat.

Only when he reached this level did he know how terrifying the masters of ancient martial arts are.

They are absolutely the best of the best.

They are not missiles, but every joint is more terrifying than a missile.

It is not an exaggeration to call them humanoid robots!

Fulin smiled bitterly.

He immediately confessed

"To be honest, ancient martial arts masters have a very high status. After all, each of them has terrifying lethality, so they must have a great status."

"Generally, only wealthy families and noble families have ancient martial arts masters, so ordinary people can't get in touch with them."

"Moreover, even in aristocratic families, ancient martial arts masters are guests of honor and must be treated with courtesy by the head of the family."

"But I happened to see him at Long's house."

Fulin answered Ye Yi's words.

He said that only aristocratic families had ancient martial arts masters, and ordinary people could not get in touch with them.

But he happened to have seen them in the Long family.

So he knew.

Ye Yi knew that Fulin was not lying.

There is no doubt that the status of ancient martial arts masters must be very high.

It is normal that only aristocratic families and wealthy families exist.

Even in aristocratic families, their status is probably very high.

It is normal that ordinary people cannot get in touch with them.

If ordinary people can get in touch with them, then there will be something fishy.

Wouldn't it be a mess?

Ye Yi understood instantly.

After understanding it, he was even more shocked.

It turned out that there were many ancient martial arts masters in aristocratic families?

Are there stronger ones than him?

Ye Yi felt a huge threat in an instant.

There were probably many stronger ones than him!

After feeling the huge threat, Ye Yi was of course more eager to break through.

More eager for a higher realm!

He was more determined to break through to a higher realm, and faster.

Because no one knew better than him how terrible the ancient martial arts masters were.

How big a threat they were.

If those aristocratic families had masters stronger than him, they could really threaten Ye Yi at every moment.

So of course Ye Yi was more eager than ever before, and he must break through faster!

"However, the masters of the Long family that I have seen are all in their sixties, and they are still the best masters of the Long family."

"But he's in his sixties and still not half as strong as Brother Ye."

"I can't even smash a boulder with one hand."

"Brother Ye is really gifted. I heard from Young Master Long that it is very difficult to become a master of ancient martial arts. Many people are still struggling at the basic level in their sixties and seventies."

"But Brother Ye can reach such a terrifying realm in his early twenties. His talent is simply terrifying!"

Fulin said immediately.

He really didn't lie.

Because Young Master Long did say that it is difficult to achieve success in the martial arts.

How many people are still wandering in their sixties and seventies.

Even if they are talented, they can reach Ye Yi's realm at the age of forty, which is one in a hundred!

But Ye Yi is only in his early twenties.

He has reached such a terrifying realm.

It's not just a good talent?

This talent is simply terrifying.

No wonder he is so amazed.

When Ye Yi heard it, he probably understood.

It turns out that it is difficult for ordinary people to practice martial arts. Most people can only reach his realm in their dozens of years.

Thinking of this, Ye Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that even if there are ancient martial arts masters in the outside world, there will not be many.

Of course, it's just a sigh of relief. Still have to be more vigilant.

After all, who knows how many old monsters there are?

There are still many old monsters who are stronger than Ye Yi.

So you can't take it lightly.

After understanding, Ye Yi temporarily ignored it.

Wei Xin was shocked.

Don't understand what the two are talking about.

Ancient martial arts masters?

Hard to say.���Is he a martial arts master? He looks like one.

But she didn't care.

Ye Yi took Wei Xin and Wei Bin home.

Fulinhuye personally sent Ye Yi to the door.

He is a super young master.

He is also a super master.

Doesn't he have to send him to the door in person?

Wei Bin knew that Ye Yi was the owner of Villa No. 1. He was shocked.

He also knew the owner of Villa No. 1. He was the brother of Young Master Long. No wonder he was so amazing.

He razed the Guhuo family to the ground with just one phone call.

He was even more excited after being shocked.

The Wei family has embraced such a powerful person. They can walk sideways in Yangcheng in the future!

How can they not be excited?

He just wanted to call Ye Yi brother-in-law.

Wei Bin drove here, so he can drive back by himself.

Ye Yi's sports car can only seat two people.

Wei Xin also drove here, so she can drive back by herself.

So Ye Yi and the others went back in one car each. They soon returned to Yangcheng Guoshuyuan.

But Ye Yi was not in a hurry to return to Villa No. 1.

Instead, he went to Wei Xin's house to accompany Wei Xin first.

This was also why Wei Xin invited Ye Yi just now, and Ye Yi helped so much.

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