Just like a control panel.

Ye Yi touched it and it was displayed in front of him.

Of course, only Ye Yi could see it.

Unfortunately, Ye Yi searched the system for a long time but couldn't find a way to hide the realm.

As a last resort, Ye Yi could only talk to the system.

Let's see if we can communicate!

"Is there a way for the system to hide my ancient martial arts realm so that others can't see my realm?"

Ye Yi tried to ask.

Unexpectedly, the system can really speak.

It answered immediately.

"Of course there is a way. Does the host choose to hide his ancient martial arts realm?"

"Selecting the hidden system can help the host hide directly, so that no one can see your realm in the future, even if an earthly immortal comes, he still can't see it."

The system's voice instantly resounded in Ye Yi's mind.

Ye Yi was overjoyed when he heard it.

It really can be hidden.

Ye Yi has had the system for a long time.

This is the first time he knows that he can talk to the system.

It seems that this system is really advanced.

Since it can be hidden, what else needs to be said?

Of course, it is directly hidden!

"Hide directly!"

"Ding Dong, the system prompt has been successfully hidden!"

The system voice prompt.

Ye Yi didn't feel any changes on his body.

But he was sure that the system would not lie.

The realm should have been hidden.

Ye Yi was of course even happier when he thought of this.

After being happy, Ye Yi happily went to play Landlord.

In the evening.

Meng Yi was extremely worried.

The day after tomorrow is the competition with the anchors of the guild!

The so-called anchor competition is nothing more than many anchors PK on the same stage to see who has more rewards.

Whoever has more rewards can pass the level.

The anchor who gets first place will have a major reward.

Douying will personally train her to be a big anchor.

There are a lot of resources tilted.

But the first place is not what Meng Yi considers at all.

She is just a small anchor. She didn't have to PK with the guild at all. It was all because the big boss directly gave her a reward of two million two days ago.

It shocked the whole Douying.

Now All the anchors know her.

Knowing that she was spotted by a wild boss, he directly rewarded her with two million!

Of course, there are more anchors who want to laugh at her.

They just want to laugh at her.

They don’t take Meng Yi seriously.

In this guild pk, countless people have already planned to laugh at Meng Yi.

Meng Yi is just a small anchor. She knows her own weight.

How can she be qualified to pk.

But the whole Douying knows that she has been spotted by a big boss.

Countless people are waiting to laugh at her.

How can Meng Yi not be worried all of a sudden? Is she really going to die miserably in the guild pk the day after tomorrow? Is she really going to be embarrassed?

At least she should pass two or three levels, so that even if she fails, it won’t be too embarrassing, right?

If she can’t even pass one level.

She will definitely become a joke in the whole industry at that time..

How can she survive then?

How can she have the face to survive in the live broadcast circle?

Meng Yi was worried!

But if she wants to pass two or three levels, she needs at least 100,000 in rewards.

There are people who are willing to spend hundreds of thousands or even millions for her.

But they all have to be lurking.

Meng Yi hates those.

She will never betray her bottom line.

But if she doesn't betray her bottom line.

She is just a small anchor.

How can she pass the three levels?

Meng Yi was completely worried, how could she not be worried.

If she really couldn't pass the three levels, how many people would be waiting to laugh at her!

When she was worried.

Meng Yi suddenly thought of Ye Yi.

The one called Happy Fat House Water Big Brother.

He casually rewarded Meng Yi with 2 million.

Need I say more? He must be a 100% big brother.

Meng Yi is absolutely sure of this.

If there is Fat House Water Big Brother to help.

Pass the three levels Isn't it normal?

Meng Yi had an idea instantly.

She knew Ye Yi's power very well.

But even though she knew Ye Yi's power.

Since the reward two days ago, Happy Fat House Water Big Brother has not even been on Douyin.

Not to mention her live broadcast room.

Meng Yi is also a girl with a strong self-esteem.

Ye Yi has always ignored her.

He is not very familiar with her.

Although he added WeChat, they have never chatted.

How can she have the nerve to find Ye Yi?

Of course she is very embarrassed.

Her self-esteem does not allow her to do such a thing.

But although she is entangled.

When she thinks that if she fails to pass the PK, she will become a joke in the whole industry.

No matter what, just invite him.

Even if the big brother does not agree, she has to invite him. She just needs to ask the big brother to help her pass the three levels and not be too embarrassed!

After making up her mind, of course she sent a message to Ye Yi directly

"Are you there, sir? I have a guild match the day after tomorrow. Can you help me? I'm sorry to bother you."

"But it would be embarrassing if I failed the first level. Can you help me? I just need to pass three levels. I can't even think about winning the championship."

Meng Yi immediately sent the message to Ye Yi.

Although she thought so, she was extremely embarrassed and entangled.

What if Ye Yi refused, how embarrassing it would be?

What if this big guy asked for that.

Should she agree or not?

She was extremely nervous!

She didn't even notice that her palms were sweating! She even regretted why she sent it out.

Ye Yi was playing Landlord at this time.

He saw the message pop up instantly!

Guild competition?


How could he go!

Ye Yi was too lazy to reply.

But at this moment.

Dear system task appeared!

"Ding Dong, the latest system task has been released. Help anchor Xiaoyi pass the PK and get a reward of 80 billion cash!"

The system's voice prompt!

This is Ye Yi's favorite system voice.

Ye Yi instantly felt refreshed. How could he not feel so?

This is his favorite system voice!

But soon Ye Yi was speechless.

Ever since he knew about the ancient martial arts world, Ye Yi has been more eager for the ancient martial arts realm.

This is what can save his life!

But this time the reward is actually money?

To be honest, Ye Yi now feels that money is not important!

Even if it is 80 billion, which is more than the previous rewards combined, Ye Yi is still not tempted.

He still thinks that the ancient martial arts realm is important.

Of course, it is not something Ye Yi can choose.

80 billion is okay.

It's better than nothing, right?

Now that we have money.

Of course it's different.

I like competitions the most!

Ye Yi immediately replied to the message.

"No problem, what time the day after tomorrow? I'll be there on time!"

Ye Yi replied immediately. After receiving the news, Meng Yi finally felt relieved. She was very happy. She had been worried that Ye Yi would refuse, and she was very conflicted.

Seeing Ye Yi agreed so readily, she was very moved. She had a better impression of Ye Yi.

She even had a lot of good feelings for him!

"The day after tomorrow at 8 o'clock, PK on time."

Meng Yi immediately sent the time to Ye Yi again.

Ye Yi did not reply after receiving the time.

Just be on time the day after tomorrow.

Then we'll see how he gets the reward!

Ye Yi was happy.

Meng Yi saw that Ye Yi did not reply to her message again, and she was a little disappointed. She also understood that it seemed that she still had not entered the heart of the boss.

In the boss's heart, she was always transparent.

It was estimated that he was only helping her this time because he was helping her.

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