The Fleeing Empress

The Empress’s ride booster was sniped out of the sky and exploded into pieces. The black-gold zenith took the full brunt of the blast but due to its heavy armor, the striker was undamaged. Although it was staggered, it started ascending again using its own thrusters.

“You got rusty, Liren!”

Despite the destruction of the ride booster, the striker still has enough power to break through the atmosphere on its own. Coupled with the acceleration provided by the mass driver, it would be difficult to catch up with the Empress.

“I’m just giving up the credit. Intentionally.”

In response, Liren replied with a snort. The weather conditions and visibility are the worst but despite all that Liren wouldn’t miss her mark. There was also how she missed her shot when she was piloting the [Valizer] so her pride as a sniper won’t allow her to miss her target twice.

“Cavalry has arrived [DESU]!”

Nora raised her voice. Since Liren is already on the scene, it’s natural that the other 4 Heavenly would be there too. The [Zarava] swooped down from above the opened armored dome and fired her “magnums at the [Geist Jaeger] which was aiming its organ cannons at Kisei.

“Enemy reinforcements detected. Adjusting interception strategy……”

“Woah, I can’t let Nora-chan take the spotlight alone now can I!”

A barrage from a Gatling gun rained down on the [Artillerie] as it was about to provide covering fire for the [Jaeger]. In addition, the [Van Wolf] and the [Dainsleif] rushed at the [Fechter] at the same time. Even the clones seemed to be taken aback at the sudden assault and quickly retreated.

“My Lord, leave this place to us!”

“We should be able to handle these clones ourselves! Now is your chance to capture the Empress alive!”

“I see……if Liren’s shot killed the Empress then there won’t be anyone to take responsibility for this war huh.”

Schleer muttered out loud. The old 4 Heavenly’s strikers were already tattered but their fighting spirit is still high. Moreover, with Saki, Calencia’s top ace practically unharmed, they stand a good chance of winning in a 5v3.

The new 4 Heavenly (Although technically that should be 5 with the addition of the fifth striker that was shot down earlier) are doing their best to deal with the new arrivals so they have no time to attack Kisei. If he wants to pursue the Empress then now is his chance.

“Let’s leave this place to them and go after the Empress!”

Schleer pointed to the mass driver and shouted.

For a moment, Kisei hesitated. Schleer and Valentina aside, he thought he should stay here to handle their formidable enemies. However, with Schleer exhausted from the long battle and the Empress’s strength still unknown, there is a good chance that the Empress might get away. Right now, capturing the Empress should take priority.

“………let’s go!”

“I feel the same way. For better or worse, that’s my mother after all…….I wouldn’t want to leave this to someone else.”

Diaroze also seemed to have a lot in her mind. Kisei silently nodded and they flew toward the mass driver. When he got to the launch shuttle, mechanical arms extended from both sides of the rail and fixed the striker in place by grabbing its shoulders. Schleer and Valentina followed after him.

“Kisei and I will be enough. Please stay here and support Tersis-san’s group.”

Schleer tried to dissuade Valentina from following them. She and Valentina are currently allies but once they take care of the Empress, their cooperation would come to an end. In that case, their rivalry over Kisei would return.

In the unlikely event that she tries to forcibly take Kisei or that she demands her to hand over Kisei in exchange for the Empress, would she be able to handle Valentina on her own? Schleer furrowed her brows as that question echoed in her mind.

After all, with the battlefield in chaos, she could not expect support from her allies

“I can’t do that. There are subordinates who chose to follow me. I need to show them that I can overcome the Empress with my own ability.”

Valentina’s reply made it clear that she could sense Schleer’s inner turmoil. She also has some suspicions so she could not afford to let down her guard.

“After separating your force and forming an anti-Nored faction, the general joined hands with her enemy to take down the Empress. Seriously, that’s some opera-worthy scenario huh? I know that you want to take credit for this but considering the relationship between the two armies, wouldn’t it be more convenient if we make this a joint effort instead?”


Hearing that, Schleer fell silent.

“I don’t really care but……if we don’t quickly catch up, the Empress will get away you know?”

Diaroze anxiously sweeps her eyes around. The clones are still being held back by Tersis and the others. However, as their strikers are already fixed on the launching platform, they can not take any evasive maneuvers. Even just a stray bullet can spell their end here.

“……….right, let’s go.”

In the end, Schleer consented. She then operates the mass driver’s control system via the touch panel.

“Checking launch preparations, all green…….condenser charged. Let’s go!”

When she touched the red button labeled [Launch], the shuttle was ejected like a bullet. The rail furiously accelerated it as they raced toward the sky. Strong G, incomparable to a striker catapult or warship attacked Kisei’s body, and a quiet scream leaked from his mouth.

When the shuttle reached the end of the rail, it opened and launched the three strikers to the sky. As he ignited the thrusters, Kisei pulled his control stick while clenching his teeth.

“We’re going into the clouds…….!”

The altimeter steadily shows increasing value. The [Ex-Caliburn] burst into the dark cloud covering the sky of Galea-E. Lumps of dry ice and debris from the satellite impact were still swirling in the sky and small shards were hitting the armor, making dry sounds from the impact.

Inside the clouds, the visibility was practically zero and they couldn’t even see a meter in front of them. The dust storm also created electrical discharge and a massive bolt of lightning struck the [Ex-Caliburn] with a deafening roar.


Surprised, Diaroze let out a child-like scream while Kisei silently looked at the striker’s status on the sub-monitor. The damage he sustained was the slashed right arm that was damaged by the clone’s surprise attack. Other than that, there was no abnormality.

“As expected of the Chief Mechanic, the maintenance was superb……!”

Kisei grinned. Meanwhile, they passed through the cloud layer. Since the atmosphere of Galea-E is very thin, they’ve already reached outer space. Thus began their pursuit of the Empress.

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