The Woman who doesn’t know when to quit

To chase after the Empress who’s running away in her escape pod, Kisei accelerated the [Ex-Caliburn]. The pod is rather small for a spacecraft, it’s even smaller than a passenger car. Despite its extremely short cruising range, it can make sharp turns at high speed so losing sight of it for even a moment can let the Empress safely get away from them.

“ARGH, can’t she just give up already!”

Diaroze spits out her indignation and turns her gaze to Kisei in the front seat. Her next words came out in a very worried tone.

“Is your body okay? Should we go to the medics instead of chasing her……..”

Up until now, they were in a situation where they couldn’t escape so she was prioritizing the Empress. However, now that the Empress is escaping via an unarmed escape pod, they have leeway to withdraw. Since Kisei fainted earlier, Diaroze is very worried about his well-being.

“It’s okay…….my head is ringing a bit but we can’t let the Empress getaway. Diaroze just went out of your way to corner her right?”


Diaroze groaned with her mouth quivering. Kisei’s voice didn’t change much from usual but she can’t even see his complexion from the back seat. It’s certainly possible that he’s just toughing it up.

However, Kisei’s argument is also valid. Since they managed to corner the Empress so far, it would be a waste not to capture her using this chance. In the end, Diaroze agreed to continue the pursuit.

“Kisei regained consciousness? Is he safe!?”

Schleer’s voice came through the comm. The [Mistilteinn] was damaged beyond repair so she had no way to confirm the situation herself.

“No problems over here. My bad, I made you worried…….the Empress is on the run on an escape pod. I’m chasing after her.”

“……understood. But please don’t push yourself! Your body is unlike ours and the Empress is certainly a tricky opponent. I wouldn’t know what to do if something happen to you……”

“I know.”

Schleer fell silent for a moment at his simple reply. She wasn’t convinced whether he truly understands why she was so worried but she has no choice but to stop herself for now.

“…….[Mistilteinn] is completely wrecked but the [Colbrand] should be able to move after some emergency repairs. We will join you once we fix it up so please don’t be reckless!”

“Yes. the repair won’t take too long so please don’t push yourself too much, My Love.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

With both Schleer and Valentina repeating the same thing, Kisei can’t help but let out a wry smile.

However, even while they were talking, the Empress is speeding away in her escape pod. Because of its small size, it can sew through the gap between the debris that normal strikers can not pass through.

“Searching blindly for that thing in space would be difficult huh………”

“Given its size, that pod shouldn’t have a phase-transition turbine installed so FTL or sunlight speed should be impossible. If she wants to escape this system, she will have to find another vessel.”

With the control back to Kisei, Diaroze now has time to think. She folded her arms while her eyes keep track of the thruster flame from the escape pod in the distance.

“If she searches the storage decks of these wreckages then she should be able to find a couple strikers that are still intact. If she wants to get away then she has no other way.”

“Conversely, we can shoot that thing down and secure her before she gets on a new striker huh……..”

Kisei glanced at the remaining ammunition. The only firearm he has left available is the anti-ship grenade launcher. He has no way to recover the mega blaster rifle and the blaster rifle that got lost among the debris.

The escape pod is rather small as a target but with Kisei’s skill then even the grenade launcher with a slower projectile should be able to hit it but considering its destructive power, the Empress would definitely die in the blast.

Of course, the situation is as it is. Considering the worst-case scenario, it might be necessary for him to give up his no-killing rule. With a grim look on his face, Kisei placed his finger on the trigger.

“…, wait, don’t be so hasty. That woman has never engaged directly with Master before. She probably doesn’t know about your sixth sense. If we let her think that she managed to get away and ambush her then we should be able to take her alive.”

Diaroze gently taps Kisei’s shoulder. He hesitated for a moment before letting go of the trigger.

“Just keep watch, she will try something soon. Even that woman wouldn’t think that she would be able to escape using that escape pod forever…….”

Kisei silently nodded and followed the escape pod with his eyes. Using the debris as cover, the pod smoothly and quickly hid in the wreckage of a half-destroyed battleship.

“Follow her!”

When he suddenly accelerates toward the Empress, the pod pops out from its cover and begins to fly away.

“……..that’s autopilot.”

However, Kisei’s eyes can not be deceived. After glancing at the escape pod which was speeding away in the distance, Kisei turned his gaze back to the battleship wreckage.

“Looks like she’s over there.”

“As expected huh……”

It appears that the Empress used the pod as a decoy to earn time for her to procure a striker. The pod itself is covered in armor plate so you usually cannot tell if it’s manned or not. The decoy should be plenty effective against normal pilots.

“Let’s go! This time we’re going to get her for sure!”

With a nod, Kisei accelerated the [Ex-Caliburn] toward the wrecked battleship.

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