Left out

“Of course, you will become my husband. You will become the next Emperor of the great Nored Empire…….this shouldn’t be a bad deal for My Love, no?”

Hearing Valentina’s intention, Kisei took another step back with a bitter expression. Diaroze had long pointed out the possibility of her betrayal but it still gave him a shock when such a possibility turned into reality.

“I think I’ve already said no though.”

“At that time I was simply a princess dead last in the succession line. But now it’s different. If I use that woman over there I can surely become the next Empress of Nored.”

Valentina turned her gaze back to Kise after she shifted it to the fainted Empress. Her gaze as she looked at the Empress was hard to believe that it was the kind of gaze a daughter would direct at her mother. He can feel something burning behind her eyes.

“My Love, join me! Together we can create our ideal country!”


Kisei’s answer was straight and direct. Hearing that, Valentina looked like someone just dumped cold water on her head.

“Politics is not my thing. I will just drag you down you know.”

“That…..may be so, still……”

It is certain that he is not someone suited for the political world where deception and backstabbing are rampant. From the perspective of an experienced politician, Kisei would be nothing but a greenhorn. Valentina understands that very well.

“No, but…….I’m not asking you to play politics. With your strength and beauty, you would be more than suitable to become a general……”

Kisei may lack the ability as a commander but even without such a thing, the Vuld military can be led through charisma alone. Practical stuff can be left to the experts from the staff members. With that line of thinking, it’s not impossible for him to lead an army.

“……….it’s frustrating to deal with the likes of her, isn’t it. Master, how about you just come out and say it.”

Facing Valentina who was already drenched in a cold sweat, Diaroze said so with a terribly mean smile.

“Just say ‘I’m already married to other women so I can’t be yours anymore’……!”


Valentina’s shoulders jumped as though she was recoiled by the possibility that Diaroze’s words could be true. However, before she could say anything more, Diaroze made her move.

She walked up to Kisei, crouched down, and kissed him on the forehead.

Kisei’s face twitched for a moment. He doesn’t mind the kiss but he has to wonder what provoking Valentina would gain them at the moment. However, Diaroze urged him to return a kiss with her gaze. Giving up, he silently placed his lips on her forehead as well.

“W, What is……”

As expected, Valentina’s face immediately paled. However, Diaroze did not stop there.

“Do you know? Terrans usually confirm their love for each other by kissing their partner on the lips.”

The moment she said that, she covered Kisei’s lips with her own. She didn’t put her tongue in because she doesn’t want to let herself go at the moment but she was still being quite passionate.

“AWa, AwawawWA…….”

From red to blue, Valentina’s complexion is alternating so fast between the two. It should be quite a traumatic sight for a pure maiden like her. Even so, her expression still contains strong emotions. After all, the person she loves is being tainted by her own older sister. It wouldn’t be strange if she pounces at Diaroze right now.

Seeing her sister’s state, Diaroze let out a small smile. She parted her lips from Kisei’s and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

“And……that’s how it is. While you were off plotting stuff by your lonesome, things have already progressed to the point of no return.”

“Nn, Nngnft, NNN!!”

Valentina stumbled back, her face twitching. Diaroze’s kiss aside, the fact that Kisei returned her kiss has vanquished all uncertainties from her mind.

“Is, Is it true…..? My Love……?”

Even so, it was human nature to not accept such a thing right away. With a trembling voice and tears in her eyes, she voiced that question to Kisei.


“How, Why, When!?”

Valentina’s shout was unusually loud for her normal disciplined self. After all, Diaroze had been their enemy until just a while ago, it’s certainly strange for things to progress this far.

“EH!? That would be hard to say……..”

Their relationship began due to Diaroze’s aggressive nightly visits. But to say it out loud would be to say that he’s that gullible as a man. Even if it’s the truth, Kisei is still reluctant to say it.

“Even though we were enemies, we shared a bond you know. It’s not unnatural for people to have great respect for their nemesis after all.”

“What respect!!? You were so excited about losing, weren’t you!? Don’t try to chalk it up now!!”

Since it was true, Diaroze turned slightly bashful while Kisei looked at her with an exasperated expression.

“W, Well, it’s the truth. With her brain and willingness to do anything to win on top of her beauty, no man would be able to resist my charm……..probably?”

“Uhe, Uhehe…….you don’t have to praise me that much you know!……I mean, we are trying to show her up here so I don’t really mind if you keep going though!”

“This woman……just look at her face would make a 100-year love grow cold, what were you thinking, My Love!”

“Every man has their preferences right……..”

After mumbling such a half-baked excuse, Kisei leaned close to Diaroze’s ear. The height difference was usually too great for him to do that but she’s still hugging his shoulder so it works out.

“I can see you provoking her but what’s the plan here?”

Valentina is just listening right now but there’s a good chance that she will attack them if they rile her up too much. In that case, repelling her would be difficult.

Kisei’s physically weak so he would be useless in hand-to-hand combat. Since Valentina has a good physique and a pistol in her hand, she has no reason to lose to them either.

“No problem.”

However, Diaroze returned a confident smile. She then turned her gaze to Valentina.

“She’s my younger sister you know? Blood is thicker than water……do you understand now?”

“Don’t tell me…….Valentina is also a pervert……?”


What ‘Exactly’……? Kisei retorted in his mind.

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