Capturing the Mobile Fort 1
“Things have become troublesome now.”

Said Schleer in a troubled voice. After letting out a small sigh, Kisei asked her ‘what’s wrong?’ from inside the cockpit of the [Caliburn-Revive].

“We’ve just received news that the Noredian just deployed a new type of weapon. From the information we received, we think that it’s a bombardment-type mobile fort.”

“Uwah, seriously…..”

“Our Scouting Fleet led by Colonel Flui was destroyed in the Wraith System. The information regarding the Mobile Fort came from their last communication.”

Even through the communication device, Kisei can feel Schleer pain from her voice. While wondering what he should say to her, his gaze was distracted by the image displayed on his sub-monitor.


Involuntarily, Kisei exclaimed. What is currently displaying on his sub-monitor is the image of a giant cannon with legs pointing its muzzle directly toward the camera.
“The estimated weight is at 60,000 tons? Did the Nored R&D go mad or something?”

While looking at the data attached to the image, Kisei unintentionally groaned at its ridiculousness. Its weight is equal to a large battleship. Still, since it only has one main gun, he can’t even imagine its full firepower. Even a battleship would not be able to withstand a direct hit from such a thing.

“I never thought that they would bring out a mobile fort here. This is completely unexpected.”

Mobile Fort is the general term for this type of gigantic weapon. To operate such a thing, it is equipped with the I-con system so that a small number of people can operate it, giving it extra room for equipment that maximizes its performance. This one is surely a troublesome opponent.

“You said that this thing was in the Wraith system right, Your Highness?”

Their conversation was interrupted by Saki. While searching her memory, Saki operates the console of her striker with her fingers.

“That system should be a desolate one with only a few asteroids and one red dwarf right.”

“So there’s practically no cover for us at all huh. It would be bad for us if we push our main force into that kind of environment with such a thing waiting for us. Your Highness, what’s the plan?”

The Calencian Fleet is currently consolidating their forces to avoid getting crushed one by one. That’s why Schleer has no other choice but to launch an attack with this honestly oversized fleet.
“A course that can avoid it……….”

Schleer, who’s on the bridge, brings up the star chart on her terminal to explore their options but soon after, she shakes her head.

“It’s no good. If we don’t pass through the Wraith System, it will take us half a month until we reach the Direco System. We can’t afford to waste that much time.”

The Direco System is a system that once housed a large military base for the Calencian. Since its location provides much geopolitical advantage, they will gain a sizable advantage if they can retake it. The ultimate goal of this operation is to take this system back under their control.

“Your Highness! The fact that they have made contact with our Scouting Fleet means that the enemy should already have a rough idea of where we are. If we don’t get into position as soon as possible, the enemy defensive network will be established first.”

“If they can join up with their main fleet, we will be exposed to crossfire and our fleet will be in jeopardy. This is bad……”

Solana and Chief of Staff Reit groaned. The two usually are not fond of each other but it seems that they do share an opinion this time.

“Their new weapon is specialized in anti-ship warfare. I think that it would be wise to deal with it using strikers. Mercenary, what do you think?”

Solana shouted with a bitter expression. With such a big target, she doesn’t think that a lone striker will have enough firepower to take it down. Not to mention that the enemy already possesses far superior armor and firepower even with vessels of the same class.

“I think it’s possible. It’s not my first time dealing with a Mobile Fort either. I will do something about it.”

“O, Oi! Is this really okay?”

Saki involuntarily asked. After all, the image of Kisei’s unconscious body at Leboir is still fresh in her mind.

“It’s not like taking down this big guy will immediately end the battle. We will have to rely on you for other things too. It would be bad if you collapsed after taking this thing down, you know.”

“A mere knight has no place voicing their opinion in a strategic meeting, I’ll have you know.”

“Heh, say whatever you want. If this guy can’t fight then you will be in deep trouble too.”

Although it was not a video communication, Saki replied while bearing her fang at the mic. ‘I will beat up this old hag once this operation is over’ is what Saki currently has in mind.
Despite Reit being her superior, Saki couldn’t care less about what an old hag she doesn’t know thinks of her. What’s more important is the well-being of Kisei, who she’s already considered a comrade.

“It’s fine. Taking down a mobile fort is even easier than taking down a battleship after all. I will do something about it.”

“Are you for real?”

“What do I get from lying here? You know that to improve its performance, a mobile fort like this often cuts down on the operating crews as much as possible right.”

Not only Saki, the other 3 also nodded to Kisei’s words. The Mobile Fort has at most 2 crew members. Even if they man it with more people, they can’t link those extra minds with the I-con system so its fighting power will decrease instead. Among the people working in the military, this is common knowledge.

“So, since it’s like that, its movement will be completely affected by the pilot’s skill. Do you really think I will lose in a contest of skill? Impossible right?”

“W, Well,……that’s certainly true.”

Schleer agreed.

“So you understand now? Alright, let’s quickly get rid of this thing. Even I won’t be able to do anything about it if the Noredian main fleet manages to join up with them after all.”

Kisei said with a grin.

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