
Shiki’s desire to live on his own led him to choose a high school far away from his parent’s home for all of his high school entrance exams.

The fact is, he chose St. Lukimantz Academy as his last stop because he heard a rumor, whether false or true, that he could be admitted even if he didn’t take the entrance examination as long as he submitted an application form. He was prepared for the worst-case scenario in which he failed all the schools she had applied to.

Shiki lives in a one-room apartment like any other.

He couldn’t say it was spacious, but he liked it better than his room at his parent’s house because it felt more like his castle than his room at home, even after more than a year.

Shiki leaves his own castle with light steps.

Not in his school uniform, but in his casual clothes: a sweatshirt with a hoodie and jeans.
Of course, it was because today is Sunday.

So it doesn’t matter if he goes outside after eleven o’clock, and he doesn’t have to worry about Kawato and the others.

Shiki has not made any friends because of the bullying, but a day off without seeing Kawato and his friends, who are the cause of the bullying, is heaven for Shiki.

Shiki heads downtown and decides what to have for lunch on the spur of the moment and, after filling his stomach, decides to go out and buy the game software he had reserved.

When he arrived at the downtown area and walked along the main street, he saw that the line for a ramen shop he had been curious about was much shorter than usual, and he decided to have lunch there today.

” ??? “

The moment he sees Kawato and his cronies, Shiki is struck by fear as if a knife were held to his throat, and he stiffens on the spot. However, Kawato and his followers would catch him if he remained frozen, so he moved into the alley as fast as he could, trying to look as calm as possible.

Praying that Kawato and the others would not notice his presence, he proceeded to the end of the alley and pulled the hood of the hoodie that he had worn for this situation over his eyes.

At the crossroads ahead, Shiki turned right and deeply sighed when he saw that Kawato and the others were not approaching him, hiding behind a building.

This was not the first time he had seen Kawato and his friends on a day off since they lived in the same town, but that did not mean he would get used to it, and on the rare occasion he saw them, he felt his life expectancy shorten as it did now.

There is an option to go and live in another town, but Shiki has no convenient transportation for that, and even if he takes the train, it costs money, so he cannot do it every day.

Spending the day off alone in his room in the apartment for fear of Kawato and his friends would also be depressing.

In any case, he thinks that it is troublesome to worry too much since the probability of running into them is lower than the number of fingers on both hands… But when he sees them like this, he feels like his happy day has been ruined, and he gets depressed.

He feels as if his stomach has been complaining of pain and aching, probably due to the stress of this situation.

Naturally, his appetite is gone, and he no longer feels like eating ramen.

Shiki decides to stay at the crossroads for the time being since it would be a disaster if he made a wrong move and ran into them.

There were many ways to escape here, even if Kawato and the others came into the alley. That is why he made this decision.

After a while, he sees Kawato’s followers coming in the direction Shiki entered the alley, and he hastily hides behind a building.

The moment Shiki sees Kawato’s followers enter the alley, he immediately tries to run away from the scene.


” ! That’s…!”

Shiki stops when she sees a girl being pulled by Kawato’s hand and forced into the alley.

Her hair was black like wet feathers and long enough to reach her waist, and her face was well-defined enough to be recognized from a distance, giving a strong impression of beauty rather than a pretty girl.

(tn: Difference meaning in Beautiful and Pretty. The person has a good appearance when someone is pretty, but when someone is a beauty, the person shines on the inside and out.)

Judging from the height difference between her and Kawato, she was a little shorter than Shiki――about mid 160’s, slightly taller than the average height of adult women, and combined with her face. Many people would have believed her if she said she was a model for a magazine.

She was dressed in a one-piece camisole dress of the same color as her hair and a white shirt, which exuded a sense of elegance, while her breasts, which were still assertive underneath, were large enough to arouse vulgar fantasies of people like Kawato.

As for her age, at first glance, she looked like a female college student.

“N-no, please stop…! “

Shiki thinks she might be about the same age or even younger since the occasional protests she heard were unmistakably those of a young girl.

( What is this… I mean, isn’t that crossing the line?! )

He has heard rumors that many of the delinquents in St. Lukimantz Academy have been involved in illicit s*xual intercourse, even now that the “Empress” is at the top of the school.

Today, Kawato and his friends do not need to worry about the eyes of the Empress.

The way they are too aggressive in picking up a girl, and the fact that they are trying to take that girl into the back alleys where there are few people, he can’t help but have the worst imaginings in his mind.

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