Lanel walks through the king's capital in the middle of the night.

(oh... my cock is still twitchy and warm...)

I walk early enough feeling my crotch groan subtly.

I walked for a while and found myself calm.

(Ah! Wait! That's such a fine crime... I was trying to catch Master Tatsushi...)

Lanel, who had completely forgotten his purpose.

(I don't... I can't believe they made me feel better and forget... But if you keep going to the Gendarmerie psychiatrist because Master Tatsushi did something weird to me, it should be proof......!

Lanel headed right that way.

"Excuse me! I've been acting obscene..."

"Well! Oh, my God! I'll get you an appraiser right away! This way, please!

Lanel turned to the room laughing niggardly.

(That's the end of Master Tatsushi's evil! And the edge with Master Clarice, Putzn! Oh, but I can't get a massage...... that doesn't matter!

It appraises me without asking anything in particular because it does not scratch the mental wounds of those who have been sexually assaulted.

"Then please stand on top of this magic formation. Because it will be over soon.

All the staff are women, too.

Lanel stood over the magic formation. Someone who seems to be a psychiatrist is casting some kind of spell.

After a while, the magic formation glowed yellow.

"Is that it? That's yellow. Excuse me, you, did you really get an act of obscenity? This appraisal has a pretty high degree of accuracy, so if there's a scratch in your mind at all, I can always detect it...

Yellow means you've had sexual intercourse, don't you agree?

"Hey, I can't do that... I can't help it..."

I remember it here.

"" If you do it at the same time from this, I'll double the effect, so I'll get it inside, okay?

"Yes! I'm fine! Please!...... oh ♡" '

(Gu...... Master Tatsushi, cunning......)

This caused it to be regarded as agreeing with the psychiatrist.

If, of course, you agree, but that is any inducement or hypnotic effect, then naturally desperate fear will strike you later.

Still, I firmly hold my opponent accountable, but the emotions in Lanel now are nothing but anger and slight sexual excitement.

Therefore, they are not guilty at all.

"Sh, sorry, sorry for the inconvenience!!!

"No, come back as soon as something happens again.

Lanel ran and left the building and hurried back to his residence beside the temple.

(What a coward Master Kutatsushi is for brave men... next time I will never...)

While I think so, Lanelle seems relieved to find Tatsushi innocent somewhere.

I went straight to sleep that day.

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