Slime started to move.

"Ugh... not good..."

Krena looks down and confirms her crotch.

Unlike last time, I have been irritated in my groin immediately since the beginning.

Besides, there's a stick stuck in his vagina. This stick is obviously thicker and longer than the one at the beginning.

"Hey! Clerk! Get him down! What the fuck!!!

But Tatsushi is not already in this room.

No voice can reach outside in this room with perfect soundproofing.


One vertical swing gives me pleasure in my vagina.

(I have no choice. To be strong when this happens. I'll reach the top and do it again and again and get as strong as I want!!

When she was so determined, she began to waver from herself.

Tatsushi was watching that closely in the monitor room.

"You know, really, Krena's greedy for strength. Would you do this when it comes to being strong if you could be my dick?

The demon devouring people's pure hearts looked at the monitor with a slight laugh.

Eventually, the obstacle begins to fly in front of Krena.


Slime bounced about 2 cm in diameter around my shoulder.

(I see, does the body under this come out divided?

With that in mind, the pleasure from her vagina was coming to a climax as she rubbed her hips completely unbearably.

"Ah... it's time to ku... Mmm!!! Ah..."

By the way, she doesn't know how to say "yik" at the moment.

The slime gradually begins to move back and forth as well.

The movement facilitates irritation from the stick of slime inserted into Krena's vagina.

"Ah... wow... no... you don't have to endure it..."

My body really denies it reflexively, and mentally affirms it.

In the opposite state as before, she begins to be confused as soon as possible.

(Ugh... Feeling no... no! You shouldn't be having fun!

Krena wants to be strong, but she never wants to do anything nasty.

High in pride, she moves her body to not be nasty as possible, but to peak as soon as possible.

"Whoa! That's dangerous..."

And while he was doing so, two balls flew in front of him, so he scolded them.

"See you again...... ok.

Now I lay down and moaned because I jumped straight to my face.

"Ah... again... it's time..."

She seems to be getting close to the summit again.

At that time.

"Oh, hey! What are you doing! Don't... don't... oh... ahh"

The stick, which was different from her vagina, stretched further and crashed into the mouth of the uterus.

Then he shrunk again a little and stretched again... and started the piston movement.


She was stronger than she was just now. I don't want to accept it, but I really feel comfortable coming through my spine from my crotch.

When the spine is pinned, it relaxes and pins again.

The moment when you are repeating it several times and immersed in the aftertaste of pleasure.


"Ah! Shit!!

Slime clashed against her right chest.

It's a soft slime when it comes to clashes. Not particularly painful, but this is the first time she's been hit.

"Damn... I didn't know I'd hit a bullet like this... hmm?

The slime on her chest moved straight to the right and covered her barely swollen breasts.

"Oh, hey, what are you doing!? No way......"

That was no way. Slime began to tremble hard around the nipple area.

"Hey! Wait! That's cowardice! Damn it!! Holy shit! Don't run around!"

I manage to grab an eagle with my hand, but when I get wet, I can't move and get rid of it well.


"Mm-hmm. Oh (don't)! Ha... ha... damn"

Now the slime stuck on her face. I couldn't breathe for a moment, but I managed to rub my mouth up and let the slime go away.

But my nose is still blocked and Slime is trying to block my eyes.

"Damn! Why are you looking at me like this..."

Krena, who was going to do a more serious workout, is completely confused.

But it's self-evident that even if we try to escape anyway, we'll be held up by the slime just like last time, and we won't get out.

Krena had managed to move her hands desperately to remove the slime sticking to her face.

Beh, beh, beh.

Two balls of slime hit her body.

One near the heart, the other flank.

Arriving near the heart, the slime began to irritate the left nipple, which had not yet been stirred, and the flank slime began to tickle the sides.

"Ahhh!?!? Hahaha, oh, hey, stop... hahaha"

She tries to rip off her side slime laughing in a tickle-weak or up voice.

"Haha, dude! Really stop... no! Don't. Ooh."

Krena managed to get the slime off her side.

Shortly after I lost the feeling of being tickled, the pleasure I forgot attacked me from my chest and crotch.

"Ahhh ♡ Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahh! Am..."

She was aware of the pleasure and then only momentarily Yi.

"Hey, stop it. Oh! I just kicked it right now...... Aww!

Beh, beh, beh.

Two slimes hit her back.

I couldn't at all twist my hips to miss the pleasure and flaunt the slime that would no longer fly to Krena, who desperately moves her hands to get rid of the face and side slime.

"Ahhh! Damn it! No more...... no more!

Shortly after she shouted so, her crotch, which also flew into the exquisite position of being directly in front of her.

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