A dull green wave is coming.

Zaza, the footsteps of the sea breeze.

That's all I can hear.

Apart from the footsteps, there is no voice, and a band of snakebone mercenaries is approaching.

"Here comes the real thing."

Ruffley yelled at his men behind him.

"Line up. Hurry up."

With that voice, the elite of the Thunder Mercenaries gather under Ruffleigh.

The northernmost cavalry formed a line without confusion, even as enemy allies were in turmoil on the battlefield.

We are still far enough away from the Snakebone Mercenaries on foot.


Ruffrey laughed.

"Because we broke the enemy's vanguard faster than we expected."

Show Raise the green line of Snakebone Mercenaries.

"Look, I couldn't connect the front and back. I'm still there. It's our distance."

Ruffleigh's eyes shined.

"I'll get it. The neck of the king of snakes.

We'll be right behind you.

Raise said.

"I still can't see the key Snake King. If you see the King of the Snakes, give me a signal.

That's how Raise turns around behind Ruffley.

"I'll make my way."


Ruffley distorted his mouth by looking at Raise and the ten horsemen of black wolves behind him.

"But you brought the flag again."

He said, "Don't let me leave you alone."

"Who would do such a thing?"

Ruffrey turned around and took a big breath.

"I'll be the arrow."

Ruffrey told his men lined up.

"Waspa, you are two arrows. Tallinn, you are the three arrows."


"I understand."

Looking at his men nodding, Ruffrey tightens his expression.

"Now, let's boob.“ The King of the Snakes. "

Ruffrey slapped the horse lightly on the neck and kicked him in the flank.

The line moves like a single creature.

The mercenaries put their spears into the first letter, like lightning on the battlefield.

A little late, followed by a two-arrow unit and a three-arrow unit.

The Raises and the Black Wolf were right behind Ruffley.

Don't be late, wolves.

Ruffrey shouted without turning around.

"We're going fast."

Just stay focused.

Raise screams back.

You will die before you reach the King of the Snakes.

If you're behind this, it's a hundred manpower.

Ruffley said.

"Come on, Mavirio, let's go."

Soon, soldiers of the Snakebone Mercenary Regiment approached.

The cavalry of the Thunder Mercenary Regiment, pregnant with enough thrust, pushed Ruffley into the area.


The green line is disturbed.

The Snakebone Mercenary soldiers jump at the cavalry with surprising agility, but the Thunderbolt Mercenaries push through.

Not as good as the rumors.

Delac said.

"Raise's husband, this will take the king's head off."

"If you have that much neck, I'll give it to you."

Raise answered.

"Don't lose your mind."


At that time, there was another shock noise behind my back. One more thing.

Two and three arrows of the Thunder Mercenaries' cavalry hit the Snake Bone Mercenaries' line.

Green lines are even more disturbing, but no one can speak up.

All I hear is metal bumps and thunder mercenaries screaming and horseshoes.

In the strange silence of horseback racing at the cemetery, the Ruffley spear flashed like electric light many times.

With every flash, the soldiers of the Snakebone Mercenary Corps fall with blood.

That's right, we're just going for the Spear King.

Raise wrapped her tongue inside.

The speed of the spear is unusual.

I'm going straight to the King of the Snakes.

That was when Ruffrey shouted.

A line of thunderbolt mercenaries suddenly collapsed from the side.

"Hey, next door."

Delac screams.

Raise also felt strange and looked back.

Back there, too.

My men scream.


"Surrounded? Don't be ridiculous, that's not true."

Delac said, and watched the green armor flock behind him.


"Don't stop the sword."

Raise screamed.

"Don't relax. This is the end of life."

While scolding his subordinates, Raise runs his eyes around.

That's funny.

With this momentum, we've been able to tear apart enemy lines, and we can't be surrounded like this easily.

Raise shakes his sword and rips open a flying green armored mercenary.

The mercenaries died silently.

The first Ruffley kept breaking the enemy line, but the men behind him were beginning to separate.

"Shit, where the hell did this come from?"

A word of thunderbolt mercenary cavalry inspired Raise's mind.

No, but I don't think so.

The suspicion turns into conviction when the next mercenary is mutilated.

"Hey, Luffy!

Raise shouts at Ruffley's back.

I can't believe these guys.

"I see."

Ruffley turned around.

That's it, Raise.

Raise looked forward.

There was only one horseback rider among the green herds that came forward.

You can clearly see it from here, giant body.

Emerald-like vibrant green, disastrous decorative armor and a helmet that completely covers your face.

That's the king of snakes.

Ruffley screamed.

"Open it, Raise. Show me the way. Get me to him."


Raise shrugs away his thoughts and looks back at his men.

Follow me, just the one who can follow me.

I screamed and walked out in front of Ruffleigh.

"Unlike you, wolf warfare is a bit ridiculous."

Raise screamed.

"Ruffley, don't get too close to me."


Regardless of Luffrey's reaction, Raise put his strength into the hand holding the sword.

Remember the battle in Mavirio.

Same as then.

Shoot the mercenary from the side with a single blow.

Gun, Raise's horse came forward.

Immediately countless mercenaries tried to swarm with Raise, but Raise struck each of them with a sword at terrible speed.

A sword swinging like a slap.

One blow is fast and very heavy.

Raise reacted to everything moving in her sight.

The moment the moving thing enters its own time, it crushes. And I put my horse in that empty space. Repeat it even repeatedly.

Very simple in words, but never impossible for ordinary people.

It's not exactly like Ruffley.

While manipulating the horse irregularly against Zigzag, Raise is still sure to move forward.

As Raise moves, countless bloody smoke blooms around it.


Further behind Ruffley, Delac exclaimed.

"Ever since Mavirio. I can see it again. I'm with you."

Slightly closer to the king of snakes.

We're almost there.

Delac screams.

"But, husband. They're going to catch us in the back."

As he said, the cavalry of the Thunder Mercenaries who were following Ruffley were separated from one and one by the dull green army of the Snake Bone Mercenaries, reducing their number.

There are only a few allies left.

"The road opens."

Raise answered.

It's a promise.

The sword wipes out two mercenaries simultaneously.

"Just a moment, Ruffleigh. Save your strength."

That's when I screamed.

And the king of the snakes grew big.

Husband, the King of the Snakes.

Delac screams.

He's coming from me.

I can see it.

Raise answers.

If the "King of the Snakes” were to come here himself, it would be no wonder.

The other one.

Raise shook out his sword.

The mercenary was thrown into the space, and Raise did not enter the horse.


Raise screamed.

"I kept my promise! Go!"


Like a lightning bolt, a ruffled horse jumped past Raise and into the space.

Punch down the two mercenaries standing still at the speed of light.

The King of the Snakes is in front of us.

Thunder Mercenary Regiment, Luffy of Thunderlight.

Ruffley named himself grand.

"You are the king of snakes."


The king of snakes answers with a low, resounding voice from the bottom of the earth.

As the horse approached, the green armored mercenaries naturally paved the way.

For a moment.

There's nothing between Ruffley and the Snake King.

"Then I'll have your neck."

Ruffrey shouted and shouted.

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