Wendy, who finally appeared in front of Almark, still had a slight swelling in her eyes.But of course, Almark didn't think it was a terrible face.

"Wendy, thanks to you."

Almark shook his right leg up vigorously.


Wendy smiled reassuringly at the move.


"Thank you."

Almark saw Wendy with gratitude.

"Thanks to you."

"I don't care."

Wendy shakes her head.

Almark knew what Wendy would say.

Wendy wanted to help Almark, but she never said she wanted to help him.

That's why Almark made it clear to himself.

"No, thanks to you, Wendy."

That's how I spread my arms.

"Now, this is how I stand up and talk like I did yesterday."

"That's not true."

Wendy lies down.

"I think it was hard to heal those wounds with healing.Is your body okay? "


Wendy smiles slightly.

"After that, Nelson and Norish pushed me into the tent.I fell asleep like I was unconscious. "

That's what I saw in Almark's pocket.

So, I'm fine now.


Almark smiled and Wendy's eyes swayed.

After a slight tour, Wendy raised her face and looked at Almark.

"I've been worried about that for a long time."

Hard expression. Wendy's regrets were there.

"I let you go to that ship alone, and I wonder if that's really good."

I see.

Almark frowned.


It was Almark who said he was going alone.But Wendy took the blame.

But this was a difficult issue.

Is there a correct answer?

As a result, Almark could not beat Angola alone.The power of his companions' songs barely saved his life.

But if I had been on board with the rest of my crew,

Almark couldn't afford to take care of them or protect them.

Perhaps just defeating Gizalte would have hurt and killed many of his people.

I didn't want to imagine what happened after Angola came out.

I told everybody about us.

Almark blinks at Wendy's words.


"About the gate and Mars' wand."


"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you."

Wendy said that and closed her eyes.

"But I thought we should talk."

"I'm not mistaken."

Almark answered.

"I got caught up in this.Everyone has a right to listen. "

Say that and look at the others.

Whether they heard the conversation or not, they all seemed to be spending a lot of time around the fire.

"I didn't have time to go into that much detail."

Wendy raised her voice slightly as she remembered that time.

"Guys, I think you understand."


Almark nodded.

"I heard Lilty sing on the boat.There was magic on all of you. "

That's what Almark said, tapping his leg lightly.

"So my legs moved."

Almark smiled.

"There was no one missing and everyone's magic was on board.Wendy, everyone pushed me on the back. "


"That's why I won. I'm sure everyone understood your words."


Wendy holds her eyes.

"Oh, I didn't mean to cry today."


Almark reached out in a hurry to wipe his tears.

Wendy grabbed the hand.

"But I'm glad."


"Now you've solved the snake trap, right?Your right hand snake is gone. "

That's how I stroked Al Mark's right hand with love.


I completely forgot about that.

Speaking of which, yes.

Wendy bursts into Almark's dumb words.

"Oh, I forgot."

That's how you gently wipe your tears.

"It's about me."

"Maybe because it's about me."

Almark answered.

Maybe that's why I forgot.

Nelson shouted as they returned to the fire.

"Are we done here?"


Almark nodded.

"Thank you, everyone."

"I heard you guys had a lot going on."

Nelson puts his arms behind his head.

"Tell me the hard story when you get back to the academy."


"I don't think you've forgotten."

Nelson laughed hard.

"We came to visit this island."

Almark and Wendy looked at each other in the face.

"To play."

Looking at the faces of the others, everyone smiled as much as Nelson did.

Let's start over. On vacation.

Nelson told me to declare.

"I'm bored. I'm in the way."

The bright voice echoed like a symbol of darkness leaving and everyday life returning.

"Let's just relax and have fun until tomorrow."

"That's a good thing to say to Nelson."

Serrah said with a smile.

"Seriously, it's over on this island. Hey, Norish."

Yes, it is.

Norish nodded with a clear face.

"I don't like what Nelson told me."

Hey, you.

Nelson looks pathetic.

"So, Almark, Wendy.That's over for today.Of course I have a lot to ask, but I'll do it when I get back. "

Norish said that and saw the two faces.


The eyes shook slightly worried.



Norish smiles when they hear back.The neighbors smiled reassuringly.

Well, I guess I'll go fishing.

That's what Morgan said and it stretched a lot.

"I have to cook dinner again."

"Am I going to pick herbs in the mountains?"

You be a little careful.

Nelson snapped at the buyer's words and everyone laughed.

Then time passed calmly.

Unlike the day before yesterday, I couldn't catch much fish, but I didn't mind.

Morgan started taking a nap on the way, and Almark and the others had a relaxing time playing with the wild cat.

Nobody talked about the night before.

Somehow, there was no wood left on the ghost ship that was supposed to have fallen on the coast.

There is no way that that amount of tree will be washed away overnight.However, all traces of the ship disappeared.

The warriors of the wreckage appeared to gush up on the beach in large quantities, and of course there were no swords or armor left behind.

However, there was only one rusty sword stuck at the time of the wave, like proof of the battle.

Looking from the high ground of the square, Almark realized that it was the sword given to Gizarte.

When I used it last night, it didn't rust like that.

Sword, huh?

Wendy, who was standing next door, said.

"Catalyst of the curse"

"... ahh"

Almark nodded.

Money. Books. Rings. Staff. And the sword.

After all, the trap was as structured as Almark and the others expected.

While gazing at the sword, some of Almark's thoughts swelled.

"... Wendy, do you remember when I told you there was a dark informant?"

Wendy nods small in response to Almark's words.

"Yes, there may be a dark minion in the middle."


Almark was still unable to put his thoughts together.

What's in your head is like a vague prediction.

But his conjecture told him that the idea would be right.

"There were a lot of middle school students on this island."

About Hilda and the others?

Yeah, Hilda and the others were there.

Almark nodded.

"But they're not the only ones.The sailor said there had been a lot of other groups before that. "


"Surely it was in the last few days that the Ghost Ship came out."

In Almark's words, Wendy made his face strong.

"Almark, that means..."

"I don't know, but..."

Almark saw Wendy's face.

"Be careful, Wendy."

Perhaps there are dark minions in the middle.The suspicion grew stronger again.

Even if the snake disappears, the connection to the darkness has not yet broken.We may be taking even more despicable measures from now on.


Wendy nodded. Reach for Almark with anxiety.

A little silence.

"Wendy. Almark."

The fire called me by name.

"It's time to make dinner."

Looking back, Norish and the others waved.


I'm on my way.

The two of you answer.


Wendy saw Almark.

"Nelson just told me to start over."


"So I'll say it again."

Wendy smiled.

About the gate, about the exam.

Take a breath.

"Forget it all while you're on this island."

Wendy pulled Almark's hand.


Wendy's eyes shake.

Neither anxiety nor anxiety goes away.Always in ourselves.Faced with that, we grow by fighting.

But sometimes you can turn your eyes away from it.


That's right. Think about the hard stuff later.

Almark took Wendy's hand back.

Yesterday was a nightmare.I am spending an irreplaceable time today. [M]

"Yes, let's do it."

Almark said.

"You're right."

Wendy laughs with joy at the words.

Over there, I saw Morgan and the buyer wrapping around the pot and messing around.

"I could barely catch fish, but I was wondering if dinner would be okay."

Almark nods to Wendy's words.

"It's okay. Morgan can handle it."

The two laughed face to face and ran towards their companions in line.

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