The scorching smell is floating all over the place.

A fictional forest.

However, the smell definitely hits the back of your nose.

This is no place in the real world, but the phenomenon that happens is real.

And the flame that wrapped Puller was soon waning with the extinction of his flesh, and soon disappeared.

The only thing left was a crimson jade that was so dazzling and radiant that it seemed unlikely to have been in the flames before.


Ficke approached it.

Is this who Puller is?

Careful, Ficke.

Emelia, who had also walked up, called out.

"It might still be hot."


Ficke nodded and crouched down before Baoyu.

Looks like it's not hot though.

Saying that, he reaches out for a warm welcome.

"Hey, be really careful."

"I know."

In response to Emelia's warning, Ficke touched the surface of the stone with her fingers.


Raise your eyebrows and touch them boldly again.

"It's not hot."

Ficke looked up at Emeria.

It's not hot, Emelia.

Saying that, I grabbed the stone.

"Here, Ein. I can hold this stone..."

Ficke's words broke off unnaturally.


Emeria glanced back at Ain at Ficke's shout.

Just as Ain sat on the ground, she slipped and almost collapsed.

"Stay with me."

Emelia rushed over to support her back.

Seeing Ein's pale sweaty face, Emelia bit her lips.

"Lie down a little."

With that, Ain carefully lies on her body and gently puts her head on her lap.


Ficke, who rushed over with a crying face, also peered into Ein's face.

"Just hold on tight."

"It's okay."

Ain replied.

"You can't risk your life like this."

However, the arm grabbed by Puller earlier had tingling pain.

Yeah. Didn't it seem like I was supposed to put up with it like that?

Ein laughed thinly.

I saw the blue sky beyond Emeria's face, which was frowning with anxiety.


Ein remembered the face of the boy who had come from the north.

Last time, I was counting on you.I didn't even know what a life-threatening battle was.That's why I tried to stretch myself this time.

But only if you don't do something that doesn't suit you.

The more I risked my life, the more I realized how terrible you were.

Ein's vision fades and becomes blurry.


Emeria's voice came from above.

"The arm he grabbed was a terrible burn."I'll use healing techniques. "

"I'm sorry."

Ein replied, unable to open his eyes, leaving his head on Emelia's lap.


I'll stop the bleeding.

I heard Ficke's voice.

"I'll take off my robe."

I told you it was a scratch.

Ein tried to say that, but his body didn't move well anymore.

It is not all because of injuries.

I used too much magic.

Compared to other outstanding students, Ein's relatively low amount of magic power was actually a hidden draw.That's why I was going to be foolish enough to let my emotions do the big magic, like I did in the Battle of Erdain.

Still, the last strong wind technique was a little too impossible.

Answer me, Ein.

Ficke's voice warps.

"I need Ain."Tell me what to do.Because it works exactly as it should. "


Emeria said to her in a calm tone.

"Don't make Ein impossible."


Ficke answers with a sad voice.

"I don't know what to do next without Ain."

You can split up the healing surgery.

Emeria tells me not to.

"It's okay, this is Ain."

Yeah, I'm Ein.

Ein nods in his heart.

My name is Ein Timgaban.

A group of dictators. You decide everything, and you are responsible for everything.

This is where I come in.But it's not like I've risked my life once against an enemy.

"Oh, yeah. That's right."

The sound of Ficke crouching next to Ein.

"That's right, it's Ein."

Ficke's hand touches Ain's robe.Ein opened his eyes as he gnashed his teeth.

I do my job. [M]

Who did this to Almark just before we broke up?



The screaming Ficke had tears in his eyes.

"Good. Are you okay?"

There's no way you're gonna be okay.

Emeria sandwiched her mouth.

“Don't push yourself, Ein. Close your eyes.”

But Ein raised his head and looked at Ficke.

"Ficke, I'll give you my orders."


Ficke nodded as she collapsed.

"Let me out. I'll do anything."

"Give me that stone."

Ein moved his eyes and saw the red Bao-yu in Ficke's hand.

"Get to Wendy as soon as you can."

Tears spilled from Ficke's eyes at the words.

Can I leave Ain behind?

“One stone back will definitely help Wendy.”

Having said that, I can't raise my neck anymore.

Ein dropped his head on Emelia's lap and said nonetheless:

"Go. Ficke. A pair of class commissioners."

My vision is dim. Damn. Poor.

"Ein's orders."

After a moment of silence, Ficke showed signs of standing up.

"All right, let's go."

Ficke's voice was no longer distorted.

I'll deliver this Bao-yu to Wendy.

That's it.

Ein nods in his heart.

That's my fickle.

"After that, I'll be back here again."I will definitely come back! "

I don't need that. I tried to say that, but there was no sign of Ficke next to me anymore.The sound of footsteps quickly drifts away.

It's fast.

Emeria said in amazement.

"It's a stubborn place, you two."

The feeling of Emeria's hand pressing against her arm.

Tingling, pain becomes dull.

Thank you, Emelia.

In my heart, thank you.


Yeah, I'm worried.

A pair of faces that had just broken up came to Ein's mind one after another.

When we split up, Chersha looked anxious.

I don't think Larpus or Brens will be able to follow it well.Muruka was the only one who could see it from a broad perspective.I hope you put it together properly.

Cole and Frein are determined to compete and quarrel even at these times.It keeps you busy for a while, but if you leave it that way, you're bound to make a big mistake.Someone has to stop before that happens.

The colour is the one that can be stopped, but I don't think I can afford it now.

It was the first time I had seen such a painful look on the face of the color.

We must support them.Let Aria stand by.

More and more boys get to work.I don't even have time to feel anxious.

Yeah. There's a lot of work to be done.

One group is my class. [M]What am I supposed to do when I'm sleeping here? [M]

It's pathetic.

Wallis would have done better.

... a loser, huh?

”Anyway, even if you close your eyes, you think it's a mess”

Emeria's low voice rang from overhead.

"Don't think for a while."

Don't blurt out, but Emelia's voice was gentle and gentle.

"It's okay, we'll take care of it."

You think you can handle this?

Ein makes sinister noodles in her heart.

I'm much more worried about saying that.

If I stop thinking, I will cease to be me. [M]

I'm the one who keeps thinking till the end of his unconsciousness.

Yeah, I'm worried.

Your arms are getting warmer and warmer.Along with that, the pain slowly drifts away.

I do my job.

Ein's consciousness was cut off there.

Match the sword, Te.

The blue-haired monkey spoke the beast's accent.

In response, the blue-eyed, blue-haired man slowly raises his sword.

It was Polois who confronted the man and put his own sword against the sword.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Kilive screamed with her head in her arms.

"No, no, no! It's not a martial arts tournament."

"Shut up, Kilive."

Kol-En, who was in arms, said happily.

“It's going to start. Be quiet."

"Are you stupid? Are you all crazy?"What are you doing? "

Kilieve exclaimed.

"I didn't say I was going to do this!"

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