"Don't insult the torque."

Idim heard Galain's cry with a gentle smile.

That's it, after all. I've been waiting for it, but I don't think any other words will come out of it.

When I say that, I stick my right hand out in front of me.

"I thought you were going to say something a little more interesting."

In his hand, a black force swirls. The anchovy swayed at my feet.

That's not good.

The torque returned to me.

Dodge, Galain!

But Galain didn't move.

Standing in front of the torque in the shape of a demon, I spread an invisible shield.

It was as big as defending the torque standing behind it, rather than defending itself.

"So, what do we protect?"

Idim shrugged.

"With that degree of membrane."

In his hands, darkness changed its shape. The three long, pitch-black claws stretched toward Galene at a tremendous speed.

The invisible shield was torn apart like paper. Galain's body was torn apart by three claws.

Without groaning, Galain fell.

"Gareen! How are you?"

Deg swung his staff and stepped forward.

"Son of a bitch."

The eyes were burning with anger.

"Deg, wait."

But Dig didn't wait for the torque to tell him. Scrape your staff as if to protect your precious things. The power of light is gathered at the tip of the staff.

Arrows of Light.

When he released the shining arrows, Degg's antipodium at his feet definitely lost its color.


In Idim's smiling hand, there was a new clay-like darkness.

With his hands wrapped in darkness, Idim cleared the arrows of light that had flown in.

This light is the glow of your talent. It's good.

"Shut up!"

When Degg tried to unleash more magic, the darkness of Idim's hand grew.

This time it was shaped like a pitch-black hammer. It flew as if it had a will and struck Deg's belly.


Sprinkled with vomit, Deg rolled into the meadow.

Dark Power

Idim said.

"You are free to chop or beat." And you will know that this kind of thing is only one end of the power of darkness. "

Saying that, I looked at the torque, and when I was at home, I raised my mouth angle.

"If you've used the power of darkness." Hey, torque "

The torque did not answer.

Slowly lift the staff instead. The staff Dig handed me.

Focus Magic Power. Strength is gathered at the tip of the cane, but it doesn't feel as exhilarating as before.

Vague magic power. A blurry force.

Not this one.

I thought about the torque.

Now I know.

It was clear to me that I had experienced the power of darkness.

What powerlessness and immaturity this power that I have acquired after my efforts.

The darkness is gone already.

Idim said. His eyes looked at the torque as if they were exploring.

"Without the push of darkness, it would be completely different." Do I look like you now? The world ahead of them. "

I can't see.

The torque had to be admitted.

All I can see is my far apart back.

It is only because I have experienced it that I can clearly see the desperate difference.

What do we do?

Idim jerks off Deg and Galain as they fall to the ground.

Will you roll to the ground like these two? Or will you roll to the ground?

The black eyes exude a depth without a bottom. The words are covered in viscous darkness.

We're going to a glorious world that we haven't seen yet.

Torque does not answer. Idim smiled in anger.

"What is the reason for hesitation?" Disgust with the darkness. It's a crappy ethic. "

I said that and shook my head.

"Such a thing is no reason to tie you up." There's only one thing you need to jump out of it. It's just courage. "


Torque's eyebrows twitched.


That's how I muttered it out in my mouth.

"Yes, courage."

Idim nodded.

"Everyone is afraid to step into the unknown." But it is only by overcoming it that you will gain true power. "

I see.

Torque nods.

Courage or courage?

The next moment.

The torque wand swirled with magic.

It was as if I had consumed all my magic power with a violent condensation.


Idim frowns.

The torque pushed out the staff.

Three times, a flame struck Idim.

It was much more powerful than the first flame of torque, but it was nothing compared to the second.

"Are you still going to try this?"

Idim waved his hands left and right as he sighed.

It was just that, and the flames were extinguished.

By then, Idim's hands were already swirling with darkness.

If you don't want to defeat the opponent, you have to use this kind of magic.

The black darkness took on the form of a beast for a moment. At the next moment, the torque was sinking into the ground with fresh blood as the darkness slashed through her shoulder.

I thought you might be a little smarter.

Idim walks up slowly.

Torque saw Deg and Galain collapse on both sides in severe pain.

You're pathetic.

I thought about the torque.

You taught me, but I didn't realize it until this guy told me.


That's what I was missing.

The courage to admit your ineffectiveness.


Suddenly, an abominable voice resurfaces.

Almark. Aliens from the north.

Torque. For me, you're like this light.

Shut up.

The torque bites the teeth.

Shut up.


The voice of my brother that day, which was held low and barely reached the ears of the torque, comes back.

Torque. Take care of the future of this country.

Damn it.

Shut up. Always this guy, too.

I'm me.

Don't let me carry anything extra.

However, I also noticed that the voice shook my heart.

Almark's blaster's voice illuminated the pride of crushed torque.

It made the torque bring back his own kind of thinking.

Don't insult the torque.

Galain's voice.


I nodded in my heart.

Well done, Galain.

Yeah, that's where I started.

A party of aristocrats who were invited to attend before they entered the college, which still revives in their hearts.

It was after my brother was captured and connected to Ol' Ashur.

Eyes, eyes, eyes that were directed at me that day.

I've been working so damn hard to turn my eyes back, yes, to pull my chest out and look down on you.

Don't insult me.

With the help of darkness, you can turn that eye around. No matter how much fear you inflict with the power of darkness, there will remain a feeling of contempt in your eyes.

The man of the Sheephee family should always be dignified.

You were a bewildered brother, but you said a good thing.

The words alone are correct.

I stretch my chest.

Don't insult me.

The day I followed Jalanon in the woods with Almark.

The figure of Almark, who was bathed in blood after receiving a fallow day, was so beautiful that he was jealous.


I unexpectedly described it that way.

The torque was there, and I saw one end of my ideal figure.

The light was shining.

Yeah, like that guy from the other day.

If you want to look back, you can do it with a splendid light.

Don't insult me.

Suddenly, a burst of torque lifted his body, and Idim stopped his leg.


I said that and smiled.

"It's a sturdy body. It's more and more compatible with darkness."

I see.

I also laughed at the torque. It suppresses severe pain with the power of intense will.

Let's just keep being insulted and let's just get this over with.

The power of darkness. Sure is amazing.

Torque said.

With that kind of power, you'll be able to go a few steps ahead in a jump, right?

"Of course."

Idim nodded.

"You would have felt it yourself." With all the effort you've built up, all you need is the power of darkness to step over it in one moment. Far ahead of you. "

I see.

The nodded torque suddenly drooped.

His shoulders tremble.

"What's the matter?"

Idim speaks softly.

"Are you crying?"


Tsk tsk, my laughter leaked out.

The torque raised on her face gave her an arrogant smile.

I don't know if it's ten or a hundred steps ahead, or how far we can go.

Torque said.

That's what I'm saying, "No, no, no, no."


Idim is gazed upon.

I don't know.

In the eyes of the torque, I saw the days I had been building up. It was like a tower that was bumpy and disgraceful to you.

With the power of darkness, I'm sure there will be a more straight and beautiful tower in an instant.

But that's me.

I'll keep building them up, one by one. Continue to build a disgraceful tower. That's my tower.

I didn't have the courage to admit it.

Because of that, I hurt Deg and Galain.


Torque said.

I can only believe what I've piled up with my own hands.

You're the light.

Almark's voice.

Shut up. I'm not a light.

But not in the dark.

"I can only believe the way I stepped on my own feet."

Take care of the future of this country.

Bullstar's voice.

Shut up.

Don't leave it to me.

I decide my own path.

Darkness? Don't put that extra filthy stuff in me.

The torque spat.

Don't insult me.

I'm Torque Sheafe.

"I'm already full of me."

The torque laughed.

"I'll fight with it." I don't need anything else. "

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