As I followed the path straight through the forest, my vision gradually became wider.

The number of tall trees has decreased, and the number of shrubs around Almark's height has grown.

Eventually, the tall trees disappeared completely and walked through the shrubs and bushes.

The road continued uninterrupted, but as the trees blocking the sun disappeared, strong sunshine was pouring over Armark and Morgan.

"Oh, it's hot."

Morgan rolls up his robe's sleeves in a blur.

"Oh no. It was winter until lunch, and suddenly this is the season." I put it on today so it wasn't too cold for the exam waiting time. "

That's right.

Almark nodded and looked at Morgan's back.

There is sweat in the robe as well. I'm already sweating all over my body.

"You're sweating, Morgan. Want to get some rest?"

No way.

Morgan rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Even though Wendy did that, I can't rest."

I had already walked a long way since I broke up with Selaha, the buyer, and Curie.

The forest, which seemed to last for a long time, is finally beginning to change gradually.

"The scenery around me has changed. Maybe the green stone is close."

Almark said calmly.

If you want to rest, think of it as the moment.

Without stopping, Morgan looked back at Armark and stared at him with a serious look on his face. Then he sighed and shook his head.

That's right, Almark.


Almark feels relieved.

What's going on?

"Because when Wendy did that, you were so murderous when you left."

"Were you murdered?"

"Yeah. It was so murderous. so much so that you have goosebumps."

Morgen showed Armark his two arms.

Now there are no shadows or shapes like goosebumps, and it's just moistened by sweat.

"That's why I was worried. I know about you and Wendy, and I know what that Rhinel magician did to you. I didn't think it would be strange if you ran off by yourself, but if you really ran off

Say that, and Morgan will laugh.

"No matter how much I run and chase, I thought I'd never catch up."

"What's the matter, I'm worried about you?"

Almark smiles bitterly.

"I'm not leaving you to run, am I?"

Yeah, I know.

Morgan nodded.

"But it was not a strange atmosphere to do so." I'm sure of it. "

"If you say so, I think so."

Almark admits honestly.

"I can't stand Wendy getting hurt. Much, much more than hurting myself."

"Yeah, I know how you feel."

Morgan nodded and turned around.

"That's why I was so worried about how to calm you down, how to suppress you, and how to do that."

"I'm sorry."

Almark apologized to Morgaine's back.

I'm so distracted.

"I was just thinking on my own."

When Morgan says that, he looks over Almark and smiles.

But you've been much calmer than I thought.

Morgen stretched his arms round.

"Look, that's enough to get me to take the lead."

“That's because you're here, Morgan.”

Almark said.

"If I were alone, I would."

If I were alone, what would I do? [M]

Almark thinks.

Gather all the stones by yourself. I might have tried to do something I wouldn't do.

Almark has no choice but to give up Wendy's life. If he does, Almark will give up his life. And in exchange, save Wendy's life. I was prepared to do that a long time ago.

But he would not be able to collect the nine stones where he had forsaken his own life. And even if he knew that, Almark would still run with his teeth gnawed.

Lonely battles.

But I don't need it right now.

In a winter mansion.

In the library.

In a fountain cave.

In the woods at night.

At the Sorcery Festival.

On Klang Island.

For the past year, Almark has witnessed the reliability of his people.

Every time I had a crisis, I worried about myself, and I was helped by the strength of my people.

I was worried about Wendy too much today, and I almost forgot about it.

It was Ein's advice, Wallis' sober instructions, Norish's farewell words, and Morgaine's very existence that kept Almark from escaping.

I'm sure it's something.

Morgan looks at Almark in a strange silence.


Almark shakes his head.

“Morgan, I'm glad you're here.”

"Thank you for that."

Morgan laughed and turned forward, spreading his arms again.

"Oh, it's hot."

Still blurry, he stops his legs and searches the sleeves of his robe.

“Almark, I don't need to take a break at all.”


"Look, this is the only thing that's melting."

That's why Morgan took out the eggs.

"If it's so hot, I'll eat it in my robe before I eat it"

When Morgan throws one in his mouth, he offers another candy ball to Armor.

"Eat Almark, too."

"No, I..."

In saying that, Almark remembers Curie, who hadn't eaten anything since the morning, and who had lost the best colors in the exam.

The source of magic is vitality. And the source of life is food.

"Thank you."

Almark received the egg.

The surface has already become a little sticky.

Almark put the egg in his mouth and sucked on his sticky fingers.

Sweetness spreads in your mouth.

Help me.

Almark thought.

This sweetness will help me save Wendy.

"You can walk while licking, right?" It lasts longer when you store it, and it lasts longer when you eat it. ”

While praising the eggs, Morgan walked energetically.

That's right.

Almark agrees with the little words, followed by the words:

Then I walked for a while, and the eel in my mouth became completely small.

At the end of the road, I saw a small patch.


Morgen snorted like a dog.

"This smell..."

"It smells like food."

As Almark says, Morgan shakes his head.

“No, this is a pie. It's also burnt."

"It's food, isn't it?"

“A baked pie is special. You can't mess with other foods."

When Morgan says that, he speeds up his legs.

"There's a bench over there."

"It's true."

Almark's eyes also saw a wooden bench in the back of the original. In front of the bench is also a wooden table.

"It's like a rest stop."

That's right.

Almark nodded to Morgaine's words and quickly stopped Morgaine in a low voice.

Careful, Morgan.


"Low tree shadow on the side of the bench."

There, green hair was visible and hidden.

"Someone's here."

Morgan realizes it too.

"It's green hair. Well then, that's it."

Morgen's words were interrupted along the way.

It was the woman who appeared from the shadow of the tree. I have a plate of pie in my hand.

The woman in the green coat saw Almark and Morgan approaching and placed the pie on the table.

Then, with a gentle smile, he waved his hand.

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