The story of the son of the mercenary in the north enrolling in the magic school in the south

(indistinct conversation) The second part in the conversation room

"Oh, shit."

Ficke raised her voice to the ceiling.

Ein won again.

"I wonder why it's so strong, even a game like this, where you just shake the ball."

Murka strangely looked at the race.

"Even though I don't use my head."

I'm sure he won't be a member of the class even if he's in the race.

When Ruta said that and took Murka's race, she threw it on top.

"I'm not saying anything nonsense."

Ain stretches her arm out without even looking at it, grabs the falling racetrack in the air, and throws it to Ficke.

"I will compete with Almark." You, the lowest, take care of this board. "


With an unhappy mouth, Ficke began to play with the board and tokens.

"Ahh, there are days when we can win." I'm not following you today. "

Regardless of Ficke's blur, Ein brought another board from the shelf.

Looking at it, Wendy raised her voice.

"It's the King's crossing." Are you going to do that with Almark and Ain? "


Ein smiles at Wendy and spreads the board on the table.

"Wendy, I'll leave Almark's support to you." I want you to give me no advice. "

“I love this game, too, but it's not as good as I can advise you on.”

Wendy said that and stood beside Almark and peered into the board.

Has Almark ever done this before?

"There are similar games in the north."

When Almark answers, he grabs one of the tokens with a familiar touch.

The name of the game was different.

Isn't it the King's crossing?


Almark narrows his eyes at the bright blue river in the center of the board.

"In the north, it was called a quadrad."

As she said that, Ain raised her face and reacted.

"It's the name of the great river in the north."

That's right, Ain. You know it well.

Almark smiles.

I've seen dragons there.

I see. Quadrad has dragons.

Ein nods and pulls all the pieces out of the wooden box.

"In the south, it is called the king's crossing of the river, and in the middle of the plains, it is called the patriarchal conscription of King Lagos, but none of the rules have changed." In the Kingdom of Galilee, it is said that it stems from the story of the time when King Galilee crossed the Seki River and destroyed the enemy army, but it is not certain because of various theories. "

"I've heard that story before."

Wendy pinched her mouth.

The blue one in the middle is the Seki River, the red one is the army of King Galai, and the black one is the allied army.

With that, he points to a red pawn carved into the shape of a brave warrior in fine armor.

Look, this is King Galai's Sikh I.

"Then this cavalry beside the king will be the first prince of the Duke of Zaydel, Dyne of Return Blood." The colors are perfect, too. "

Ein said that, picking up the red pawn carved in the shape of a cavalryman.

It was a lot different in the north, though.

While saying that, Almark turned to the black pawn, not the red pawn that Ein or Wendy was looking at.

There is no such thing as a black pawn as a red king. Every one of them is in the shape of a soldier with no personality.

Almark stared at each of them with a strange nostalgia.

"I know you do, but I'll give you a quick explanation."

Ain laying her tokens hand in hand on the board.

"Each of you will be responsible for either the Red King's Army or the Black Allies across the river." The black allied forces are numerous but narrow. The Red Royal Army has many powerful tokens, but few. ”


Nodding, Almark also began to line up the black tokens.

That's right.

If the king crosses the river and reaches this position,

Ein said that and pointed to the back of the black side of the board.

"It's a red victory. On the contrary, if we take the king or if the king's crossing becomes impossible, the black will win."


Almark replies.

"All right."

"Most people want to take on the Red King's Army." The movement is flashy and you can defeat a lot of enemies. "

Having said that, Ein looked at Almark, who had finished arranging the black pawns.

But you want to do the black one, don't you?

That's right.

Almark nodded.

"I'll be black."

"Oh, Almark, you want to do black?"

Ficke, who had cleared the board and returned, looked at Almark, who was sitting in front of the black pawn, and waved his hand.

"Stop it, stop it. Make it red. The strength of Ain when doing red is unusual."

"You're just too weak."

Ein answers, but Ruta, who came back late, agrees with Ficke.

"Sure, Ficke is very weak, but Ain's royal army is really strong." I hate this game. "

"Yes, yes."

With reinforcements, Ficke nodded happily. I didn't hear you say you were too weak.

"Last time, even though the king can cross the river, it's hard to cross." After we almost wiped out my allies, we finally crossed the border. "

"Sometimes that's a good thing." You just shut up a little bit. "

Ein waved loudly and then looked at Almark.

“What do we do, Almark? I don't care if I do black."


Almark shakes his head with a smile.

"I'll be black."

I see.

Ein nodded after looking at Almark's expression with interest.

Okay, let's get started.

Good luck, Almark.

With Wendy's support, Almark nodded and tightened his face, saying, "Yes, thank you."

"Ein, do your best."

Ficke said.

"There's a girl on the other side. We'll support a pair of class members."

"I don't need it. I really don't need it."

Ein answers with a frown.

"When that happens, it's something that distracts me and calls me a girl."

"Even girls."

Ruta smiled and saw Ficke and Murka's face.


Muruka and Ficke joined the voice of Ruta.

"Ein, do your best."

Ein frowned further and Wendy giggled at the three haughty voices.

Ain's Red King Army came in sharply.

The allied forces that harden the opposite shore are as bad as the flag.

Historically, the Battle of the Seki River had far more Allied troops than the Royal Army, but in the end, it was a gathering place.

While looking at each other's faces and stretching their legs, they missed the chance to win and were smashed by the blow of the Heavenly Lord.

Wendy's face clouded as she watched the Ain-run royal advance instantly consolidate its foothold on the opposite shore.

"Oh, I've already crossed the river."

"What's the matter, Almark?" I wonder if it's a little different from the actual battle. "

Ein said that and took a red pawn with a long spear in his hand.

"Like you in battle, there is a token in red that will change the situation in the first place." I wonder if this knight is a loyal servant of the king or a grim and irresistible egmo. "

Ein pushes the pawn into the river.

Almark looked at it with a hard face.

"Ahh, so I picked the red first."

Ficke sighed.

If you keep it red, you'll only be able to fight in a good mood at first.

Either way, I'm going to lose in the end.

Ruta said, and Ficke shrugged her shoulders.

"That's right." I don't know why, but it's been reversed sometime. "

While listening to that conversation, Almark moves the Black Warrior.

The blacks were being pushed in as if they were lining up and retreating.

"Come on, the king is moving."

Warriors like the beautiful stars have been exposed, and the Red King is finally stepping into the river.

"I'm here already."

Wendy stood beside Almark and watched.


I knew Ein was strong.

Almark says that and looks up at Wendy.

"The movement of all the pawns is properly calculated."

"Almark, do your best."

Wendy made a grip.

I haven't lost yet.


Almark nodded and turned back to the board.

I'll do my best.

But Wendy's backup was empty, and Ein's royal army moved meticulously to wipe out the warriors on the opposite shore.

The bridgehead was completely built, and finally the red king crossed the shore.

Well, if we move forward two more squares, I'll win.

Almark nodded to Ain's words.

Yeah, I'll do my best.

From now on?

Ein frowns.

"Yeah, from now on."

Almark's Black Warrior begins to move.

In the north, the game was called Quadrad, or simply the Great River.

The glittering red army is not the army of King Galai.

It was a rich army of Nakahara who pushed across the Strait of Menover.

Not to mention the distinctive black army that intercepts them.

Nameless warriors hired by the nations of the North.

A mercenary.

I'm not riding a horse.

Almark moves a nostalgic black-armored warrior.

I know how to win this kind of battle.

My dad taught me.

The warriors in black began to move forward without sacrifice.


Ein looks out.

It seemed like a seemingly reckless assault.

But the movement of the warriors was linked by one strong will.

"Oh, my God."

Ein mutters.

"Did I underestimate you?"

A red heavy soldier flies a black warrior. The Red Knight defeats the Black Warrior with a long spear.

But the black warriors didn't look at them.

The black-clothed mercenary came in without even waving his gaze.

Our heads are worthless on the battlefield.

Raise's words come to life.

Remember, Almark. The only thing you need to win the battle is an enemy general's head.

It doesn't matter how many mercenaries die. It's the General's head that wins.

Attract enough enemy kings to charge the Black Warriors.

The Red King, who had already crossed the river, could not help but retreat.

By this point, there should have been fewer tokens on the board.

However, both sides still had many tokens left to be removed because of the clumsy and hardened Black Army.

Allied pawns blocked the king's escape.

Almark quietly advances the Black Warrior.

Even if one of them is strangled, the next one is strangled. Even if it was strangled, the next person would come again.

At last, the inferior number of red troops could not resist the assault without sacrificing anything.

Ein looked up to the sky and Wendy cheered.

"You're kidding."

Ficke's scream echoed through the conversation room.

"I've never seen Ein lose before."

After three color changes, Ain and Almark face each other, but Almark won only once. After that, Ein's sophisticated movements made him suffer no pain.

But no matter how many times I won, Ein's sinister face didn't change.

That's because Ein knows it too.

Defeat in the first battle. If this hadn't been a game.

"I'm tired of the king crossing the river. Let's do this next time."

While Ficke said so, he brought a board full of pictures of cute animals.

"Wendy is here after all." Let's make it something we can all do together. "

Can I come in, too?


Ein nodded as if he had regained his mind.

"Of course I am."

"Glad to hear it."

Wendy sits down next to Almark with a smile on her face.

Ruta and Murka also surrounded the table and started preparing for the new game that Ficke brought, so Almark folded the board of the King's Crossing and stood up.

Each of the black warriors who finished the battle carefully put them in a wooden box and put them back on the shelf.

Almark, come on, come on.

Wendy is gesturing.

"I'm coming."

Almark rushed over to you with a smile.

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