"Don’t be surprised, little friend Lu, the old beggar’s name is Hong Qi!"

At this time, Hong Qigong said to Lu Qingyou, and then turned to look at Huang Yaoshi:

"Huang Laoxie, are you here for this girl too?"

"What, Hong Qi, are you going to stop me? Aren't you here for Li Mochou too?"

Huang Yaoshi raised his eyelids

"Poor Taoist Qiu Chuji, you Huang Laoxie can actually eliminate demons and protect the Tao? It’s really an eye-opener for the veteran!"

After Qiu Chuji said his name, he looked at Huang Yaoshi with a mocking look on his face and said

"Damn, it turned out to be three of them. They were all big shots on the list!"

"Yes, yes, the peerless master of Peach Blossom Island, Huang Yaoshi, one of the five greatest masters of our Song Dynasty!"

"There is also the Beggar Clan Elder Qipao, who keeps the Beggar Clan’s dog-beating stick and has taught Hong Qigong the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon!"

"Qiu Chuji, a major Taoist sect and one of the seven Quanzhen disciples of the Quanzhen sect, could see so many masters today. He really died without any regrets!"

"But why is Li Mochou still in that position? Wasn't he there three days ago?"

"And why does it look like he's about to collapse?"

"Wow, it’s my first time here. Is this Lu Qingyou’s storyteller? There are so many masters here!"

The martial arts people around were discussing one after another.

They were even more excited.

Before it even started, they discovered so many peerless masters on the list.

"Humph, the Seven Quanzhen Sons, the Seven Miscellaneous Hairs, why, Tan Chuduan died earlier, do you want another one to die today?"

Who is Huang Yaoshi?

He is Dongxie with a weird temper, and he is full of evil spirits.

Faced with this kind of ridicule, he responded unceremoniously.

"you! Huang Laoxie, if it weren't for you, how could my junior brother be killed by Ouyang Feng in a sneak attack? When you competed with my master in the Huashan sword debate, we respect you as our senior. We didn't expect you to be so unreasonable!"

Qiu Chuji had a hot temper.

When Huang Yaoshi mentioned the matter of his dead junior brother, his face suddenly filled with anger.

"Humph, Wang Chongyang is a master of martial arts, but the disciple he accepted is such a loser. You just believe whatever other people say. At the beginning, he said that I killed Zhou Botong!"

"If you don’t have the ability, don’t blame others for being unreasonable! Huang

Yaoshi sneered disdainfully.


Qiu Chuji's old face turned red when he heard this, and he stared at Huang Yaoshi hatefully.

After a long while, he hummed:

"Huh, Pindao is here today to resolve the issue of the descendant of the ancient tomb. Once the matter is resolved, you and I will go to the sky and go to different sides!"

"That's right, everyone is here to deal with this girl, Huang Laoxie, why are you angry with a junior, but you actually took the initiative to take care of this matter today, which surprised me, the old beggar!"

Hong Qigong also looked down upon Qiu Chuji. He bluntly said that Qiu Chuji was a junior.

And Qiu Chuji couldn't refute this.

Although Qiu Chuji was not younger than Huang Yaoshi

"Humph, you are not my stupid son-in-law. I know that you, Hong Qi, are on the move. I insist on coming to Da Ming to help you chase this little girl. I finally came to Da Ming to play, how can I allow them to disturb me! Huang

Yaoshi said unhappily.

"oh? Think about it, if Jing'er comes, your precious daughter Ronger will come too, and there will be no one to take care of her at that time. The smelly and hard flying bat on Peach Blossom Island will also come, right? No wonder you are so anxious to get rid of this girl because you want Jing'er and the others to go back to Peach Blossom Island!"

Hong Qigong laughed immediately.

He and Huang Yaoshi are inextricably linked.


Li Mochou next to her heard that it was about her, and turned around with a weak look.

She was biting her teeth tightly, and her eyes were filled with endless hatred.

These people were discussing how to deal with her casually, and they did not care about her at all. Take it seriously.

This kind of insult made Li Mochou feel extremely ashamed and angry.


At this moment

, Li Mochou couldn't hold on any longer and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Then the vitality of his body began to weaken rapidly, and he closed his eyes and slowly fell down.

"oh? This girl doll is going to die!"

Hong Qigong looked over in surprise.

"No, this is the descendant of the ancient tomb. I want to save her and send her back to the ancient tomb!!"

Qiu Chuji was shocked and quickly went over to help Li Mochou.

"It can't be saved. Her internal injuries are so severe that anyone with eyes can see it. Unless there is a martial arts holy medicine here, either the Shaolin Great Return Pill or the legendary Blood Bodhi!"

Huang Yaoshi said calmly.


Just then, a gust of breeze blew by, directly rolling Li Mochou up in front of Lu Qingyou.

Being hugged by Lu Qingyou

"This is"

Hong Qigong was stunned. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What an exquisite palm technique, it can be controlled outside the body, and it's very tough. Is it this kid's Five Luo Qing Yan Palm? This hand is really handsome!"

Huang Yaoshi couldn't hide his admiration for Lu Qingyou in his eyes.

"Lu Qingyou, what are you going to do? Hand over the descendant of the ancient tomb to me quickly and let me rescue you!!"

Qiu Chuji looked eager and rushed to the stage as he spoke.

"Get down! Lu

Qingyou snorted coldly, hugged Li Mochou with one hand, and struck out with a light palm with the other hand.


It seemed like a light palm, but it suddenly burst out with extremely fierce energy.


Qiu Chuji was knocked back to the stage by a palm. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and blood surged in his body.

"Shocking Wave Palm!!"

Hong Qigong's eyes lit up.

"This is the Jingtai Palm. It is indeed domineering and fierce. In terms of domineering, it is actually better than Qi Gong's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

This move really surprised Huang Yaoshi.[]

"The Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms are extremely powerful, and you need to leave a lot of energy to prevent back attacks. As the saying goes, if you overpower the dragon, you will regret it, and you will never use up the excess. If you use the force improperly, the force that will hurt you will be extremely powerful, so You still need to have some energy left in the middle of the palm strike!"

"But even if I didn't spare any effort and fully open my palms, I'm afraid I still wouldn't be able to achieve this level of strength and strength!"

Hong Qigong also found it incredible.

"The boy had already withheld his hand, but Qiu Laodao was still injured and his body was shocked. This was the power of pure Yang induced by the pure Yang physique mentioned in the book!"

Huang Yaoshi nodded.

Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong only saw Lu Qingyou's move once, and they understood everything about it.

Of course, there were things explained by Lu Qingyou's storyteller himself.

But this also shows that Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong are very powerful.

Don’t look at these two people, one is ranked 25 and the other is ranked 26.

But the ranking is not absolutely accurate.

Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong have been studying for many years and have experienced countless Qing's fierce battle.

He is the second of the five great masters of the Song Dynasty.

He is definitely much more powerful than Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, who are ranked 22nd and 21st.

You see, Master Yideng, who is also one of the five great masters, is ranked 12th.

Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong and Yideng are similar.

It can only be said that they have not made it to the top in recent years.

"Qiu Laodao, please do some exercise and adjust your breathing quickly to avoid any hidden injuries! Hong

Qigong reminded

"I have no ill intentions, I really want to save her!!"

Qiu Chuji looked at Lu Qingyou on the stage.

"I believe it, but Chief Qiu can't save her in this situation!"

Lu Qingyou said as a red-glowing blood bodhi appeared in her hand.

Then she stuffed it into Li Mochou's mouth.

Li Mochou is so beautiful and pitiable.

Although Lu Qingyou didn't pay much attention these days, Li Mochou Mochou's stubbornness, her beauty, and her strength have left a deep impression on Lu Qingyou.

In the end, Lu Qingyou couldn't bear to watch her die in front of him.

If she was an ugly woman, Lu Qingyou would never bother to take a second look. Zhang..

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