After the three of them finished speaking, they disappeared.

Lin Soul silently returned to his own premises in the Past Life Hospital.

Before he could calm down, his ears trembled and he heard a rush of footsteps coming towards his residence.


.... There was a sharp knock on the door.

Lin Soul had already seen through the shared vision of the hundred feet lying on the roof that the visitor was a burning guard.

"Who's outside the door?"

Lin Soul asked in a deep voice.

"Burning Luan Wei, I have been ordered to come and ask Mr. Lin Soul to assist Lord Chongta of the Zhenweishi Immortal Temple in interrogating criminals.

Please immediately take all the belongings of the white pawn and come with me. "

Sure enough, come to life.

Lin Soul took his "eating guy" cloth bag and hung it on his shoulder.

Put away the hundred feet and red eyes and open the door.

"I am Lin Soul. It's time to go. Burning

Luan Wei glanced at Lin Soul's eyes, confirmed that it was correct, and then sent a whistle into the air.


A black shadow fell from the air, it was a huge black burning plover.

"Please step on the back of the burning plover, and it will take you to the meeting place."

Rangluan Wei originally wanted to step forward to help Lin Soul, but found that there was a faint strange air on the quiet young man on the other side.

He is a sophistry who invites the netherworld!

Rangluan Wei couldn't help but admire a little.

A pariah pawn is blind, how easy it is to cultivate to the Yin Realm!

This boy should have a calm and spicy personality that does not match his age.

No wonder the Lord of the Immortal Temple's heavy tower would name Lin Soul to assist in the interrogation!

"Thank you."

Lin Soul took a step and landed steadily on the back of the huge burning bird.

The detective accurately grasped the reins on his back and pulled gently.

The black burning plover had already received the order of the master, and naturally would not resist the stranger Lin Soul.

Otherwise, with the daily rigorous practice of Rangluan, no stranger will be allowed to step on its back.

"Be careful, it's time to take off!"

Rangluan Wei kindly reminded.

Lin Soul nodded and said, "Thank you, you can fly." "

Whistle ~

The Burning Guard whistles again.

The black giant flaming bird got the order and flew up in an instant.


Burning Luan flew extremely fast, and soon carried Lin Soul to a high point in the shade of Hanhai City.

There is a huge building here, and a large number of guards stand at the door.

There are also Burning Luan Guards and Winged Guards patrolling, waiting for the battle.

Seeing that Lin Soul was coming, there was a burning lunar guard who blew a whistle to order the black burning lunar to fall.

Lin Soul jumped off his back, and someone stepped forward.

"Please show your wooden identity."

Lin Soul knew that the matter was big, so he took out the identity card and threw it over.

Check that there are no errors.

"Please follow me."

This person was also slightly surprised to find out that Lin Soul was a sophist.

I wanted to lead him forward, but after discovering that he was a trick, I just led the way in front.

Lin Soul threw his cane after entering the Borrowing Fate Realm and deliberately suppressing it to the early stage of the Yin Realm with "Demon Worship".

The sophistry hearing is not covered, naturally you can listen to the wind and argue and follow the footsteps of others.

Lin Soul stepped on the footsteps of the person in front of him and quickly entered this huge, oppressive building.

Posts are set up at every level, step by step.

There are a large number of open and dark posts, which are heavily guarded.

The man led Lin Soul all the way to the secret words, and soon came to an underground place.

Two sophistry cultivators in charge of guarding pushed open the stone gate that weighed a thousand pounds.

Walked in with Lin Soul.

"Major person, Lin Soul has arrived."

The man saluted the tall heavy tower and retreated.

It's a huge space, just below that terrifying building.

The walls are full of executions, and the lifeless old ghosts are "hanging" on the wall like a piece of broken meat.

There is not a single good meat in the whole body, and the whole person hangs in one breath and does not die.

In addition to the three people such as the heavy tower, there was also an acquaintance of Lin Soul.

Chen Han.

He crouched in the corner of the wall, his head bowed like an old dog.

Chongta signaled his subordinates to close the door, only then turned to look at Lin Soul and Chen Han and spoke

, "This person's name is Lifeless Old Ghost, he is a cult cult and evil cultivator, and he is the mastermind and promoter of the cataclysm in Hanhai City half a year ago."

"After six months of arrest, this person has been arrested by me. But after exhausting the punishment, he will not say where the cult leader's base camp is until his death..." The

words of the heavy tower were interrupted by the lifeless old ghost hanging on the wall behind him.


..." It may be that the teeth have been knocked out, and the speech is whimpering.

"The greatest sect leader in the world, how can it be that your small town trickster can spy on..." The

lifeless old ghost spoke weakly, and vomited blood when he opened his mouth.

Spit while talking, and is close to the brink of death.

A man behind the heavy tower stepped forward and twisted the jaw of the lifeless old ghost.

"Click..." could

no longer shout.

"Our town has always had clear grievances, and this cult is so harmful to heaven and reason, we will return a tooth for a tooth."

"Lin Soul, you are a white pawn corpse collector. Chen Han, you are a soul of sin.

"Calling you two here today is to ask you two to cooperate with me to squeeze out all the information about all the cults in the brains of lifeless old ghosts!"

The three of Chongta used all means to extract confessions by torture, but they did not expect that the lifeless old ghost was extremely firm in his belief in the cult and the sect leader.

They were about to torture the lifeless old ghosts to death, and they still didn't ask even the slightest bit of useful information.

But isn't it easy to match the heavy tower?

He immediately believed in the Crow Chuanshu Town, and the Immortal Temple Zuo Immortal Jun based on his own resources in Hanhai City at present.

It took one night to create a method to ensure that the heavy tower could successfully obtain all the knowledge in the brains of lifeless old ghosts.

This trick created by the Immortal Temple Zuo Immortal Jun landed on Lin Hun and Chen Han.

If Lin Soul knew that Zuo Immortal Sovereign had such a powerful ability, he would definitely refresh Lin Soul's understanding of this world again.

In one night, the appropriate trick was developed for the existing personnel resources.

The Zhenwei Immortal Temple is indeed a group of madmen and geniuses.

It's ridiculously powerful.

"What should I do, my lord?"

Lin Soul took the initiative to ask.

He is also from the Zhen Qiushi, and naturally has further feelings for the heavy tower that is also the Zhen Qiusi Immortal Temple.

"In a moment, I will forcibly strip the soul of the lifeless old ghost from its physical body according to the tricks taught by Master Zuo Xianjun."

"The soul that has just been stripped off will be immediately injected into Chen Han's body, and Chen Han, as a scourge soul man, his greatest ability is that his body can turn into a bridge of help.

Let the soul that enters forget who it is and where it is, the longer it takes, the more the body of the soul destroyer will make the soul that enters recognize Chen Han's body.

After receiving the soul's confession, Chen Han can get all the memories of the lifeless old ghost, including the memories that have been specially erased! "

Heavy tower" especially accentuates the tone of "memory that has been specially erased"!

Hearing this, the lifeless old ghost over there directly panicked!

It seems that the heavy tower is right, this lifeless old ghost is not not said, but those especially confidential memories about the cult leader have been erased!

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