These three tricks really opened Lin Soul's eyes!

No wonder only these three corpses left behind the complete Mystery Source, Exercises and Mystery Crystals among the corpses he sewed them.

However, it turned out that it was basically possible to practice these three exercises after nine deaths.

Or in other words, such as the "Rotten Meat Trick Method", its practice process is extremely dangerous, and it is necessary to feed the source of the trick with human flesh.

Or in other words, "Fa Trick Law" is more perverted, and it is necessary to behead itself and put it into the "Fa Trick Nest" for cultivation.

That is, the "Flower Poison Law" is slightly normal, and it needs to be watered with blood for seven seven forty-nine days to verify whether it can be cultivated.

These three tricks reveal evil and danger everywhere.

Could it be that this strange world is the common law?

If human beings want to get the source of tricks from the weirdness and practice the tricks, they must pay a very high price.

For example, the "Frying Life Cultivation Method" that he accidentally obtained, actually had to feed life at the cost of cultivation and promotion.

Apart from himself, who can cultivate as an immortal person?

Lin Soul felt at this moment that the cruelty and horror of this world were quietly opening a corner to him.

Through the four tricks that Lin Soul understood now, he always gave him a certain feeling.

What does it feel like?

Ever practice trickery.

There is a price.

Whether it was Lin Soul cultivation who needed to sacrifice his life, or these three sects had to sacrifice blood, flesh, and head respectively.

All gave Lin Soul this feeling.

Could it be that this feeling is right?

No wonder there are so few tricks in this world.

If every sophistry is so difficult to practice, it is understandable that there are fewer sophistries.

Lin Soul glanced at these three tricky cultivation exercises, and always felt that his scalp was numb.

Especially the mess like dry hair.

That is the source of cultivation of the "Fa Trick Method", "Fa Trick Nest".

It made Lin Soul feel a chill in his neck.

After thinking about it, it is still collected into the "centipede" and processed later.

A small statue was taken out of the "centipede".

This statue is about the size of an adult's palm, and the whole exudes a strong evil aura.

Non-gold and non-iron, the production material is unknown.

It seems to be laughing or not smiling, and the expression is unclear.

The evil aura is awe-inspiring, and it is unknown who the statue is.

The face is unrecognizable, and the facial features are unknown.

The facial features could not be seen on the face, and I didn't know whether it was deliberately not carved or if it was worn off in the later stage, and the facial features could not be seen at all.

The big horn sat on a throne, holding his cheek with one hand, and looked forward defiantly.

It is obviously a man's appearance, but the statue is wearing some kind of strange skirt underneath.

From under the skirt, eight octopus-like tentacles with flailing claws poked out.

There are suction cups on the tentacles, as if gloomy eyes are staring ahead.

Two spear-like weapons are inserted behind the statue.

The weapon exudes a strong murderous aura outward.

It was as if those two spears were slaughtered by ten thousand people, and there were countless souls under the guns.

The statue is held in his hand.

Give people an irresistible evil.

Even if you look at it more, you will sink into it.

This mental pressure, which seems to be ready to seize and deprive the spirit at any time, reaches the staring brain through the statue.

This is an unspeakable horror, a great pressure.

This feeling had already been sensed when Lin Soul first touched its fragments.

Looking at the statue at this moment, he could already roughly guess what the statue was.

Although I can't see the facial features clearly, from the eight octopus tentacles, we can tell that this statue is the "original god" called "Ara".

After being severely injured by the human riding the bone dragon, he came to the Eastern Wilderness.

Turn the oasis into a desert and devour the humans and creatures living here.

Reach an agreement with the first power of mankind, and the wilderness can live here.

At the same time, the original god named Ara handed over the "source of its divine trick" to mankind's first mysterious power.

And to recognize the mastership of mankind in this heaven and earth, promise to fall into a deep sleep for a long time.

In the final analysis, the Eastern Wilderness is a "wild" territory.

Those deserted people who live here are just the descendants of the "wilderness" created.

Therefore, it was not surprising that Lin Soul found that those deserted people could sink into the sea of sand and escape when he saw the deserted people retreat last time.

Why did this statue break into dozens of pieces before?

Judging from which corpses, some are missing hearts, some are missing arms and legs, and some are missing eyeballs, and so on.

What is the existence that is hidden in the seventh altar of the wasteland, killing so many wingguards and sand scorpion guards?

What is the purpose of this statue now that it is intact?

These questions flashed in Lin Soul's mind.

He smiled immediately.

Curiosity killed the cat.

It's better for me to be honest in the dark.

Sometimes dealing with corpses is much simpler than dealing with people.

Find a chance to throw this evil-looking statue far away and don't get yourself into trouble.

As for the possibility that this statue is the key or key to unlock a treasure trove of resources?

Not interested at all.

Good things are stared at by everyone, what if there is a life to take and not to use.

Today's Lin Soul realm is still low, and once you get too many treasures, it may be like a three-year-old child holding gold and swaggering through the market.

There is a danger of death at any time.

What's more, this is not a world where human beings practice qi and cultivate truth.

After all, this is still a world dominated by weirdness.

Human beings practice tricks, which come from weirdness.

Without the source of weirdness, humans cannot practice tricks.

After watching the scene of the mirage of the "desert smoke", we can see that there are still many terrifying existences in this world.

Lin Soul is still weak now, and it can be said that he is vulnerable when he encounters a strong person.

The immortal should not fight, and hide in the heavenly prison to rule over his spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Lin Soul threw this evil statue into the corner of his "centipede".

Take a sharp breath and bear the joy of these four days and nights of great wealth and harvest.

He closed his eyes and sank into his spiritual world.

Even in the previous four days and four nights of uninterrupted sewing of corpses, Lin Soul never stopped for a day of frying and cultivating!

Lin Soul knew clearly and firmly in his heart that the

identity of the white pawn was just a shell for him to settle down in this world.

What can really make him change his identity is his own strength!

Constantly improving one's own realm is the fundamental thing.

For example, today's Lin Soul already possesses enough mysterious crystals to raise the realm to the high level of the Yin Realm!

Lin Soul was not in a hurry.

He wants to restore his body to its best.

In his spiritual world, Lin Soul silently looked at the heavenly millstone.

This Heavenly Grinding Disc had repeatedly rescued him before, saving him from strange psychic illusion attacks.

Originally, I thought that this was just a kind of virtual image of cultivating the "Frying Life and Raising Demon Method".

Now it seems that this is not the case at all.

The magic and power of this heavenly millstone was far more than a cultivation virtual image.

Look at the heavenly millstone, high in the spiritual world.

Like a creation god, the colorful life of absorbing the forest soul slowly turned.

Feedback seven drops of green divine liquid into Lin Soul's body and spirit, increasing his practice and cultivation.

Lin Soul felt more and more from the simple, vicissitudes, and mysterious millstone.

Babel millstone.


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