Lin Soul incorporated all the knowledge points that Li Jing just said into his memory palace storage.

Nodding slowly, he asked thoughtfully:

"Yes, you can answer my questions." Don't know how to charge? "

Since merit points are soft gold, they have a great value in Hanhai City.

Then Lin Soul must carefully weigh and exert the value of merit points as much as possible.

He doesn't need merit points to exchange for a free body.

He has the promise of Wei Faqin, and he only needs to live here for three years to be exempt from sin, and he can also get rid of the pariah status of a white pawn.

Lin Soul naturally wanted to use his merit points on the blade.

"Two ways for you to choose, one is that 1 merit can answer twenty questions, and the second is that 3 merit can buy me as your long-term consultation."

"In both ways, I promise to tell you all the information I know wholeheartedly and endlessly."

Li Jing quietly looked at Lin Soul, waiting for Lin Soul's decision.

Lin Soul considered Li Jing's words, and soon made a decision.

"I have a condition, you can only make a 'heart oath'."

Li Jing seemed to have guessed that Lin Soul would attach conditions, and nodded gladly: "

It's okay, you spend merit points, I naturally have professional ethics to keep secrets for you, and make a 'heart oath' that is certain."

Lin Soul was relieved at this time, and said, "

I choose the second way, please make a 'heart oath' first, and I will transfer you 3 merits."

Li Jing originally thought that Lin Soul would not be willing to exchange 3 merits for lifelong consultation.

After all, it's too hard to earn a little merit here.

It's just that what he doesn't know is that Lin Soul doesn't need merit to absolve himself.

Therefore, merit is just a means to achieve an end for him.

Lin Soul has been practicing by feeling stones to cross the river since he got the "Frying Life and Raising Demon Method".

Today, when he came to the Eastern Desolate Sea City, a marginal land, there were almost no people here who knew about his past.

Lin Soul would no longer be full of acquaintances like in the Zhenwei Heavenly Prison, so he had to be careful.

Coming here, Lin Soul felt that the Eastern Desolate Sea City was a place of barbaric growth.

Most of the people here are death row prisoners and criminals.

They are all desperately accumulating military merit to obtain merit points, thereby obtaining free bodies and so on.

Everyone is desperate.

For example, the two people who just hung on the city wall are enough to explain the problem.

Although one of them, the golden cicada, has shed its shell, it can also be seen that Hanhai City is fierce, cruel and rough.

The environment here no longer allows Lin Soul to wait.

Lin Soul took out his wooden card.

Li Jing also took out his wooden cards, and the two exchanged them with each other.

Lin Soul touched the name on the wooden tablet and determined that the other party, Li Jingnai, was his real name.

Li Jing immediately spoke

: "I, Li Jing, a native of Gaotang County, Dayu, who is Chinese New Year's Eve two years old today, hereby made a vow against

the 'heart trick': "I, Li Jing, will keep all secrets for him in this transaction with Lin Soul, and violators will be devoured by the 'heart trick' for 100 days."

Li Jing made a vow to the most mysterious and unpredictable original god "Xinwei", the only one who could be called by his name.

This is the highest oath in this world, and it must not be broken.

Otherwise, the heart will appear, and the defaulter will be slowly tortured for 100 days, and finally eat the heart to death.

After the heart oath was completed, Lin Soul did not hesitate to touch his wooden card with the back of Li Jing's wooden card.

Lin Soul's 3 merit points were assigned to Li Jing's wooden card.

The transaction between the parties is completed.

Li Jing was pleased to see that he was getting closer and closer to exoneration.

"Little brother Lin Soul, you can ask questions freely."

Li Jing didn't know where to get a stool and a set of tea sets.

Motioning for Lin Soul to sit down, he asked while drinking tea.

It's still a long way off, just ask.

Lin Soul smiled and felt the treatment of the VIP and sat down calmly.

"Tea is coarse tea, you can only moisten your mouth."

Li Jing took the teacup and poured tea for Lin Soul.

"No problem, tea is the spirit of leaves, and the thickness is refreshing."

Lin Soul naturally didn't care, and began to slowly ask the questions he cared about.

"Are you a sophist?"

Li Jing originally thought that Lin Soul would ask some earth-shattering question.

I didn't expect his first question to be himself.

Is Li Jing a sophistry?

He smiled bitterly and shook his head

, "I was exiled here as a sinful body, and I have done my best to accumulate merit to atone for my sins.

It is so difficult to cultivate sophistry, where are the conditions to become a sophistry? "

Li Jing is just an ordinary person, but because of the convenience of his job and hobbies, he reads all the books in the miscellaneous office.

"Why is it said that it is difficult to cultivate trickery?"

"This simplicity mainly has three difficulties: one is the difficulty of obtaining the 'trick source', the second is the difficulty of fusing the 'trick source', and the third is the difficulty of maintaining the body."

"Let's talk about these three dilemmas one by one."

"The source of the trick is difficult, the 'ancient god' source only exists in legends, there is no need to think about this." The source of this species' is also precious.

Difficult integration means that after human beings have obtained the tricky source, the human body needs to adapt, fuse, and choose with the tricky source, and the mortality rate is extremely high.

The difficulty of maintaining the ontology means that after some middle and lower sources are integrated with people, they will continuously reverse affect the spirit of human ontology, and many weird cultivators will be polluted by the 'weird source' in the process of cultivation and reduced to low-end weirdness. "

So it is!

It is difficult to become a sophist, and it is difficult to maintain the ontological spirit in the future.

Lin Soul suddenly remembered the "Trouble Nest" of the source he had obtained, and couldn't help but feel a chill.

The three sources of tricks such as "Hair Nest" and "Rotten Meat Trick" that I got all had an evil feeling.

But these evil things are exactly what human beings must choose to practice tricks.

If human beings want to gain extraordinary powers, they must resort to strange powers.

That's the rule of this world.

"What is the highest realm in this world?"

Lin Soul pulled the question as far away as possible, mixing the questions he really wanted to ask.

Although Li Jing had already made a "heart oath", Lin Soul still had to be cautious.

"I don't have this message because no one knows.

There is only one legend, it is said that the highest cultivator is the current saint, and its realm is a mystery, some people say that it is the 'Heavenly Mystery Realm', I don't know whether it is true or false. "

Is the Holy Lord's cultivation the highest today?

This once again made Lin Soul a little shocked and surprised.

"There are two treacherous corpses hanging on the city wall, tell me about the cult they believe in."

"Hmph, the cult doesn't say anything. They believe in 'the return of the original sin of mankind and the deceitful deeds', hoping that this world will return to the time when the gods feed on humans and purify the sinful bodies of mankind.

Try to release those sleeping unknowable and unspeakable gods, these believers deserve to die, hanged are light, should be cut alive! Li

Jing hated this cult very much, and he gritted his teeth when he said it.

"But there are statistics, how many kinds of 'trick sources' are there in this world?"

"This cannot be counted, because according to the rules of heaven and earth, new 'present species' emerge one after another, and the old 'present species' is iteratively updated, and it cannot be counted. But someone has made a big classification. "

Oh, elaborate."

It was about to touch the answer that Lin Soul wanted to know.

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