During the period when Lin Tian was making trouble on Justice Island, the urgent report of the attack on Justice Island had also reached the headquarters of the Navy.

It’s just that the naval headquarters is still very empty at this moment, and both Warring States and Karp are advancing the city under the sea at this time, dealing with the mess caused by Lin Tian, and they can’t get back at all.

Therefore, this urgent report was directly sent to Admiral Qinghe, who is currently the highest rank in the Navy headquarters.

“Justice Island was actually attacked?!”

After learning the news, the green pheasant also attached great importance to it.

“Not long ago, pirates attacked Undersea Propulsion City, and now even Justice Island has been attacked! What’s going on lately? ”

Qing Pheasant was extremely surprised in his heart, the Undersea Propulsion City and Justice Island have formed a solid iron triangle geographical location with the headquarters of the Navy since ancient times.

All three belong to the core of the naval government, thanks to this, no pirate has ever been able to break through these three places.

But now it seems that at present, two naval powerhouses in the Iron Triangle have encountered the strongest attack ever!

“Borusalino and Sakaski both went to recruit Nanabukai, it’s really bad… It seems that this trouble can only be done by me. ”

The green pheasant sighed and decided to solve this matter himself.

After all, this matter is too important, and it is not necessary for the admiral to make a move!

Once it is not handled well, then the consequences and impact are simply unprecedentedly bad!

As soon as he thought of this, the green pheasant quickly set off.

As a Frozen Fruit powerhouse, he had an unparalleled advantage in advancing on the sea, faster than any warship.

So it wasn’t long before the pheasant was already very close to Justice Island.

“That was… A pirate ship? ”

After the pheasant approached Justice Island, the first thing he saw was the Dawn

In such a naval important place as Justice Island, there is a pirate ship docked, and you can see that it is very problematic.

“Maybe the pirates who attacked Justice Island this time are on this pirate ship.”

The pheasant thought as he approached, but he wasn’t sure.

Because this is not a large pirate ship, it should not be able to carry enough troops to attack Justice Island, right?

“That’s not right… Even if it is a large pirate ship, it takes at least a few troops to be able to attack Justice Island, what is going on? ”

With endless doubts, the green pheasant decided to go on the boat first to take a look.

As soon as it boarded the dawn, the pheasant was taken aback at first sight.

“I remember you were the Bamulo of CP5, right?!”

What caught the eyes of the pheasant was the sluggish-looking Bamulo who was tied to the main pole.


Bamulo was suddenly startled, looked up, and suddenly his eyes were full of surprise.

“General Pheasant!”

Seeing the arrival of the pheasant, Bamulo was overjoyed in his heart and rekindled the flame of hope.

If it is the green pheasant general, who is known as one of the highest combat power of the navy, he will definitely be able to defeat those two evil parties!

“What’s going on here?”

The green pheasant frowned, condensed an ice blade, and cut the rope on Bamulo’s body at once.

“It’s the Xiao Organization!” Bamulo said eagerly, “It was the Heavenly Emperor and the Exploding Artist of the Xiao Organization who attacked Justice Island!” ”

“Xiao Organization?”

The green pheasant thought back for a while, and suddenly startled: “Is it the Xiao organization that attacked the Undersea Propulsion City!?” ”

Because the time for the Xiao Organization to attack the Undersea Advancement City and issue the wanted warrant of the Xiao Organization was too short, the green pheasant had no impression.

Bamulo nodded and said, “Yes!” It’s that the Xiao organization killed all our CP5 people! ”

After receiving Bamulo’s confirmation, the green pheasant’s heart was a little heavy.

“Xiao Organization actually came with two people at once… A 600 million Bailey explosion artist, an 800 million Bailey Heavenly Emperor, but they should still be within my control. ”

The bounty of 600 million Bailey and 800 million Bailey, although they are famous sea pirates in the new world, for the admirals, this is the enemy they are most responsible for capture.

Pirates below 500 million Baileys are basically the responsibility of vice admirals, and the meaning of admirals is to solve those tricky pirates with more than 500 million Baileys!

So for pheasants, this is just the degree of commonplace.

“I see, let’s talk about the current situation.”

The green pheasant nodded and looked at Bamulo.

This time Bamulo was silent for a moment, stretching out his finger to the sea in front of him.

“The Heavenly Emperor and the Exploding Artist began their attack from here.”

The green pheasant was stunned and wondered, “Start attacking from such a distance from Justice Island?” ”

In the field of vision of the pheasant, this area is all the sea, and the island of justice should still be farther away.

Bamulo shook his head when he heard this, even if he recalled this scene again, he still turned pale.

“No, in this position, it used to be the former island of Justice Island!”

“What did you say!?” The green pheasant’s voice raised an octave, “This used to be the former island of Justice Island?!” ”

The green pheasant looked over again with a stunned face, before he thought that this place was far away from the Island of Justice, but he didn’t expect that this was actually next to the Island of Justice, but part of the Island of Justice had completely disappeared!

But to be able to erase part of an island abruptly, what level of strength is this?!

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