Deidara threw a bomb spider, which landed on the Tipper, then crawled to the neck and exploded.

The Beast Dao controlled the psychic beast, striking the Emperor Star from four directions, the speed of the attack was that the Emperor Star could not dodge at all, and under the impact, the Emperor Star’s eyes turned white.

Just a face, the three Neptune brothers were defeated in an instant, and those sailors were stupid on the side.


Inside the Dragon Palace.

“Boom, congratulations on becoming the Seven Martial Sea, Jinping!”

In the depths of the Dragon Palace, a hearty laugh came, and when I walked in, it was a huge mermaid.

This mermaid is much larger than ordinary mermaids, dozens of times more, with a yellow-brown beard and burgundy nose, and in particular, he wears a crown on his head.

Neptune the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, the sea god, the owner of this dragon palace!

At this time, in front of him were all kinds of fine wines and delicacies, all kinds of rare and exotic fruits, and in front of him was the sea hero Jinping, who had just been recognized by the world government as the Seven Martial Seas.

Haixia Jinping also unceremoniously talked and laughed with Neptune to eat, drink and play together, and for a while the palace was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

“Your Majesty is gracious.” Jinpei raised his glass.



The two of them starred at each other, then looked up and drank wildly, and when they put down their glasses, the drinks in them had bottomed out.

“Jinping, now that you have become the Seven Wuhai, we mermaid clans and…”

“Your Majesty!”

As Neptune was speaking, a nervous-looking sailor rushed in and interrupted him.

Without stopping, the sailor ran all the way to Neptune , who leaned over and the sailor whispered something in his ear.

“What! Even the shark star they lost!? ”

Apparently hearing some amazing news, Neptune closed the wine glass in his hand and crushed it by him.

“Your Majesty, what happened?”

Seeing Neptune making such a gaffe, Jinping hurriedly asked.

“I wasn’t going to tell you, but looking at the current situation, some areas may need your help.”

Neptune sighed, patted his leg helplessly, and continued: “It’s really rude to let you, the guest, make a move. ”

“Your Majesty, where is this, with the relationship between us, why care about this.”

Jinping put down the wine glass in his hand and stood up

At that moment, Neptune told the tragedy that had just happened at the gate of the Dragon Palace.

“There is such a thing!?”

After listening, Jinping’s face immediately became angry: “Let the old man handle this matter!” ”

After that, Jinping turned around and walked out, the characteristic clogs clicking on the ground.

Chapter 74


“The three Neptune brothers have lost!”

“Go and inform His Majesty!”

Seeing that the three Neptune brothers all fell into the hands of Lin Tian and his group, the hope that the sailors had just ignited was once again ruthlessly extinguished.

The sailors, who could not withstand this great contrast, scattered and fled.

“Running so fast! It’s really boring! ”

Seeing this situation, Deidara’s expression was a little dissatisfied, he had just exploded, but he didn’t expect the other party to withdraw his troops.

“It also saves us a waste of time.”

Afraid of patting his butt, Lin Tian stood up, he was happy to see this situation: “Let’s go, our purpose is almost there.” ”

After putting away their own attack methods, the three of Deidara, followed Lin Tian to the entrance of the Dragon Palace.

“Fishman Karate!”

Before entering the gate of the Dragon Palace, a menacing waterspout came from the end of the entrance passage.

Seeing quickly, Uchiha Sasuke flashed in front of Lin Tian, slashed down, and the huge flowing water immediately split in half and rushed towards Lin Tian’s sides.

It wasn’t over, when the flowing water was about to run out, at the end of the flowing water, a figure appeared, and Jinpei kicked towards Sasuke Uchiha.

As expected, Uchiha Sasuke raised his pheasant sword and blocked Shinhei’s kick, but even so, the force of Jinhei’s attack was indeed transmitted to Uchiha Sasuke.

Lin Tian and the three of them dodged to the side in time, and Uchiha Sasuke and Shinpei passed between them.

“This kick is quite powerful, old man!”

With his feet making two scratches on the ground, Sasuke Uchiha slammed his arm and swung the Kusanagi Sword, pushing Shinpei out of the blade.

After landing, he did not stop, and Jinpei opened the distance between him and Uchiha Sasuke, and through this short exchange, Jinpei felt great danger from Uchiha Sasuke.

The pressure coming from Sasuke’s body made him have to be careful, and the enemy in front of him was very powerful!

“Sea heroes are very peaceful.”

At this time, Lin Tian’s voice came leisurely: “Do you want to be so clever.” ”

Listening to this voice, Jinping remembered that there was more than one of his enemies, and looked in the direction, causing his eyes to shrink.

“Heavenly Emperor! Lin Tian! ”

“Explosive artist! Deidara! ”

Subconsciously, Jinping called out these two names.

He would never have thought that the two big figures who gave the Admiral Warring States a headache and made the top officials of the world government unable to eat would appear here!

Originally, the one with the knife over there made him feel very tricky, and now there were figures like Lin Tian and Deidara, and Jinping’s back could be described as cold sweat.

“Heavenly Emperor! What do you know the organization is here for? ”

Without immediately making a move, Jinping looked at Lin Tian and asked in a deep voice.

Jinping is very well aware that it is best for a character of this level to be able to do it without doing it.

“I’m just going to the Dragon Palace to get some treasures.” Lin Tian said with a smile: “Actually, you don’t have to stop me, I’ll leave after taking my things.” ”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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