
Joz, who was completely soaring in the air, could not dodge at all, and his whole body was immediately surrounded by diamonds, forming a rigid diamond armor, and eating all the attacks abruptly.

A rumbling sound erupted in the air, emitting a dazzling light that pierced everyone’s eyes.

The aftermath of the explosion is constantly superimposed, forming a huge explosion circle, and everywhere the explosion circle goes, it turns into black one by one, and a huge pit appears on the ground.

The powerful explosion blew Joz from the air to the ground, and the crystal clear diamonds wrapped around him, shimmering with brilliant light, like a shooting star in the night sky, dazzling to the eye.

“Something has fallen! Everyone, get out of the way! ”

One pirate shouted to the other pirates to get out of the way, but it was too late.

Joz smashed into the ground from the air and continued to slide on the ground, creating deep pits in the ravine.

Not only that, but it also crashed into the encirclement circle in front of Lin Tian, opening a huge gap for Lin Tian.

“What the hell!?”

The pirates all gathered curiously in the pit and looked at Joz.

“What’s going on, it’s Captain Joz!” One of the pirates was surprised.

The pirates raised their heads one after another to look at Deidara, and said with a shocked expression on their faces: “Captain Joz is a man with the strongest physical defense in the world!” Even the sword qi of the world’s number one sword Hao Hawkeye can’t hurt the captain! ”

“Now I was actually knocked to the ground with only two or three moves! Unbelievable! ”

The pirates were constantly surprised, scared, and talking.

But Deidara, who did not stop attacking, spit out a steady stream of clay from his hand, and the clay continued to fuse together one after another, turning into a clay spider, falling from the sky and hitting Joz.

The rumbling explosion sounded instantly, completely swallowing Joz into the explosion, and the surrounding pirates were also blown away and scattered around.

The screams continued and made people feel numb, and Joz endured the pain and stood up.

When he was in the air just now, Joz didn’t have time to fully arm himself with diamonds, and his head was implicated by the explosion, and blood flowed out, dripping on the shining diamonds, emitting a blood-red brilliance.

“Don’t hurt my subordinates!”

Joz slammed his hands to the ground, shattering the ground, taking out a large rock from it and smashing it towards the spider colony in front of him.

Suddenly, the clay spiders exploded one after another, constantly creating pits in the ground.

Joz lifted a large rock and threw it at Deidara, which was as dense as a cannonball, obscuring Deidara’s vision.

“Is this something trying to tie me up? Blast it! My birds! Drink! ”

From Deidara’s hand, a steady stream of small clay birds flew towards the rubble, and the rubble exploded one after another, and the entire sky was shrouded in gravel dust, and no figure could be seen at all.

The huge dragon looked unusually eye-catching in this dust, and seeing this, Joz took off into the air, jumped behind the dragon, armed with his hands and domineering, and punched the figure on the back of the dragon.

“You little devil is not dead at my hands yet!” Joz shouted with anger.

Jotz, surrounded by diamonds, is armed with armed colors, and the dark diamonds reveal a dazzling brilliance and are very dazzling.

Seeing that the fist was about to hit Deidara’s head, but unexpectedly, Deidara’s in front of him turned into clay and opened a huge wall cover, and Joz rushed into the wall cover, and the clay took advantage of the situation to completely entangle Joz and lock on the back of the dragon.


Deidara appeared behind Joz and laughed, “Old fellow, take a good look at my ultimate art, huh.” ”

Deidara made a turning motion on the dragon’s back, jumped down with his head on the ground, and said with joy on his face: “Detonate the clay doppelganger and blow yourself up!” Drink! ”


The clay doppelganger exploded in the air along with the dragon, emitting fiery flames, a huge sound, rolling up a huge hurricane, and hitting the ground.

All the architectural objects on the street turned into black in this instant, the flames spread on the street, burning everything, and the hurricane rose, blowing all the rubble and rubble around it into the air and flying into the distant sea!

How dazzling and sensational this moment was, Deidara, extremely excited, stepped on the clay giant bird, and returned to Lin Tian.


The pirates tore and rumbled and let out a strong cry, watching everything in front of them disappear, but they couldn’t see the slightest figure of Joz, and their faces wept bitterly.

“Avenge the captain!”

A pirate shouted out the words in the hearts of all the pirates, and for a while united and orderly surrounded Lin Tian again.

“Sand and iron attack!”

The scorpion manipulated the three generations of wind shadow puppets, flowing the highly condensed Chakra into the ground, and the ground instantly turned into sand and iron, striking towards the pirates in front of him, unstoppable like a tsunami.

The pirates were swallowed into the quicksand by the sand iron, screaming continuously, and a big gap appeared in the encirclement in front of Lin Tian’s eyes again.

Lin Tian slowly walked forward and walked towards the highest bell tower, followed by Sasuke, Asura Dao and Beast Dao, while Deidara and Scorpion constantly dealt with the pirates who kept rushing forward from behind.

The rustle of sand and iron, the explosion of clay, and the screams of pirates sounded one after another, like an opera performance.


The cadres of Tezzolo saw Lin Tian and the white-bearded pirate group working the ship, constantly destroying the ship’s building facilities, and their hearts were anxious.

Bakara first realized that it was necessary to retrieve Tezzolo immediately, so he called the other two cadres, Daisy and Mr. Tanaka, and rushed towards Lin Tian with thousands of people.

“How do we do now!?” Mr. Tanaka asked.

“Let’s get Tezzolo back first.”

Baccarat looked in the direction where Lin Tian hit Tezzolo ahead and said, “Just inside that ruin, Mr. Tanaka will ask you!” ”

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