In essence, the world government has also treated the Xiao Organization and the Heavenly Emperor as new forces!

The news also reached the Whitebeard Pirates, and on the deck of the Moby Dick, Whitebeard sat on a chair with a straight face, looking at the devil fruit that Joz fought so hard to get, and presented it in front of everyone with a slightly thoughtful look.

Blackbeard, the captain of the second team, looked at the devil fruit, and his heart couldn’t help but move, but he immediately put up with it and looked at Whitebeard and said, “Dad, you put all the devil fruits on the ground, what the hell are you doing!” ”

Whitebeard furrowed his eyebrows and said, “This is the Devil Fruit that Joz snatched from the Tesoro ship, and now he is still lying on the hospital bed, and the root cause of all this is the Heavenly Emperor!” ”

“Heavenly Emperor!?”

As soon as the word “Heavenly Emperor” came out of the white-bearded air, it immediately made the faces of everyone in the audience sink, and their eyes revealed deep hatred.

Saatchi, the captain of the fourth team, immediately walked up to Whitebeard and said, “Dad, the Heavenly Emperor has recently been different from the past, not long ago, he defeated the Seven Martial Seas and the Navy, and he was said to be a new force in the world, and he also claimed that even the Four Emperors were not in his eyes!” I couldn’t bear it! ”

Blackbeard stepped forward and interjected: “Not only that, the Heavenly Emperor also injured our companion and held Marko hostage, but we have to let his conditions work hard to find the devil fruit, then what is the face of our white-bearded pirate group!” ”

“yes! Dad! The surrounding pirates immediately shouted in unison.

After hearing everyone’s shouts, Whitebeard looked at the Devil Fruit in front of him, thinking of Marko, Bista and Jozi, they were angry, their eyes were cast to the sea in the distance, and their eyes revealed a strong killing intent.

Whitebeard stood up and said in front of everyone: “I don’t need you to say more, it’s just that after defeating the Seven Martial Seas, the Heavenly Emperor was so arrogant that he didn’t even look at the Four Emperors, and he simply didn’t take the old man seriously!” ”

“Daddy is right! Not only that, but the Heavenly Emperor also injured our brothers and compatriots, do we have to swallow our anger and stand here doing nothing? Don’t avenge our fellow brothers? ”

Saatchi followed Whitebeard’s words and fanned the flames: “No! We don’t! Because we’re whitebeard pirates! ”

Blenheim, the captain of the ninth team, was also aroused by the anger in his heart and shouted: “Yes! Brothers! Our white-bearded pirate group is not afraid of the sky, but also afraid of a heavenly emperor? ”

All of a sudden, the atmosphere of the audience was pulled, and all the pirates shouted loudly: “That’s it!” We Whitebeard Pirates haven’t been afraid of anyone yet! It’s just the Heavenly Emperor, what are you afraid of together! Besides, we still have daddy! ”

“That’s right! We want to avenge Captain Joz! Avenge Captain Bista! Avenge the dead brothers and fellow brothers! ”

“Kill the Heavenly Emperor angrily! Save Team Marko

The pirates kept making noise and shouting, and they all picked up the posture in their hands that was always ready to fight Lin Tian, and looked at Whitebeard.

“All right, sons! the guys in your hands, avenge Marko and kill Lin Tian! ”

As soon as Whitebeard gave the order, Gang Jin’s voice immediately stirred up everyone’s emotions and drove forward, and all of them had only one goal, that is, to kill Lin Tian!

Although the outside world said that the Heavenly Emperor and the Xiao Organization had broken the balance of the three major forces, and even the Navy and the Seven Wuhai were not opponents, Whitebeard, as the strongest man in the world, did not care about it at all.

In the original history, in order to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates, the Warring States also gathered all the members of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai!

And at that time, there were still three major admirals of the navy and the Warring States personally participating in the war, and the force was stronger.

But Whitebeard only gathered all the pirate groups under his command, which was enough to break out a top battle with such a behemoth!

So how could he be afraid of the Heavenly Emperor and the Xiao Organization?

In the eyes of all the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, the newly rising Xiao Organization is at most just a force of the same level as them, and it is not absolutely invincible!


After trading with the crane, Lin Tian and they came to the new world again, and the weather here was still changing rapidly, making people feel confused.

The calm sea is floating with gentle light, the sea surface is constantly shining with golden brilliance, and the world is divided into two halves by the sea and the sky from afar, and between the two is a golden line, the scenery is pleasant, full of meaning.

But the good times did not last long, and soon a dark cloud gradually pressed into the clear sky, carrying a pitch black, as if night had fallen, swallowing the dawn into it, and the atmosphere was very strange.

Soon, in the darkness ahead, there was a section of light, illuminating the sea ahead.

Asura Dao, who was standing on the bridge, immediately stopped and rushed to Lin Tian: “Lord Heavenly Emperor!” Ahead we saw large ships blocking our way! ”

“Huh?” Lin Tian slowly came back from his sleep, looked ahead and asked, “It looks like there are many ships, how many pirate ships are there in front of this?” ”

“This… There are too many to count. Asura Dao replied.

“Report to Lord Heavenly Emperor! I just sent psychic beasts to investigate, and conservatively estimate that there are about 60 pirate groups blocking in front of me! Beast Dao walked up to Lin Tian and said.

“So many pirates? Who is it that is so loud and so much to send me back to the new world? ”

Lin Tian suddenly lost his sleep, and looked ahead with a sense of impatience.

“Look at the flag of the pirate group, just like the pirate group we met last time on Fishman Island, it is a sign of a white beard.” Beastway then reported.


Lin Tian was slightly surprised when he heard this, and then sneered: “I really didn’t expect it to be a white beard!” Since Whitebeard went to such great lengths to send us off, wouldn’t it be embarrassing if we didn’t go and thank him? Know that it is not polite to come and go! “_

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