At the same time in the core area of ​​this area.

However, at the same time, the trunk showed a strange crimson red, which accentuated the tone here, and looked very nondescript from a distance.

But slowly he discovered that no matter which direction he was facing, as long as he walked a few hundred meters forward, there would be a blurry shadow of a big tree in front of him, making him unable to hide.

That voice was very indifferent, without any emotion mixed in, as if it was completely out of the way.

Just when the quarrel inside was about to reach its peak, a faint voice suddenly appeared, stopping it all.

Is that a tree?

"Everyone strengthens their vigilance and usually sells me badly one by one. Don't think that I don't know, you all keep your own cards. I don't want to see a second occurrence of what happened 1000 years ago!!"

"Who put a little ant in!"

The angry voice just fell, and I saw a very feminine voice suddenly floating from somewhere, and the words were full of irony.

Ye Tian brightened up his Illumination Technique a little, and started going around in circles, trying to find a way to go up.

"Depend on!"

Not long after, Ye Tian stumbled through the weak light and saw that there was a shadow in front of him.

This space is somewhat similar to the one I experienced just now, but it is obviously more expansive here, and there is no edge at all.

It looks like fear...

The aura just now was really too dangerous, beyond what Ye Tian had seen and heard during this period of time.

Ye Tian didn't want to entangle with these weird things, and immediately changed direction.

Whether it is the island owners, or all the people who are like heaven's arrogance, they are like a childish child compared to that breath.

How could there be a tree in such a dark environment?

But that breath made Ye Tian feel a little familiar, making him unable to grasp the clues for a while, and it was a headache.

Ye Tian patted the dirt on his body, stood up and found himself in an unknown space at this time.

Ye Tian quickly spread his spiritual power around and walked up slowly._

It was clearly in such a completely dark environment, but the tree's appearance was lush and green, and the color of each leaf was as if it had just been painted, giving people an endless sense of vitality.

But what is surprising is that the quarrel just now, after the words fell, there was no more movement.



At this point, Ye Tian could only bite the bullet and go up.

A very angry voice floated over from the black fog, and even this space began to tremble uncontrollably.


Ye Tian looked at the surrounding environment and sighed heavily.

Now I can only keep going up, there may be a chance of survival.

"It's just a little ant, why get so angry, I think you have lived on a dog for so many years!"

Turning his gaze, Ye Tian at this time has just recovered his strength.

The closer he got, the more Ye Tian felt the unusualness of this tree.

"Anyway, you are also king-level characters, do you only have the ability to quarrel here!?"

At this moment, the whole dense fog sounded one after another.

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