
"The Twelve Holy Beasts of the Undead! Mountain Ghosts!"

The island masters next to Su Qing, whose eyes were fascinated, turned into bitter faces again, and they couldn't help thinking of Ye Tian's plan before.

The body of the island owner who had just released the magic was still in the prime of his life, so he couldn't even dodge at all, so he was caught in his hands by Ye Tian. At this time, Ye Tian also knew that he had to hold his hands together in order to avoid future troubles.

The next thing became much simpler, Ye Tian controlled the blood ancestor's body and led these troops to the imperial city step by step.

Seeing that the battle situation in front of them changed in an instant, the island owners standing on the battleship also knew that it was not the time to keep their hands, and one by one they quickly released what they had learned in their life.

In their ears, the voice was no different from the demon's call.

"I repeat, everyone put down their weapons and surrendered to the Su royal family, otherwise you will end up the same as these island owners!"

It looks like everything that guy said is true!

Crack clap!

Huge dark purple ripples instantly shrouded the entire sea, and not even a ray of sunlight in the sky could shine in. The soldiers who originally had a frenzy on their faces entered their bodies with the surrounding purple aura, and everyone was stunned. They sat on the battleship again as if they had exhausted their strength, let alone using magic, they couldn't mobilize even a single bit of strength now.

The impact of the bones, the sound echoed on the sea, although the sound was extremely small, but under the blessing of Ye Tian's spiritual power, it was clearly passed on to every soldier at this time. Some red and white things kept flowing out, and as his hands slowly opened, the body fragments of the arrogant island owners just floated on the sea.

The surrounding menacing magic hit the blood ancestor's body, but only a spark of stars could be calculated. Not to mention knocking down the opponent, he couldn't even destroy his body's defense.

At this time, Ye Tian slowly opened Xue Ancestor's arms, looked at the body without a trace of scars, and couldn't help sneering, his big hands directly grabbed the island owners on the main battleship.

"Great magic! Flame hell!"

Unlike the soldiers of the Alliance, everyone on the battleship behind burst into cheers.

Once again, the soldier who heard the order didn't dare to hesitate to put down the weapon in his hand, and gave a big salute to the ground.

Seeing the soldier in front of him who had been swept away by the interests, Ye Tian didn't have a trace of pity in his heart, and directly released a undead magic.

"Great magic! Water dragon burst!"

I saw that the Summoning Gate that the Wind Island Lord had just released had not waited for the undead creatures inside to be released, and it was smashed by the big hand of the blood ancestor.

With the existence of Ye Tian, ​​who is equivalent to the nuclear weapon level, how dare the rest of the soldiers make trouble, plus all their leaders have died, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner._

Seeing the behemoth in front of him, he immediately guessed the outcome of this matter by seven or eight points.


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