After returning to the bedroom, Ye Tian felt more and more uneasy, but fortunately, after contacting him through other means, he was relieved to learn that everything was normal there.

"Speaking of our school, it has a good reputation in the whole country. However, there are still some students who are not doing their jobs properly. It seems that it is time to be like the principal..."

It's just that his appearance of a walking corpse arouses the dissatisfaction of others.


What I didn't expect today was that on the way to Yangcheng this time, there was not even a single acquaintance. He was bored and closed his eyes and began to think about the formation he recently obtained.

But based on the principle that one more thing is worse than one less thing, Ye Tian didn't pay any attention to him.

"Shut the fuck up! If you dare to grumble again, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!"

"Yo, you still want to beat people!"

Seeing that there are many people around him being talked to by him, the guy seems to be even more arrogant, and he mocks sentence after sentence, making the expressions of the teachers around him look ugly._

"Today's students don't talk about how their studies are, their conduct is really bad, and they only care about themselves closing their eyes and resting on the road, and they don't even have the time to bring tea and water to the teacher... sigh... It's really a misfortune for the country. what."

However, Ye Tian's appearance that he didn't care at all only fueled that guy's arrogance, and instead of accepting it as soon as he saw it, he continued to mock him.

"It's just that you extinguish the fire, why bother with a child."

The school's database, network, personal contacts and resources, all the information obtained made Ye Tian feel a little unbelievable.

"That's right, right, it doesn't look good to anyone when it spreads out. Hurry up and sit down, hurry up and don't hurt your body."

After about an anxious wait, Ye Tian was able to follow the school team to Yangcheng.

Fortunately, just when he was going to continue to make up a reason to go out, an activity in the school just caught his attention.

The data shows that the Mo family is just a new family, if it weren't for the appearance of Mo Hai, it would even be submerged in the rolling tide. And the background and past events of the Mo family are even less.

"Forget it, Teacher Wang..."

Hearing this, Ye Tian's eyebrows were also raised, and he scolded directly without raising his eyelids.

A yin and yang strange voice entered Ye Tian's mind instantly, and Ye Tian was disgusted by the other party's scolding of Sang and Huai.

It's just that the doubts in Ye Tian's heart still haven't been dispelled, and these days he simply kept collecting information in the Mo family.

In Yangcheng, where the Mohists are located, there happened to be a high school exhibition recently. According to the practice of previous years, such an event will naturally invite some students with excellent grades and senior qualifications in the school.

Seeing that all the eyes of the carriage were attracted to him, the teacher was also a little embarrassed, he patted the seat and stood up, pointing to Ye Tian's nose.

After knowing this news, Ye Tian also directly and decisively invited Ying, and with his powerful strength, he also got the quota very easily.

And Ye Tian is also more and more surprised as he understands more and more about the Mo family.

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