The graduation ceremony of Ninja School ended early.

But for Kai, this expected graduation ceremony did not bring any changes to his life...

At dawn, the boy wearing a tight-fitting training suit left his home. He put his hands on the ground, stood upside down and walked towards the unknown front... This action was extremely difficult for ordinary people, but for him it was A common occurrence - after all, the beginning of every day's training is to circle the Leaf Village in a handstand...

That's right, Kai trained so diligently without any complaints, as if his body contained a perpetual motion machine that would never go out.

However, the distance between him and the genius is still getting farther and farther... Kaidu spent ten times the sweat in exchange for the slightest improvement, and used a hundred times the effort to train, but the human body has its limits after all. ...Whether it is speed or strength, Kai has almost reached the limit that he can achieve at his age...But even so, he was born with no talent for ninjutsu, and he was gradually left behind by his peers...

Therefore, geniuses no longer compete with him, but those lazy losers are not stingy with their criticism.



Faced with all the suffering and abuse, Kai always raised his thumb and resolved it with a smile... No one knew what kind of pressure this young and passionate boy was under.

Because the sufferers have no resistance and do not even regard it as suffering, the perpetrators get worse and worse - this is the bad nature of human beings that cannot be shaken off.

And this inspirational story full of malice finally reached its climax not long ago.

Kai graduated...

But I was not assigned a teacher of my own...

This is a talentless piece of trash.

This time, even the adults began to join the line of criticism, and every morning, when they saw the sweating young man, they just sneered mercilessly.

Strength is the truth of this world.

Without great strength, there is no respect, no status...even unworthy of being a human being.

...Everyone saw Kai's diligence, but they turned a blind eye and would rather tell their children - It is better to give up early than to persist stupidly.

Why not give up?

Yes, that is indeed the easier option.

If you don’t want to feel the pain, then just don’t resist when facing the rapids...Flow down the waves and be taken wherever you want...

This young man who is always smiling and dressed like a kappa has a pure heart, but under the polish of the world, how many people can always carry this untainted and flawless heart...

Both arms feel pressure

That pressure does not come from the attraction of the earth, but from the heart itself...

No one likes to walk around like a clown standing on his head every day.

No one likes to be judged and treated like a fool all the time.

No one likes to see all their efforts shattered in an instant...

Wouldn't it be better if he could walk through the streets with a smile like a normal person? In that case, there probably wouldn’t be such ridicule anymore…

That's right, as an ordinary person, a normal person...

ordinary people?

The legs that were gradually lowered suddenly came together!

Then it points straight to the sky!

Yes...he actually forgot! If he gives up here, what will he become? ?

What will happen to the nindo that he has implemented and insisted on all this time? ?

No, if you let go, there will be no way back!

Kai wants to become a ninja, even if he only has taijutsu, he also wants to become a powerful ninja!


There was a soft sound, and in front of his upside-down eyes, a figure appeared in his field of vision against the morning light...

He held Kai's legs, and then with a strong lift, he straightened him up.

Kai, who had all his attention attracted by this man, didn't notice... The moment he appeared, the whole street fell into an eerie silence...

Yes, Kai recognizes this guy...even the residents and genin also recognize this guy...

——Thousand Hands are so brave!

This is a big shot in Konoha! The man who is said to be the closest to the first generation!

I appreciate hard-working people, even though they are all 'stupid'.

He stretched out his hand and patted Kai, who was much shorter than him... The boy in front of him seemed to let Zhenyong see his past self, the boy who started from cheating and skating, and gradually progressed until he was like a boy who was more diligent than anyone else. He was so awesome... Even though he was laughing and joking every day, he never relaxed, no matter day or night - criticism was just a boring explanation for his future success.

Although I know this is sudden... Zhenyong stretched out his right hand towards the young man.

Will you be my disciple?

Oh My God!

Not only Kai was so shocked that he couldn't speak a word, but even all the people watching couldn't understand what was happening in front of them!

Thousand Hands are so brave!

The leader of Konoha's younger generation! At the same time, he is almost the most reliable guardian of Konoha in people's hearts!

Such a person actually wants to accept that good-for-nothing as his disciple?

This is simply a fantasy!

Zhenyong did not take back his hand, but waited quietly.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Teacher Jiraiya decided to accept him as his disciple that day.

The white-haired master who was the first to give Zhenyong warmth may have felt the same way at that time...for the sweat of hard work...and even more for the foolishness.

That stubborn persistence!

...Kai was speechless, but couldn't speak. He tremblingly handed his hand to Zhenyong's palm - the rough calluses were his most glorious medal.

I heard that those people always call you 'precious beast'?

Yes...yes... This slightly insulting nickname made the young Kai lower his head.

Ha, that's nothing to worry about.

Zhenyong smiled disdainfully, and then looked around at the people around him almost provocatively - no one dared to make eye contact with him.

One day, you will be the proudest blue beast in Konoha!

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