The strongest assistant of the fourth generation

Chapter 149, Double Stars Go to Battle!

In the spring of Konoha's forty-seventh year, the Kingdom of Wind launched a large-scale raid, and all the land beyond Mount Kikyo on the border of the Kingdom of Fire was lost, and the Third Ninja War began.

In the future, the unremarkable records in the history books will be a completely different scene in the eyes of those involved...

Ten or twenty years later, maybe Platycodon City will become a tourist attraction in Konoha, but now, the place is indeed in a state of turmoil...

No one expected that the Sand Ninja, who originally formed an alliance with the Fire Nation at the end of World War II, would launch such a ferocious attack on Konoha... In just two nights, the Sand Ninja's vanguard advanced all the way to the edge of Platycodon City. If it hadn't been for the Sandaime, even if he sent reinforcements headed by Nara Shikaku, Kikyo Castle might not have been saved...

After a blitzkrieg, Konoha's military power did not suffer much loss, but for the civilians in the war zone, it was truly hell...

The ninjas with extraordinary abilities had no time to distinguish who was the enemy, and everything they passed by was destroyed.

Those bloody figures were finally sent to Konoha's top brass this morning...

Hokage Building

Sitting in the main seats are still Sarutobi and Mayuu...the Hokage and the root machine chief.

The war has begun, and all decisions about victory and defeat, starting from today, will be sent from this office!

I believe everyone has read the battle report...

Although Sarutobi in combat uniform cannot compare to his majestic appearance ten years ago, even now, he still exudes a powerful aura!

We cannot tolerate Sand Ninja Village's breach of contract, and the two countries have entered a state of war. As the Hokage's assistant, Mito Kadoen reported the war situation responsibly. In addition, in addition to the Kingdom of Wind, the Cloud Ninjas of the Kingdom of Thunder seem to have begun to garrison troops near Konoha from the waterway... The Iwa Ninjas of the Earth Kingdom have not yet made any move, and Kirikage is also on guard for a sneak attack by the Cloud Ninjas. Pull out our 'nails' at the same time...

In short, Konoha's current situation is that it is besieged on all sides and is attacked from both sides...

Perhaps any other big country would feel distressed or even desperate because of such a situation... But Konoha, it is Konoha after all. From World War I to World War II, when did they not bear the siege of other big countries? But when did anyone see Konoha being destroyed?

I suggest formulating a combat strategy immediately and allocating the garrison reasonably... Koharu took the lead and said, Konoha does not have to deal with attacks from one or two countries. We must be prepared to retain our strength before completely falling into a state of war.

I suggest negotiating peace with the weakest Wind Country first. As long as we form an alliance, Konoha can at least get rid of the dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

I have objections! If this is the case, there is no doubt that you are showing weakness. It is better to show your strength first and repel the Sand Ninja's attack. This will not only frighten other villages, but also shorten the war time for Konoha as much as possible.

...No, the troops of the Cloud Ninja are very close. They can almost capture the slightest movement on the battlefield between Konoha and Sand Ninja. If they all come out in full force, Konoha will be unable to cope with the attack of the Kingdom of Thunder...

...The elders have repeatedly considered the strategy of war, but no one can convince the other...War is inherently a complex and subtle thing. From different perspectives, the answers obtained are naturally different.

However, Sarutobi, who has experienced many battles, understands better that if he continues to break up, he will suffer chaos...

Everyone, please be quiet...

Shinobu's speech caused everyone to temporarily stop the discussion. After all, in the village, the Hokage will always be the unchanging highest authority.

Director Zhenyong, I want to hear your opinion.

People who originally thought that Sarutobi would make a decision were stunned for a moment. No one expected that at this time, the third generation would actually ask Zhenyu for his opinion...

However, as the person involved, Zhenyong still has that annoying fake smile hanging on his lips...

Of course he understood what Sarutobi meant. Throwing this trouble to him had only two meanings.

First, you need to look at your own attitude towards the war - war or peace. The true courage that has just entered the decision-making level but holds great power plays a vital role in the trend of this war.

In addition to this, the second point is that Sarutobi was just expecting him to fight...

Different from ten years ago, Shinyong was still a seedling that had not grown up...Sending him to the battlefield too early was ruining the future of Konoha...but today, Shinyong who already has the energy to subvert the roots has become the leader of everyone. The powerful combat power cannot be underestimated, and Mu Dun's reputation is even more able to win the highest morale in the early stages of the war!

After all, for Konoha, the most glorious time is the time under the leadership of the last Mujutsu user, Senju Sukema...

I want to ask you all, what do you think of the strength of the sand ninja?


He asked a question without thinking...but in an instant, everyone fell silent...

But Zhenyong didn’t give everyone much time to think.

Ha, I recommend Jonin Namikaze Minato to rush to the front line to support... The roots will give full support. Other than that, I don't think there is a need to use other forces in the village for the time being.


The elders fell into even greater shock. The young man sitting next to Sarutobi spoke so plainly, but what he said was shocking...

Director Zhenyong... I think you should understand what you mean.

Sarutobi's voice remained calm.


Zhenyong stood up, left his seat, and left the conference room directly

Within half a month, I guarantee that there will be no more war outside of Platycodon City.

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